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Mur Mur

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  • Favourite Anime
    EVA, ,Summertime Render, Death note, Future diary, Violet evergarden, Charlotte, K-on, Planetes, Clannad and 86 list goes on
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  1. I got up at 5:00 a.m., biked to work, and just got home a little while ago. Now I'm looking for something to play/watch. Maybe I'll go out and do some photography, although I think I’m feeling a little too tired for that right now. XD
  2. @Animedragon I try to limit myself to about one impulse buy a year, but I’m curious what kind of gear do you have? Do you record or enjoy making music? Most of my setup is for foley or voice-over work, except for the SM7B, which I got specifically for recording vocal covers for a couple of friends
  3. @Animedragon I just can't stop buying kit, (I have severe gear acquisition syndrome) lol like A little while ago, CAD was selling the new version of the E100s for like $50 couldn't pass that up either!
  4. I bought this to record vocals and add it to my collection "I have a serious problem" lol
  5. Metal Gear, and specifically Metal Gear Solid V (and Ground Zeroes, of course), the last entry in the series, makes me long for the days of proper stealth games. Stealth games have practically become extinct, and it's a real shame. I would do unspeakable things to see the cut content from these games released.
  6. Hello and welcome! I look forward to seeing you around!!
  7. listening to this absolute gem of a cover
  8. Mur Mur


    I wish I could drink more caffeinated stuff, but my doctor told me not to because of my heart. but I still do sometimes
  9. I hate being sick!!!!75edc9882e5175f86c2af777ffbb14a6.gif.2274c75e4309ba77600e48f71db71fbf.gif

  10. @Otaku I'm quite indecisive about my favorite anime, but I loved Neon Genesis Evangelion, Clannad, and Violet Evergarden. I also enjoyed Guilty Crown and Future Diary, and I like Delicious in Dungeon, 86, and Summertime Rendering. I noticed you have Mio on your profile maybe K-On! is one of your favorites? Anything by Kyoto Animation is truly in a league of its own! That studio produces amazing work! I've watched so many series that I've lost count, but I’ve loved them all, lol!
  11. Oh, hello! How are you? I’m new as well, and I hope… maybe we can get to know each other
  12. mostly Crunchyroll and Sentai Filmworks (HIDIVE), but if it's not streaming anywhere, I grab the Linux ISO and stream them from my home media server
  13. Thanks, everyone, for the warm welcome! I'll try to engage with the community as much as I can, but as I mentioned, I'm quite shy and usually reluctant to make posts or even reply. I know it's silly, (because that's the point of a forums page) but that's just how I am. Lol!
  14. Hey, everyone! I'm Mur Mur, and I couldn't resist joining this community it brings back memories of the good old days! I’ve loved anime since before it went mainstream (and I still do), though I do miss how it used to be. I tend to be a bit shy, so I might not post much, but I’ll do my best. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you!
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