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Posts posted by Geano

  1. Gotta as far as animes with awesome soundtracks for background music I have to go with DBZ, and Inusha along with Yu Yu Hakusho for the older ones. Though if we are talking a bit newer then I have to mention No Game No Life, and SAO forsure are amazing.

  2. 1 minute ago, Palatine said:

    Lol it's a miracle I'm not fat yet. I don't go on walks that far, it's bad for my legs.
    Never heard these games before. Then again, there are a lot of games for the Super Nintendo, I think even more than Playstation 1 games. 

    Oh ya the Super Famcom, or Super Nintendo had one of the largest liberalizes in gaming history especially in japan. The N64 had a lot too way more then in North America, and Europe.

  3. 2 hours ago, titantotal said:

    No, it wasn't deadman... it's bugging me all night. I just can't remember the name of it. It was dark. Thanks for the reply tho.

    No problem it wasn't much info to go on, but wanted to do my best to help. I see how that would be troubling. I've been there before.

  4. 3 minutes ago, XII360 said:

    ..incidentally, i dont shy out of playing eroge's, but since this is an all-ages club, i tend to post, those that are with good story, or good art work

    rather than VN's like "suck my d*ck or die", those dont even categorize as VN's anymore, just porn smh

    for real though, who the hell would name their VN like that ?, (never read it, probably never will due to elements, noooo thank you)

    decimo has good taste's tho', me agree and likey

    same, would be lying if i said i dont read some of the VN's for the ero-scenes, since sometimes i do read it for the ero-scenes, which is messed up

    but then there are gems, where you dont read the ero scenes, you read the novel for its great story (coughclannadcoughcoughKEY-VN'Scoughcough)

    See For me its more like I am already primary reading any VN for the story sense, but if there are other benefits that happen to go along with a particular VN, or series then yay for me.

    Thats pretty much how I look at it.

    • Agree 1
  5. I think you're probably thinking of Deadman Wonderland. I looked around for a bit on this. Thats what I came up with. Though I don't think this ever was on adult swim, but then I do not have cable nor do I watch cable tv so I could be wrong on that part. Hope this helped.


  6. 37 minutes ago, Palatine said:

    Wow so many gamers here too. yeah who isn't a gamer AND an anime lover these days (although I know one person who doesn't like anime but plays games like there's no tomorrow). 
    I hope VR gaming becomes a reality soon like Accel World. I would say Sword Art Online but the thought of no log-out and when you die in-game you're dead for real terrifies me lol. I see a lot of console gamers here too. I guess I started out with a Famicom playing Super Mario with my uncle, he'd invite me to his game room and browse over his collection of retro games.

    Speaking about retro games, are there any particular retro games you guys like?

    Yes gaming is very popular who goes outside anymore lol. Joking of course I go on a 6-9 mile walk at least 4 times a week. Though I play entirely to much games.

    To answer your question my all time favorite retro games are these.




  7. I sleep enough I would say typically 8-9 hours a day. Though I have insomnia so there are periods where I get more manic. In these cases I sometimes get 3 hours in 72 hours. I honestly wish we did not need sleep. Its so boring. Think of all you could do if you could just never sleep unless you really wanted to.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Decimo said:

    You make a great point. If the viewer is an anime-only and hasn't read the manga, the anime adaptation is probably okay for the most part. It's just that the moment you start reading the manga, the anime adaptation's flaws and issues become very apparent in comparison. Although it is neat to see your favorite characters from the series animated and voiced.

    This pattern is often true for most anime. Thing we all have to remember that anime isn't manga nor is it the original source material. Anime is just as you say an adaption therefore it is going to skip, or change certain things to appeal to a tv audience compared to a reading audience. Anime much like any other tv, or movie adaption of a book tends to take away the feeling of imagination that you can only properly get from a book. This is true both in novels, and graphic novels.

  9. I am definitely a hardcore gamer. I play anything from Minecraft to Tales series to many of games like FPS, RTS, and even retro games. I love to play around with homebrew mods, and emulators too. In fact fpr most of my growing up years my family was very poor so I relied on emulators more then buying all the consoles simply from a affordability perspective. So I play a lot of console games, but mostly on the pc. I have now have a good amount of consoles that include NES, SNES, N64, Nintendo GC, Never got a wii there just weren't that may games that peeked my interest as the wii was one of the first consoles to be flooded with crappy indie titles. Now I am not at all saying indie projects are bad quite to the contrary I actively promote the idea, and want to do one myself. Just at that time was the start of its popularity so tended to see to much without good work being released.

    In terms of my favorite genre of gaming that is RPG by far in partially JRPGs I also play a lot of PC games on steam. Steam is great really opened a lot up for me.

  10. Yes Not to say Tokyo Ghoul is a bad anime by itself though when you see the manga the anime is a poorly executed junk bucket. All things considered it is good for a laugh though.

  11. As far as genres go I can't say there is one I hate just like anime I am far more forging of VNs, and anime then I am of western style media.

    In terms of my favorite genre I'm not afraid to admit that is is Echi I won't go to much into that as we are a all ages community, but thats my most favorite. Often these stories can be very well written with very good character development. Apart from this I tend to go for slice of life, fantasy/scfi stores. Though I am not to picky.

  12. I think it was a thing in the early mid 2000s ending its peek popularity around 2011-2012 give or take. Series like DBZ abridged were hilarious. I still watch that till this very day. Yugioh the Abridged was the series that gave it a huge boost in popularity. So I think it has its place, but not really the thing anymore as it once was.

  13. For me It is sub almost all the way with the exception of db, and dbz. There is just something better about the dub of these. That said just about any other series I would always prefer to watch it in its subbed format. It just feels more like anime to me. A lot of JRPGs that never get translated in terms of voice acting often get a English, or other western language patch for them which takes care of the text issue. This is also true of VNs. I do not like the censorship, or cultural localizing that tended to happen in the early 2000s as well as the 90s with most anime released outside Japan. It is not nearly the issue it was, but it still happens more then you might think.


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