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  • Favourite Anime
    Sailor Moon, Akira, Galaxy Express 999, Captain Harlock, Candy Candy, Serial Experiments Lain, and many more...


  • Location
    United States
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  • Interests
    History, anime, music, and vintage fashion
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  1. I've watched a lot of old anime, and I also have a HUGE interest in the history of the medium itself, mostly when it comes to the early days of the anime fandom. I've amassed quite an amount of fanzines/flyers from the early 1980s to the 1990s, and I've scanned and uploaded a good amount of them to the Internet Archive for everybody to enjoy. I should probably get to work on the rest, now that I think about it, haha But yeah needless to say, old anime/anime history is something I love to look at. Do you mind if I ask you about how you got into anime?
  2. Actually, come to think of it, it's probably Speed Racer (Mach GoGoGo in Japan).
  3. I think the oldest one I've watched was Cutie Honey (1973).
  4. Looks like I've arrived here. I haven't used forums in a while, so I decided to give this one a shot since anime is one of my main interests... Not sure if I'll be very active here, but we'll see what happens.
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