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I Wish I didn't Like Chocolate


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Title: I Wish I didn't Like Chocolate

Hello, goodbye, I'm wasting away day by day, 

Wanna see a movie? Oh... yea, that's fine. 

I know what's wrong with me because me, I'm mine,

and I wish I didn't like chocolate. 


Lets say I've got a date (hypothetically of course),

and he says, "Wanna get some chocolate Ice-cream"?

I would, wish I could just reply with,  "No thanks. I don't like chocolate".

Because then I could see his eyes beam, light up and gleam

and for a moment I would feel that warmth that everyone but me has experienced, 

I just wish I didn't like chocolate. 


When you hate yourself and the world ignores you what do you do?

Don't ask me, I wouldn't know. I can't do anything at all except sit by the phone and wait for a call.

*Ring, Ring* Hello, goodbye. Wrong number... Always. 

Flying sounds awfully nice but even though I have no reason, I stall. 

Its not rare to be suicidal, getting pushed over the edge takes no effort at all. 

I just wish I didn't like chocolate.


Dating site: 0 messages. 

I can't even serve as a quickie, 

my head hurts from these hemorrhages ,

how bad can I really be? I know the answer to that... 

Likes: puppies, cat videos, weather, long walks on the beach, chocolate...

Now you see, don't you? Yea, you do. 

my sob story is not enough to net me even a single friend, 

keep your piteous thoughts to yourself, 

you know how many times I've been set up with a buddy? It doesn't end.

Passed from one guy to the next, recommended as a way to escape my presence;

disgust filtered through a guise of romance, how many friends can one man have?

I just wish I didn't like chocolate. 


These tears, they want to see you get down on one knee, 

these fingers, they long to warm themselves in cold steel, 

this body, It wants to be undressed, yearns to feel you. 

I just wish I didn't like chocolate because then maybe you'd like me too. 


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