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Which anime character do you relate to the most and why


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That's odd, I'm sure I posted this earlier today but it seems to have disappeared into an alternative world. So I'll try again.

The character I most relate to is Rin Shima from Yuru Camp.
Like me she's an introvert who is happiest doing her own thing in her own time on her own. But, also like me, she's not anti-social and she will join in with other people and go out with them if she's asked and given the opportunity to decline and is not forced to join in. She is softly spoken and is willing to share her knowledge and interests with people if they're interested, but she won't force herself on people although she does care for her friends, often quietly and sometimes secretly.



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Tomoko, I have a similar neurotic personality where I over think what people's intentions are and do embarrassing stuff unintentionally. I was basically exactly like her in middle school, but I've gotten better with social interaction. 


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As much as I'd love to say Yami Bakura, in reality, I'm much more alike to Joey Wheeler from the Yu-Gi-Oh! series. He's tough, he has grit, and he isn't afraid to fight for people he cares about. He used to be a bully, but had a change of heart (no pun intended) after Yugi stood up for them when a bigger bully was picking on him and Tristan. I think Tristan was actually bullying Yugi when Joey was, too, but Yugi, always the heroic protagonist, stood in the way of the bigger bully that wanted to go after Joey and Tristan. I'm more like Joey out of anyone in Yu-Gi-Oh! (which is my favorite anime, maybe even on par with my love of DBZ). Sometime before Joey participated in Duelist Kingdom, he got a video tape (it was all there was back when the series first came out) from his little sister, Serenity, who had been slowly but surely losing her eyesight as the years passed. The video tape detailed that she wanted to see him one last time, so she was going to lose her sight very soon. In Duelist Kingdom there was a prize money reward for the champion of the tournament. Money, and more than enough of it, that would pay for Serenity to have her eyesight saved through surgery. So, even though he actually ended up losing to Yugi in the tournament finals, Mai gave him her card which allowed him to have the prize money, even after Bandit Keith stole Joey's previous card he only had 1 of. Mai had to forfeit though since she didn't have an entry card to the tournament anymore.

In short, Joey will stop at nothing to fight for the ones he cares about, just like me. He's tough, just like me, and sometimes his emotions get the better of him, just like me. So, that's why I'm saying I most relate to Joey Wheeler from the anime series Yu-Gi-Oh!.


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