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Digimon Shipping


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Hi guys. Looking at the Takari thread gave me an idea for this one. So as we all know, there are many ships involving the Digimon Adventure/Adventure 02 characters, one of the biggest being Takeru x Hikari or Taichi x Sora, etc. Of course these didn't happen in canon. Do you think the new series will revisit some of the pairings that weren't canon and if so, which ones do you hope that they revisit?


For me, it would be Koushirou x Mimi. Even though there wasn't much going on for it in Adventure 02 (and this goes for any Mimi ship, getting down to it), the concept of it has appealed to me for years. In 02, it's just implied that she talks to him through e-mail and stuff, but that goes for all of her friends and would be odd if she did only speak with him.


Let's see, ep 1 of Adventure was interesting. I can't recall how the dub did this, but when the kids were introducing themselves or whatever, after regrouping after being forced to the Digital World and they realized they were one member short, Koushirou was the one to give the others Mimi's information (as they shared the same class). Not a hint...just cool, I guess, given how some people portrayed him as never noticing anything around him since he's usually immersed in his computer.


In episode 10 of the series (after Devimon separated the kids), Koushirou and Mimi ended up together. I figured they were MAYBE going somewhere with this, to have them become better and closer friends, which in a way, they did. They were the only two this was done with. Tentomon was trying to get Mimi to understand Koushirou while Palmon was trying to get Koushirou to understand Mimi. They're still he only two, to my knowledge, to be treated in this way in the Adventure continuity and they had switched partners. Koushirou then saved Mimi, ditching his "prized possession" (he also did this with Tentomon as well in the last ep of Adventure, showing how much their friendship had grown) like a knight in shining armor....so I was wondering, at the time, if they were foreshadowing something....like when older.


I dunno, just found their interactions....interesting for some reason, or the fact that they were put in interesting situations.


Then there's the love-letter cd drama that came out round about Christmas of 1999...and for the record, in Japan, Christmas is more of a romantic holiday, compared to how it's celebrated in say other countries, where it's a time for family. Anywho, it's very appropriate to release something like that at that time. Koushirou was writing a love letter, got caught, everyone wanted to know whom it was for, and the main person they thought it was for, was Mimi and the funny thing is that she didn't mind it...but she also viewed herself as likeable in general. Hikari was the only one who didn't think the letter was for her, hence the "triangle" and then a fight...between their Digimon. lol


This was done because of fan requests at the time, supposedly. Why bother doing that if they weren't going to go anyplace with it? It's not like Yamato and Sora which was planned from the get go.


I dunno, just felt that they could've done something with these two future wise and I still don't know why it's my OTP either. I just love it.


Even if they don't imply anything romantic between the two, I'd be happy if they just have them interacting and sharing the same classes.

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Seeing how even Toei Animation and the original writing staff granted the Koumi fan requests, I'm pretty sure the Japanese fans will spearhead and lead the charge to make it canon.


Meanwhile, even other Western fans of Digimon Adventure completely drank the Taiora Kool-Aid.




Disclaimer: I found this link via Twitter; ergo, I'm NOT making this up.

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You know a thing about Taiora is that it never was even meant to be considered. One of the writers(names never stick with me) said that Taiora was never meant to be a thing, and that Yasora was planned for quite awhile. However "Our War Game" was written by someone else, and he didn't get the memo, so he made Taiora seem like a possibility. And that was one of the biggest mistakes of the Digimon franchise.


But anyway, yes, I do hope the new series revisits shippings. I mean, it is airing on the Anime Block, if you know what I mean.

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You know a thing about Taiora is that it never was even meant to be considered. One of the writers(names never stick with me) said that Taiora was never meant to be a thing, and that Yasora was planned for quite awhile. However "Our War Game" was written by someone else, and he didn't get the memo, so he made Taiora seem like a possibility. And that was one of the biggest mistakes of the Digimon franchise.


But anyway, yes, I do hope the new series revisits shippings. I mean, it is airing on the Anime Block, if you know what I mean.


Mamoru Hosoda did Our War Game, while Hiroyuki Kakudou spearheaded Sorato.


But yeah, I do agree that Digimon, as a franchise, has a huge problem with poor communication. Another big mistake I noticed in the franchise is the inconsistencies between the Wonderswan games and the 02 show.

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You know a thing about Taiora is that it never was even meant to be considered. One of the writers(names never stick with me) said that Taiora was never meant to be a thing, and that Yasora was planned for quite awhile. However "Our War Game" was written by someone else, and he didn't get the memo, so he made Taiora seem like a possibility. And that was one of the biggest mistakes of the Digimon franchise.


But anyway, yes, I do hope the new series revisits shippings. I mean, it is airing on the Anime Block, if you know what I mean.

Something interesting. I liked Taiora first. The concept of it, but right before I started watching 02, I started liking Yamato x Sora for some reason. No idea why either. lol Either way, I like both pairings even now.


If Bokura no Wargame, regarding Sora would've actually have been originally intended, I could see the situation being like this...


Sora had a crush on Taichi.

Taichi never noticed/didn't notice because, well, he was an immature boy; not into girls yet.

Sora's crush on Taichi faded.

Taichi started to fall for Sora, but never acted on it (I personally felt that this was intentional).

Sora had fallen for Yamato.

Yamato reciprocated the feelings.


Of course, as pointed out, it wasn't intended and that particular writer didn't get the memo, but either way, even if this had played out in this way, it's still realistic, don't you think? You like a guy, the guy doesn't notice you in that way or always treats you as "one of the guys" or whatever and the crush fades. Boy finally starts to notice that you're a girl, but is too late and missed the boat...so yeah, I could see the scenario above playing out realistically.


That reminds me of an old Disney show called Flash Forward. It was out back in the mid-90s and was pretty interesting, imo. It was about two best friends, boy and a girl. They'd known each other since maybe pre-school age (like Taichi and Sora). They're also neighbors, their families are good friends with one another, etc. Flashforward and they're high-schoolers.


Now, towards the end of the series, their class had to do the play of Romeo & Juliet, and I think those two were cast as the lead and both were freaked out over it because they'd been friends for so long and actually, at this point, had a very platonic, sibling-like relationship. Friends around them were actually questioning that. Like, "Out of all the years you've known him/her, you NEVER once had a crush on him/her?" Turned out that over the years, they had had a crush on each other at some point (not currently of course), but they actually admitted it and it was interesting how they never had a crush on each other at the same time.

Mamoru Hosoda did Our War Game, while Hiroyuki Kakudou spearheaded Sorato.


But yeah, I do agree that Digimon, as a franchise, has a huge problem with poor communication. Another big mistake I noticed in the franchise is the inconsistencies between the Wonderswan games and the 02 show.

Or, those responsible for 02 felt that those watching would already know the story behind Ken anyway. You know, assuming that many had already played the games...as far as the Japanese audience went, anyway.


Ken and Ryo saw what happened regarding Diablomon (movie 2) and Ryo went missing, like, the next day or something....but I see what you mean. The game where Ryo vanishes, he'd met Taichi, Mimi, and Koushirou. Yamato too, now that I think about it and movie 3's Wallace.


But...getting down to it, it is just an adaptation. Can't expect them to use all of the elements, but it was nice how the games showed how Ken became the Kaiser.

I ship Dakari, Davis and Kari. :)
Might I direct you to the following thread...




...favorite Digimon Anything. What other things do you like from the franchise? ^_^

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Man, and I thought the vehement Harry x Hermione shippers were bad...


Amusingly, even the NSFW Encyclopedia Dramatica section on Digimon left Koumi and Taichi x Catherine unscathed.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Amusingly, even the NSFW Encyclopedia Dramatica section on Digimon left Koumi and Taichi x Catherine unscathed.

Just noticed this, and just had to say, "Yay Koumi!" lol

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I'll just post what I've said about Taiora on MAL:

I'm a huge Taiora (Taichi x Sora) fan, but the arguments I've read from the other side of the fandom were great too. And really, the creator himself said that Sorato is the canon shipping, and we could argue with that?


However, I just personally can't support Sorato, at all, despite respecting the valid reasons that have been came up with. Yes, Yamato is the more mature and cool-headed individual. Yes, a conflicted relationship with someone as hot-headed as Taichi might not work well. But you know, putting aside the myth that "opposites attract", having a safe relationship where both parties are agreeable to each other's traits (both Sora and Yamato are mature and collected individuals who think things through before rushing in, for example) seems awfully boring. It feels like a lack of passion. Relationships aren't based on calculated formula, and having a peaceful marriage doesn't necessary make for good love.


That's why Sorato just never made sense to me. Taichi has matured a lot in 02, and both Sora and Taichi compliment each other with their flaws and good points. It makes more sense if we are going to incorporate hard cold logic into this, because while certain flaws can be too great for a relationship to work, Taichi has not shown any of such detrimental aspects in 02. They both love soccer, they are both great leaders in their own right, and they are both passionate individuals with a fire inside them (note the symbolic nature of WarGreymon and Garudamon being associated with fire attacks), so if you want to talk about similarities, these two share a lot in common as well.


And if you want to talk about the conflicting parts of Taichi and Sora's personalities, Taichi can be more practical than Yamato's calculative mind sometimes, and it is that practicality that compliments Sora's calm and collected nature, because sometimes, you've just got to do it instead of think about it. The greatest plans on paper don't necessary have the most effective executions.

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I'll just post what I've said about Taiora on MAL:

Nice and well-said, but the only issue is that we didn't get to see the older kids' interactions much. You know, like in a casual setting.


Personally, I still feel it was a realistic approach if viewed in the following way...


Sora liked Taichi

Taichi didn't notice or acknowledge it and viewed Sora as one of the guys

Sora slowly outgrew her crush on Taichi because he never noticed her as a girl

Taichi finally started developing a crush on her (still feel that the Christmas ep showed this given Agumon's line)

Sora had fallen for someone else (Yamato) unaware of Taichi's feelings


The only thing I questioned was Yamato in all of this when originally watching. Wish the exchange would've been shown, but at the end of the day, it's just not that kind of show. lol

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but at the end of the day, it's just not that kind of show. lol

Yeah, it's kind of a shame that it isn't that kind of show. lol I wish that tri. would incorporate some of these realistic romance elements into the show in a slice-of-life kind of way. I've always wanted to see Digimon Adventure in a slice-of-life setting, something that really furthers their character development instead of focusing on the gimmick that's Digivolution again. Don't get me wrong, those are cool and all, but I've kinda outgrown such things.


One thing to note: what you said about Sora falling out of love, while it makes sense, I've never really felt that Sora had expressed any romantic interest, even if we are to include the rather unrealistic aspect of 10 year olds being in love with each other in season 1. If anything, the only one who's shown any interest is Taichi. Sora didn't show interest until the "Bokura no War" movie, and even then, it was merely implied in the movie that Sora had started to be more concerned about what Taichi thinks of her (and by extension, her hat), not outright crushing on him.

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Yeah, it's kind of a shame that it isn't that kind of show. lol I wish that tri. would incorporate some of these realistic romance elements into the show in a slice-of-life kind of way. I've always wanted to see Digimon Adventure in a slice-of-life setting, something that really furthers their character development instead of focusing on the gimmick that's Digivolution again. Don't get me wrong, those are cool and all, but I've kinda outgrown such things.


One thing to note: what you said about Sora falling out of love, while it makes sense, I've never really felt that Sora had expressed any romantic interest, even if we are to include the rather unrealistic aspect of 10 year olds being in love with each other in season 1. If anything, the only one who's shown any interest is Taichi. Sora didn't show interest until the "Bokura no War" movie, and even then, it was merely implied in the movie that Sora had started to be more concerned about what Taichi thinks of her (and by extension, her hat), not outright crushing on him.

Bokura no Wargame is where I was starting from. I would consider it a crush. As a female myself, I wouldn't care what a male friend thought of me physically at that age. Now a guy I like, yeah. By the time of movie 2, they would've been 12 or so, or either going on it, it's plausible.


That aside, I didn't mention love anywhere...crush yeah. lol

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I'll just post what I've said about Taiora on MAL:


I consider Taiora, not being canon, as the single biggest start toward Taichi's emotional maturity. When he honored Sora's decision to be with Yamato, he became Shipper on Deck for Sorato, in-universe. Even during the World Tour arc, he even hit on Catherine!


Nice and well-said, but the only issue is that we didn't get to see the older kids' interactions much. You know, like in a casual setting.


Personally, I still feel it was a realistic approach if viewed in the following way...


Sora liked Taichi

Taichi didn't notice or acknowledge it and viewed Sora as one of the guys

Sora slowly outgrew her crush on Taichi because he never noticed her as a girl

Taichi finally started developing a crush on her (still feel that the Christmas ep showed this given Agumon's line)

Sora had fallen for someone else (Yamato) unaware of Taichi's feelings


The only thing I questioned was Yamato in all of this when originally watching. Wish the exchange would've been shown, but at the end of the day, it's just not that kind of show. lol


Even Hiroyuki Kakudou himself found Taiora, by virtue of "main guy x main girl", cliche.


Yeah, it's kind of a shame that it isn't that kind of show. lol I wish that tri. would incorporate some of these realistic romance elements into the show in a slice-of-life kind of way. I've always wanted to see Digimon Adventure in a slice-of-life setting, something that really furthers their character development instead of focusing on the gimmick that's Digivolution again. Don't get me wrong, those are cool and all, but I've kinda outgrown such things.


One thing to note: what you said about Sora falling out of love, while it makes sense, I've never really felt that Sora had expressed any romantic interest, even if we are to include the rather unrealistic aspect of 10 year olds being in love with each other in season 1. If anything, the only one who's shown any interest is Taichi. Sora didn't show interest until the "Bokura no War" movie, and even then, it was merely implied in the movie that Sora had started to be more concerned about what Taichi thinks of her (and by extension, her hat), not outright crushing on him.


I'm not a fan of Arthurian Gwenhwyfar, to the point I do not want Mimi nor Sora to act like her.


Since you said something about "slice-of-life", why not step it up a notch? I personally don't mind tri., ending the season with the potential of seeing Takeru, becoming possessed by a Super Demon Lord (Beelzebumon for emphasis).

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Since you said something about "slice-of-life", why not step it up a notch? I personally don't mind tri., ending the season with the potential of seeing Takeru, becoming possessed by a Super Demon Lord (Beelzebumon for emphasis).

He does sort of look like an emo with the new art. Could lead to interesting interactions between him and Hikari, if you know what I mean. ;3

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I consider Taiora, not being canon, as the single biggest start toward Taichi's emotional maturity. When he honored Sora's decision to be with Yamato, he became Shipper on Deck for Sorato, in-universe. Even during the World Tour arc, he even hit on Catherine!

Yeah, I've never really liked the world tour. It was the lowest point of 02 for me. It was incredibly boring and pointless, almost as much as the Christmas episode.

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I'm already expecting an online crucifixion from Taiora fans, but whatever, I'm up for it.


Taicherine VS Taiora: Development VS Reversal

Until this very writing in 2015, I still drop my jaw in disbelief that Taiora fans still cling on to the very 'faint hope' (read: delusion) of seeing their pairing to become canon, repercussions to character development be damned. On the other hand, I strongly believe Sorato is central to Taichi's growth as an emotionally stable adult, to the point his moving on from Sora led to a series of events how he ended up becoming the UN Ambassador to the Digital World.


I am going to compare and contrast the potentials of Taicherine and reveal the detriment of Taiora, under the following bases: emotional maturity and stability, communication, and implications of such pairings.


Allow me to present why Taicherine is ideal for Taichi's character growth on the basis of emotional maturity. Episodes before the World Tour, Taichi let Sora know he honors her decision to be with Yamato, and from there started supporting Sorato, in-universe. During the World Tour, he immediately became smitten with Catherine and escalated things from there. The fact he did not mope and have "oneitis" toward Sora is a sure sign he willingly moves on, which is a sign of emotional maturity and stability.


In contrast, having Taichi and Sora get paired up only brings out the lack of emotional communication between the two. Even prior to this, Taichi was notorious for his emotional immaturity, as shown in the Mini CD Drama 2 for Digimon Adventure, when he outed Koushiro's love letter to the entire group. Another was when Yamato called out Taichi for the latter's lack of empathy, multiple times not limited to episode 26. Now, the pairing of Taichi and Sora gives off the implication the pairing itself renders Taichi clingy toward Sora. Even in real life, women themselves HATE clingy men and Sora is no different, despite being a fictional character.


Taicherine brims of communication, which eventually leads to Taichi, becoming the UN Ambassador to the Digital World. First, seeing how at least Taichi has been actively talking to international Digidestined before the World Tour, Catherine is the first one he has met in Paris. While Paris is the capital of France, it's also two hours away to Brussels by train. Yes, Brussels is not only the capital of Belgium but also the headquarters of the European Union. In addition, in real life, the UN has its HQ in NYC, another city featured in the World Tour. Hong Kong, yet another World Tour city, is the 2nd-largest financial center in Asia, after Tokyo. Moscow is the capital of Russia, which is now emerging as a main source of natural resources in real life. Taichi, realizing the importance of his role, will spend time on those four cities, to the point it helps him build up a repertoire in International Relations. Only the Taicherine route unlocks this for Taichi.


Taiora lacks communication, to the point Taichi's immaturity brings out the worst of himself. I cannot emphasize enough how Taichi's immaturity burns bridges, to the point he previously treated Sora like "one of the boys", which effectively equates to a guy, friendzoning a girl.


Implications both present all come down to Taichi's development as an adult. Should he pick Sora, it will render him immature and would cause him to burn bridges between him and Yamato and split up the gang. Taicherine, on the other hand, presents the most logical route how Taichi ends up into the UN Ambassador to the Digital World.


Well then, I have presented to you why Taicherine is the best route for Taichi's character development, which his emotional maturity, learning the necessity of communication, and the implications. Without emotional maturity, he would only end up breaking Sora's heart, should the course stay. Without communication, he'd effectively burn bridges within the group. Finally, the implication he'd be clingy and emotionally immature resonates.

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I'm already expecting an online crucifixion from Taiora fans,

Until this very writing in 2015, I still drop my jaw in disbelief that Taiora fans still cling on to the very 'faint hope' (read: delusion) of seeing their pairing to become canon, repercussions to character development be damned.

Yeah, it might have something to do with this condescending opening statement (read: accusation of delusions), but you know.


Honestly, if you don't want to be crucified, don't spit in the Romans' drinks in the first place.

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Yeah, it might have something to do with this condescending opening statement (read: accusation of delusions), but you know.


Believe me, I received worse, prior to writing my support for Taicherine, let alone giving my support to Koumi AND Sorato.

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I just find it rather laughable and hypocritical that you would sound out that people are going to lash back at you and then follow it up with a statement that you blatantly know will get people to lash back at you (regardless of whether if they support the shipping or not). I mean, delusions? Really? lol You're not really above Internet insults either, so I wouldn't be surprised if you are crucified.

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I just find it rather laughable and hypocritical that you would sound out that people are going to lash back at you and then follow it up with a statement that you blatantly know will get people to lash back at you (regardless of whether if they support the shipping or not). I mean, delusions? Really? lol You're not really above Internet insults either, so I wouldn't be surprised if you are crucified.


Just direct reciprocation, to the point I make them realize the very tactic dished out on me at my own expense. Nothing more, nothing less.

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I was wondering what all the fuzz about Taicherine is about. So you are referring to that one-off blonde girl whose name I could barely remember because she was as forgettable as the rest of those foreign Chosen Children in the World Tour arc. Heh.


I don't really mind the fact that Taichi has moved on and emotionally matured, and I do agree with you that's a good thing... but Catherine? Of all people? Who the heck is her anyway? We know barely anything about her. She made a one-off unremarkable cameo. I would rather Taichi just hook up with Daisuke's sister (I think her name was Jun).

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Actually, there's been something I've been meaning to bring up in this thread for a while now... I don't really see that many Taiora shippers, to be honest. On my count, there were probably less than 8 Taiora fans - on both animeforums.net and MAL. Less than 8 on both sites. That's pretty little. I've probably haven't met the rest, but in the past few weeks, perhaps even the past month, the posts I've seen in regards to any shipping in Digimon were pandered towards Sorato or Takari. Taiora's ship has long sailed, I think.


Edit: I haven't seen any on AnimeSuki either, so that's three sites altogether lacking in Taiora shipping.

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1. I was wondering what all the fuzz about Taicherine is about. So you are referring to that one-off blonde girl whose name I could barely remember because she was as forgettable as the rest of those foreign Chosen Children in the World Tour arc. Heh.


2. I don't really mind the fact that Taichi has moved on and emotionally matured, and I do agree with you that's a good thing... but Catherine? Of all people? Who the heck is her anyway? We know barely anything about her. She made a one-off unremarkable cameo.


3. I would rather Taichi just hook up with Daisuke's sister (I think her name was Jun).


1. Yes.

2. Even though she's a "cameo", look at the implications and potential of Taicherine.

3. Jun is going out with Joe's older brother, as per one of the 02 Drama CDs.


4. Actually, there's been something I've been meaning to bring up in this thread for a while now... I don't really see that many Taiora shippers, to be honest. On my count, there were probably less than 8 Taiora fans - on both animeforums.net and MAL. Less than 8 on both sites. That's pretty little.


5. I've probably haven't met the rest, but in the past few weeks, perhaps even the past month, the posts I've seen in regards to any shipping in Digimon were pandered towards Sorato or Takari. Taiora's ship has long sailed, I think.


Edit: I haven't seen any on AnimeSuke either, so that's three sites altogether lacking in Taiora shipping.


4. They're all over the web; check out Twitter if you want to see some of the more vocal ones.

5. Sorato is canon, to the point you can call them "safe bet"; Takari all comes down to Takeru's emotional stability.

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