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Everything posted by Tomochan

  1. nothing fake can be a problem
  2. its not real art. its copyright infringement on a massive scale the makers of this need to be locked up. Im hoping for that outcome, and im sure it will happen
  3. Tomochan

    Free games

    osu is also a good free game
  4. >So the argument we're trying to illustrate is that there definitely is a correlation between 'liking' those things, even in fiction (either AI or drawn) and then acting on them in real life i will say that some people who like loli are pedophiles. but not all. Obviously a pedophile is gonna consume that content but does that mean that everyone who does is a pedophile? and art dosnt have to be beautiful. I think that anything you could possibly think of drawing should be drawn. I dont like the majority of "modern art" but they can do what they want. for me, "art" dosnt mean anything. You have to rate things on their merit. And I think that content has artistic merit at a technical level at least I just dont see anything wrong with it so i dont pass judgment
  5. i only like cute furry stuff like nanachi and BNA
  6. this might sound dumb but whenever i hear about someones hobbys im always kinda surprised. I cant imagine not being interested in the things im interested in
  7. Im going to make it to the top and destroy the competition

  8. it absolutely matters if the character is REAL. Are you hearing yourself? "a child is still a child", its a character not a child. Its not a real person. It has no thoughts or feelings. Thinking otherwise is chris chan level dimensional merge thinking and yes, in order to make art, you must be a "real" person. Why does that even matter? Would it be better if AI made it? Do you think the loser hikikimori lolicon is going to snap one day and kidnap some kids? Because then that would be wrong, because hes abusing children. Real ones, not a drawing. Fact of the matter is that if nobody gets hurt when you do something its probably morally permissible. Finding something disgusting is normal and natural but it dosnt mean the thing your disgusted by is wrong. I find gay men kissing to be disgusting but i know that its not very moral to make gay relationships illegal. So I dont think theres anything wrong with drawing anything at all. Because a drawing is a drawing. I stand by that one french guy that drew the prophet muhamid in an unflattering way the same why i stand by any type of porn artist I would even argue that the sexualization of lolis is more moral than the porn industry. The porn industry preys on impressionable people who just turned 18 so that they can use their bodys for financial gain. They often promise them a life of luxury but the actual job is quite depressing and has driven many porn actors to suicide. Compare that to a drawing. The only person that gets hurt in that process is you (because drawing is hard) But if you think its disgusting, thats definitely a valid opinion. But i stand by a persons right to draw anything they wish EDIT: please dont perceive my post with a negative connotation
  9. you mean, fictional minors?
  10. any hobby at all. dosnt even have to be a hobby, just something that you do. idk
  11. i decided over the past couple of days that im going to become the best >:3
  12. i dont really care about it since its not real people.
  13. mmhm, its pretty nice i like that and my mouse. my laptop stand is cool too
  14. What do you think of them? I have a TECWARE Phantom 87 Key with blue switches and with every key it feels like im using a typewriter
  15. bruh there is an anime of dat game? >,> yea thats a good anime. no a go to for me, but absolutely legendary
  16. ye but the opposite could also be true. Someone could definitely be happy being a freeloader. And i honestly see being a freeloader as a morally neutral thing. It could actually be positive. like did i fricking ask to be born? of course not. And people expect me to generate wealth for them. so why not gain the system? My personal philosophy is to take everything for yourself because nobody is going to look after you. you gotta do whatever it takes to live your dream i even heard that getting on benefits is even easier in European countries skill issue no but really, i think i could pull it off. I think his downward spire could be because of a number of reasons. Maybe he finally looked at himself with a critical eye and realized something he didnt want to. You would think going to therapy would make his mental state better. Well, dont listen to me i have no idea what happened. Maybe it was the sudden change. People in retirement get depressed more common than you would think. But i would be an idiot to pass up free monni its just something i gotta do. then maybe id get a normal job. In our current soyciety, what is there to work for? The only things that matter are food, energy, peace, and anime. Stuff like that. who cares about being a dishwasher. or coding for my boss that was a chad in highschool and just got his job because of a mediocre degree and massive amounts of charisma. what you guys need to understand is that success is determined AT your birth. Sure there are exceptions but no rule can be perfect 100% of the time. im not just talking about socio-economic status, much more goes into it. Did you know like 90% of ceos are males over 6 foot and they all have a disproportionate facial width to hietgh ratio? Or what about intelligence and upbringing? Some people can really win the jackpot in life. And genetic cloning is on the horizon. Soon people with enough money will just be able to decide how succesfull their baby will be in life. Even if the USA bans that stuff, do you really think a multimillionaire family wont go offshore to do that weird stuff My point being, we live in an unfair society, so you gotta play by unfair rules sometimes. Thats why i dont mind being a leech. instead of working for my boss, he gonna work for be baybeeeee >:0. He will litterally PAY for me to watch anime all day
  17. i kinda dont really like gon too much after what he did in the ant arc... very conflicting feelings about him
  18. i assume you already bought a tablet so im writing this for other people that might be interested in buying a tablet. If this is your first tablet then i think your expectations are a bit too high. I recommend a screen less tablet. Many pro artists still use theirs. not only are they cheaper on average, they also are really fun to draw on. You get used to it quickly. In order to build muscle memory you can replace your mouse with your tablet for a week Wacom produces very high quality durable screenless tablets (however, you will want to disable the "wacom experience program" to prevent them from harvesting your usage data of their product"). I got the one by wacom (image down below) and i love it so far. Only con is that their isnt any buttons on it. but its very cheap and im sure i could buy a hotkey pad to give myself more buttons. when buying a screenless tablet youll want one thats big enough to draw on. so go for the bigger option. Personally, when i get really good at art ima buy a sweet screen tablet. but i honestly adore the simplicity in the screenless ones. I also think wacom has a generous replacement policy if yours breaks down. But i wouldnt really reccoment the one i have TOO much cuz of the lack of buttons
  19. Tomochan

    Free games

    I know im the one that started this thread but csgo and aimlabs are both free and really fun ESPECIALLY csgo surf!!!!
  20. i dont want to sound heartless but thats literally my dream. Not the being mentally ill part, the not working part. I plan on one day tricking a physiologist into getting me on government assistance. Ill pretend to transition (im not trans, just a femboy) to make the lie more believable and ill tell her that i was raped and that im autistic and depressed (the last two things are technically kinda true). Hopefully thatll give me more time to do fun and productive things I also have interests in traditional jobs but thats just one idea that i have
  21. dr stone Edit: i already answered this. So ill say that im also watching monster. its very creepy but wholesome too
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