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Daxter last won the day on December 20 2023

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1 Follower


  • Favourite Anime
    Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball
  • Favourite Genres
  • Favourite Characters
    Naruto, Hinata, Ichigo, Orihime, Goku, Bulma, Trunks, Nami, Walpol, Kiyo, Edward, Winry
  • Favourite Character Type
    Pervert - Set 3


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  • Occupation
    Purchasing Assistant
  • Interests
    Video games, anime, manga, music, wrestling, sports
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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Final Fantasy
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    Jak, Ratchet, Sakon Shima, Nina Williams
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    PlayStation 2

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  1. What is it for? I would want to know before going to the link.
  2. That is great to hear! I need to do the same with this show one day
  3. Sounds interesting, I may have to look into that. Thanks for the tip!
  4. Howdy Daxter o7

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daxter


      Oh just working. Not yet on the free trial, but that has put the game up high on my gaming list. How long have you been playing the game for?

    3. Imperfection


      Same. Getting that O.T. lol

      I've been playing about 3 years now. Is my first mmo I been like really into lol. If you ever decide to give it a try I'm on the goblin server/crystal data center. I could introduce you to some peeps too

    4. Daxter


      Impressive on the time investment then. Sounds good for connecting with you on there, I appreciate that!

  5. Welcome, looking forward to it!
  6. Final Fantasy XIV looks fun but I have never tried it as I am not sure I would play often enough for the subscription to be worth it.
  7. I have still been working through Tales of Graces F and it is coming along well. The start of the game is solid world-building and now that the time-skip has happened, the game has opened up a lot. Combat is great, customization is amazing, and the story is coming along with some of the more unique elements developing very slowly. As long as the pacing does not lead to a chaotic ending though, this can work out well. The game is much more linear than it appears however. Leveling up characters in Samurai Warriors 4 for Nightmare mode has remained a focus too. That is coming along well though upper level stages on that difficulty are still a problem. I was able to max out Kagekatsu’s level though so I think he is ready.
  8. I finished up the Funato Clan arc in Boruto. The storytelling was a top five performance of the franchise for a side arc. The lack of good fights holds this arc back overall though with the fights having weight, but not getting a chance to allow characters to show their full capabilities or develop. Plus the end had no fighting at all which was the point, but is frustrating since a lot of the characters involved will not be seen again. But I was able to get back to Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu and the story is progressing well. I am over 20 episodes in and the progression of the Kirumin is finally being explained. Nagisa is still stealing the show for me and she seems to be closing in on the secret of Pars. The twins continue to be the main ones to move the development of the Kirumin forward though. I just wonder if Tamao will ever get a transformation of his own. Time will tell.
  9. Sounds like the best of both worlds on that situation with a lot to do now, while being set up for the sequel later.
  10. I made some more progress in Tales of Graces F, and had my first few defeats. Having a small party seems to be the biggest concern now as I have not perfected manually healing. I saw this as a potential issue though. Once I get another party member as I am down to two right now, I will try and get ahead of the curve by trying to complete some of the Trials of Graces. I have a feeling that will be sometime this week.
  11. I have still been working through Tales of Graces F and it has been a lot of fun! The story is very slow building as the bulk of the game will take place after a time-skip, but that allows for world building and truly understanding the characters in play. I just made it to the time-skip with a lot happening prior to it and while a lot of questions needed answers, the time-skip happened at a good time. The game-play was fun before and opens up a lot more after that. Even though I am starting out at a higher difficulty, it has not created any problems yet as the customization system gives a lot of options. Now that more is going on in the story, I am curious to see what happens now as while there has been a lot of heartfelt moments, the point of the story is not clear yet unless it is more simple than I am thinking.
  12. Continuing with Boruto, I have watched several more episodes and the Funato Clan arc is becoming my favorite side arc in the franchise. The fights are not developing characters much, but the story, stakes, and pacing has been fantastic. Timely deaths and tight storytelling is allowing this arc to flow very well. But with Ikada awakening his power, the end is definitely near now.
  13. Ah, makes sense. A power file run just means you are trying to get your characters as strong as possible as early as possible on a save file, instead of naturally playing the game. The result being that you power through the main story quite easily as RPGs are designed for you to have everything you need just by progressing how the game wants you to do so.
  14. Sounds like this has definitely turned into a power file run! Manually leveling Seifer to Level 100 is new to me. Is there some fast way you have to do it?
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