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    Slice of Life
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    Takagi, Kyoutarou Ichikawa, Anna Yamada

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  1. Jestyn


    Thanks everyone Oh I actually am sitting on floor right now, even though you meant this figuratively. You will find out about it. How ironic, that you mentioned it since I actually plan on making a post about it, a blog will probably do since this is gonna a long one with bunch of photos. Well, digital fansubs is actually my era which was around 2007, when people can download or stream animes already but looks like yours goes even way back further, 90s perhaps? If you're from that earlier era then I would say that the fansubs from your era were definitely produced and distributed by people with lots of love and passion to spread anime. Not only they have to spend time subbing a series but also make an ship them to people and the money they collect is just to cover the cost of material for producing and for the shipment of fansubs vhs. Definitely not for profit. The very definition of 'Fan' subs is.
  2. Definitely, Street fighter from City Hunter, even though not sure if video game counts.
  3. Sketchbook ~Full Color S~, Hidamari Sketch, Minami Ke, Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight. - if you're into moe Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Haruhi Suzumiya, Sakamoto Desu ga?, Seto no Hanayome I won't mention titles that everyone else has already mentioned
  4. Sadly, this is reality, like it or not we live in the age of mobile internet now, and I admit it's way more convenient because you can bring it easily almost everywhere, although I typed this post using PC. And I hope you won't hate me for saying this, but It's really none of our business to mind how everyone posts or what gadgets. Like everyone else said here, it's even surprised that there are still people here that joins this community even though we live in age of social media where internet forums are dying. But I really am interested in talking to younger generations here if there are, so I could recommend them some real obscure old anime titles.
  5. Oh yes! definitely! Speaking of Jazz I mean, the Jazz standards, where everyone improvises. I listen to youtube channel like emmet cohen, heres some sample:
  6. Hi, just dropping by and say hello, I might be new here but I actually used to be active in some anime forums from way back. Remember the era of fansubs and the community back then? Yea those are the days I actively participated and was in my teenage years. Sadly those forums are long gone now but my fashion for anime still hasn't died. Feeling nostalgic I just decided to join this forums because this place is easy enough to find in google due to simplicity of it's name lol.
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