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  1. I been looking for some brainrot humor of slice of life / shoujo animes like Azumanga Daioh and Nichijou... EXPLOSIVE AIOI SUPPLICATION
  2. Hello everybody ! First ever post . Soo today my anime lamps just came in. What do you think about them, do you like them ? Rate them from 1 to 10 (huge anime nerd, so i bought 3)
  3. [ Recommended listening: ark - L'Arc-en-Ciel ] So here's the job, really. You're in the office not by your own merit, but because a manager is gambling on any sort of win to recoup his losses. Within a year, you're the only one that stuck through all the disasters - even the guy who hired you has left. The turnover and promotions have already made you one of the more senior employees below management. The office is left at square one and desperately needs to be rebuilt. What do you do? Any decently rational person would see the writing on the wall and prepare their own departure. But for whatever reason, I've taken the Great Teacher Onizuka route. With the defiance of a Driver's High opening, I approached my former manager's manager with a sort of ultimatum: if you want me to be the foundation of this near empty office, we're throwing our old conventions out the window. Yes, I would still do the job on paper of running all your systems, but my own goal was to work with our new hires to be more genuine with their ideas and interactions. Strict professionalism, management should have learned, can be stifling. And though I may never have done such outrageous or inappropriate things as Onizuka, I have had my share of being called up to management offices regarding humorously-placed googly eyes, excessive amounts of birthday balloons and the hideous bronze walrus that become our office mascot, et cetera. But like Eikichi-san, I have seen these antics bring my people together. They all survived the disastrously high turnover rate of the past so far, and seem to be thriving. No Toyota Cresta's destroyed in the process. While I don't know what exactly the future may bring for me, here's to a decent anime that inspired me to write about my work, and a manga series I really should read! Hope to be around these parts a bit more often - see you all soon.
  4. Okay. So. I love reincarnation styled isekai. Girl/guy gets hit by unexpected incoming lorry or bus etc...gets reincarnated. We've seen that being done several times over....BUT... what if the anime is from the driver's perspective. And he goes around accidentally sending random people off and narrowly avoids jail and eventually becomes notorious and ends up in jail in season 2. It would start of as slice of life and then slowly change genre as his life goes from peaceful to hell.
  5. After seeing so much buzz about this anime around I decided to check it out for myself. It was very...different. I guess the thing that made the plot unusual is that there was nothing really unusual about it at all, which probably wouldn't cater to the tastes of everyone for that reason. More than being a 'slice-of-life' series, it's almost more like a 'day-in-the-life-of' type of show chronicling the everyday lives of a handful of high school students. One of the most unusual aspects of the otherwise very down-to-earth show is that Konata's teacher also happens to be a member of her online adventure party in a popular MMORPG; I can't say that I have ever heard of a real life anecdote where that this actually happened. From looking at some of the reviews on MAL, "Lucky Star" has received mixed reactions. I think it would be unfair to compare this to shows like "School Rumble" or "Arakawa Under the Bridge". Lucky Star was clearly not intended to be hysterically funny in the same sense that those other anime were intended to be. This isn't to say that it doesn't have funny moments...Konata ( short girl with blue hair ) is perceived to be lazy but is very manipulative and cunning while Kagami ( girl with pig tails ) is peevish and irritable - these two characters are the ones which largely drive the events. I noticed that there are frequent nods ( or homages ) to other manga and anime in the episodes, usually "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" ( haven't seen that one yet ). I was even surprised that one of the characters from the anime "Amagi Brilliant Park" makes a recurring cameo appearance in the background as a plushy toy. The names of some of the supporting characters in Lucky Star also seem to be intentional references to the anime/manga of "Taiho Shichauzo". My overall rating of the show is positive although I would have no idea how to rate this on a 1-10 scale. The only really negative things I have to say about the anime is that I feel that the opening theme song could have been better composed, there are other shows with worse opening themes though ( not even counting modern shows from North America ). I am a very savage critic when it comes to anything related to music...still, I think they could have put just 1% more effort into the opening song. The other thing that bothers me, is that these are all supposed to be high school students and Miyuki is about the only main character who can even pass for someone of middle school age. The other girls look so short and immature that they could all pass for grade schoolers. I like all of the characters, it's just something I cannot help noticing. In my honest opinion, I think the "Lucky Channel" segments at the very end of each episode before the credit roll are easily the funniest part of the show. Akira Kogami is always so cheery one moment and then she turns all bitter and angry the next. I didn't even realize that she was one of the main characters of another series until I read about it. A lot of the things stated about Akira's habits are oddly reminiscent of Krusty the Clown from the "Simpsons" - she doesn't look like him but she does sort of act like him. ( I have not seen any of the OVAs )
  6. Hey, I'm new to this website, sorry if there's already a post similar to this one. I really like anime such as Lucky Star, Asobi Asobase, and YuruYuri. I'm essentially looking for more anime specifically falling under the whole "cute girls doing cute things", but whatever is cool. I need more to watch. Thanks in advance bros. ദ്ദി˶ー̀֊ー́ )✧
  7. which non non biyori release did you like the most?
  8. Hello, Regular human person here. • Currently reading Akane Banashi and kinda lost on what to watch and read. • Things I enjoy are Bake, SZS, and Gainax Robots. • I also enjoy comic books like Sandman, Watchmen, and Doom patrol. (love me that Vertigo) • Grew up on Jump, and it has a very close place in my heart. • Haven't played anything in a long time. Hope you all can take me. Thank you for letting me introduce myself. Best regards, Wanderer
  9. So I didn't stumble upon any forum mentioning about this amazing anime "No Game No Life". Well come on guys please give me some revuews about this anime, because personally I love it. I mean the plot and the characters are just so fitting !! The intelligence level of this anime alone can defeat that of Isaac Newton's(just kidding, maybe). The use of psychology and some of the truth of life just hits so hard from this anime. Tell me about your opinions !
  10. For me, one of the most poignant aspects of slice-of-life is how the genre treats the concept of time. The chain of moments that make up the series slowly advances, but there are rarely consequences to the flow of time itself. This is a necessary thing. The environment and situation remain relatively static in order to highlight the development of their characters. The removal of “real time” from slice-of-life is what makes the characters (and their interactions with one another) endure as charming and heartwarming. One of my favorite examples of this is from Nichijou. There are little transitions that occasionally follow a scene, what the folks at the Nichijou wiki refer to as interstitials. They’re only a few seconds long, displaying the title of the anime and usually some sort of small animation. While they contribute next to nothing to our understanding of the story, I love them immensely. To me, they’re slice-ier and life-ier than Nichijou’s already slice-of-life plot. Major respect for Kyoto Animation for how they implemented these scenes. And enough talking, here are a few interstitials that I thought were really fun: Episode 3 Interstitial 3 Episode 6 Interstitial 2 Episode 10 Interstitial 2 Episode 13 Interstitial 1 Episode 15 Interstitial 5
  11. Hello! I’m new to anime but i really need help to be part of the anime community. I’m into attack on titan right now and it’s really good but I still need help trying to fit in.
  12. I' m writing a manga right now, called "It's a Senpai/Kouhai thing". I thought it'll be cool if the noice people on here can give me idea's for a bonus chapter! Character info: Daichi Ito: First Year in High school. Student council member. Has a crush on Hana Izumi. Dere: idk -dere. Age: 15 Hana Izumi: Second Year in High school. Student coucil memeber. Has a crush on Daichi, but doubts it. Dere: Tsundere. Age: 16 Maka Tanaka: Thrid Year in High school. Student council Co-president. Doesn't have a crush. Dere: Bakadere. Age: 17 Uri Sauna: Third Year in High school. Student Council President. Has a slight crush on Daichi. Dere: Dandere. Age: 17 Riku Kinimoto: First Year in High school. Anime club member. Daichi's childhood friend. Has a crush on Yua-tan (Daichi's lil sister) Anyways, Have a good night. Oyasumi! *~Akane-chan~*
  13. Not many people I know talk about the manga/anime Kiniro Mosaic or known as "Hello Kinmoza". It's a cute slice of life What it's about: Shinobu went to England for a home-stay when she was in middle school and the place she'd be staying had a child around her age. When she arrived, she found out that girl her age didn't know Japanese and Shinobu didn't know English. So they're only conversations were "Konichiwa, Hello!". Even though there conversations were limited, they still became friends. Once Shinobu left to go back to Japan, Alice learned Japanese. Alice surprised Shinobu and went to Japan to see her. Shinobu is.... That's all I'll say! If you like this crap thing I wrote and are interested in the manga/anime I'm pretty sure you can stream it on Crunchyroll and HiDive. The manga is a Four-Panel, just a heads up.
  14. hey does anyone remember me i joined a while back in 2016 its now 2020 and the world has changed to lockdowns and having too much time on our hands anyway my name use to be Ella , i am married to the same person but things have changed , i have Changed a lot , am now Transgender non binary Demiboy my new name is Alex and i like they them there i have one cat called ninja i think we still had tigger but he passed away id like to change my name but unsure how Alex
  15. Hey everyone! I'm James, just joined the site! Been an Anime fan my whole life and finally made a dream come true that is attached to it! I just opened up my own anime shop! I want to join Forums to see what animes people are enjoying! <snip> Excited to join the community!
  16. In this topic, we'll be talking about the first episode of OreGairu! Now, if you haven't watched OreGairu/My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong, As I Expected, then you should. But if you don't want to and just want to learn about it, here's a very simple explanation: Source: https://oregairu.fandom.com/wiki/Yahari_Ore_no_Seishun_Love_Comedy_wa_Machigatteiru_(series) Important events in Episode 1 consists of Hachiman Hikigaya going to a service club against his own will so he can become less of a loner, the characters Yukino Yukinoshita and Yui Yuigahama being introduced, and Yui befriending Hachiman and Yukino. Anyways, discuss! I look forward to hearing what you guy think! PS, OreGairu is on VRV and I think it's on Funimation. Image source: https://www.mobileyouth.org/oregairu-season-3/ Alright, so the network got messed up so it posted the topic three times, and I'm sorry about that! This is the real one! The other two, I'll find a way to delete them. But this topic thread is the real one!
  17. Okay Everyone so I already updated my status a little while ago so I would like to continue on that note by making a few blog entries. Since yet again it has been some time since my last post. I don't know if I have mentioned to you all before but I quite the procrastinator while I am at home. So my room is a hot mess and it takes me forever to do stuff also as a Gemini I tend to get sidetracked a lot so I never really finish anything I actually start. Ugh sometimes I just wish I could get together while I'm home. Also I said only at home that's because when I am at work I'm totally different person. Diligent, hard working, problem solver, communicative, real people person. I wasn't or is not popular but when I think of a character I probably most resemble Umaru from Himouto! Umaru-chan. Anyway I digress back to the main program. lol. There was a few things I wanted to talk about one is this will be the only mention of things in the world right now as I am sure others are already talking about things and frankly I am sick of all this craziness and wish to not talk about it. I do however care very much about the people's well being and mental health so like I have said before if you need a friend to talk to I'm willing to listen that aside my blog shall bring happiness with reviews of anime's, manga, Japan, kpop, and jrock, among many other things. Ok moving on. I love Haikyu it is one of my top 10 favorites I can watch this series over and over again. That being said I was a bit disappointed when the new season is WHAT already over. Just 13 episodes I don't know why but it felt awfully short to me. I mean it is pretty standard 12 to 13 episodes per season but looking back The first and second season were each 25 episodes soooo you know WTF. But the wait shouldn't be too long. Tentative date will be sometime this July with 14 more episodes. So I CAN'T FREAKIN WAIT!!!! Second season of Fruits Basket started and I am already highly irritated at Motoko that girl I just wanna punch in the face. The first episode introduce a couple of new charcters who were highly strange to put it mildly. See what story those two bring. Other than that the episode was kinda plain honestly. But we are just getting back into the swing of things so I am sure there will be more adventures and drama awaiting. My looking Forward/New Season List Some more SAO - Now I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about this series. I will say I quite like however it does not make my top 10 list. Since I'm older I quite like some old school stuff but I have invested a lot of time in watching all of the series thus far. It's got some good qualities I feel the new story arc is a little lacking compared to original and GGO season's. I felt it was a little slow in the beginning but now that some of the original cast is starting to come back into action it is starting to feel more like itself sort to speak. Assendance of a Bookworm - I love Myne (sounds like Mine) she is the main character. Okay if you haven't watched this little gem I would. Classified as Isekai. Basically a reincarnation into another world. She is thrust into and frail poor girl, though she isn't alone her whole family is there don't get to sad on me. But this world is quite different and there is a lack of books which well from the title guessed her previous life she was a bookworm and thus part of her struggles begin. She super kawaii it's an adorable funny story. Guess I just started second season it was a really short break in-between that last couple episodes so I don't really call it a second season in my opinion. Food Wars 5th Plate - Soma is my jam. LOL. I absolutely love Food Wars I can't get enough of this sadly I believe this will be the last season. I have been thinking after this is over I might start reading the manga cause I love it so much. Highly anticipating what and where the shows going. Tower of God - Now I haven't watched the first episode of this but I'm hoping it will be decent. The story sounds good so we will see how the plot unfolds itself. When I watched the preview up the upcoming season there were a few shows I was interested in but I didn't freaking write them down at the time thus I can't remember what they were. So we will see when they come out and I will update you all on the promising new shows. Sorry forgot one. The 8th son? Are you Kidding me? - An isekai also. First episode was quite entertaining and I feel will be very funny and interesting to watch. During the first episode the opening montage does't happen until the halfway point of the episode was quite weird but it was an awesome rock song. SPOILERS!!! The main character is a salary man and after getting off from work prepares a meal and right before eating falls asleep and wakes up in a very strange place and is also now a young boy. He thinks he is rich nobility but it's more like poor nobility and then finds out that he isn't a 3rd son but in fact the 8th. Anyway some other funny stuff happens and it was pretty good.
  18. So i was searching for an anime or manga were the main character have at the start some feelings for a girl and starts dating here and we see the evolution of the couple, just like in 3D kanojo or a little like Domestic na Kanojo
  19. I just signed up honestly for some recommendations. Is there any current airing animes about the Yuri genre or slice of life or just sci-fi in general? Thanks in advance for your help
  20. Okay, so, it'd be great if the MC had a difficult past and also still living a difficult life. I don't want childish characters (if that's possible) or children as MCs. Thank you in advance! ***I'm new to this forum, so excuse me if I've made a mistake about anything.
  21. Sup ladies and gents, thought I'd get your opinion on the upcoming anime Sewayaki Kitsune No Senko-San. Originally, I started out reading the manga and I can't help the excitement I'm feeling for this show. I absolutely loved it's manga counterpart and can't wait to see Senko-San and all the other amazing characters come to life in the animation. I'm really hyped for this show and can't wait to see it in the form of an anime~! Anyways, how are you all feeling about it??
  22. Any anime from 2018 that you could watch over and over again.
  23. Seasons Greetings, my Winter weebs! Yanushi chan here, and here's a question that I can't help, but think about during this time of year: What do you think was the best Christmas episode within an Anime? For me, it has to be the one from Blue Exorcist! I mean, I guess that technically it wasn't really a Christmas episode . . . but you have to admit: ***SPOILER ALERT*** That cake that Rin made was not only absolutely magnificent, but it looked pretty damn tasty too! ************************************** I also really like the Christmas episode from Heaven's Lost Property, when Ikaros finally smiled. It was freaking adorable!
  24. Now, before any of you crucify me, hear me out. First, read what 4chan users have recommended for this project. https://boards.4channel.org/a/thread/182067144#p182067144 Now that you have read it, ask questions or tell me your opinions. This is what we have so far. 1. A japanese highschool setting. 2. 4chan is two characters in one with the splitting of the website. 3. Reddit is the popular girl. 4. Tumblr is tumblr. 5. Youtube is the daughter of Google, the headmaster. Anyone who wants to add is free to post! Please be nice!
  25. come on, let's be active, hahaha im a newbie here.
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