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Zen Wistaria

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Everything posted by Zen Wistaria

  1. Pick them up when they trip over from having two left feet
  2. Teamwork, let's attack them together
  3. We will fight to the end! Whatever it takes, we will win! Chargeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  4. Dance with them in celebration of achievements unlocked
  5. Hello and welcome @jacob1981 to the Anime Forums community I hope you enjoy your stay with us
  6. Questions senpai as too who "them" are, if they mean me I will challenge them to a match, else if they mean the evil one and their clan then sure thing
  7. Tells senpai, if you wanted to see my legs, all you had to do was ask
  8. Asks them what the name of the game is as it's inside a secret brown box and I can't read what's on the label as it's in Japanese
  9. Gratitude them as well cause it's teamwork, and we need to work together to take the evil one out.
  10. With the aim to save the rest of the passengers, I'd approach the hijackers, throw the boiling hot coffee over them (what a waste of good coffee), then proceed to knock them out using the force of the hardback book, turn to the hijackers still at the control of the plane, use the bullet to take him out, remove him from the seat and proceed the take control, as I call for help one of the hijackers was actually a passenger hiding in the crowd of people, without knowning what was about to happen next he begins to approach the cockpit and picks the book up, approaching me to knock me out with the book, what he didn't know was not only could i see him in the reflection of the window, i still had the pistol sitting on my lap, in a split second i grab the pistol and turn around and throw it directly towards his head knocking him out, I get back to safely landing the plane. ------- You wake up on the escalator which is on the side of a sky scraper, (you know the one that the window cleaners use), the wind is blowing gale force winds, you wake up and the escalator wont move, you have a pocket knife, a lighter and a mobile phone which has no charge, all of a sudden one of the cables snap leaving you dangling inside the cage.
  11. Tell them I'm going to rally the troops, let's go after the evil one in force!
  12. We teach people to learn how to feed their families with self sufficiency
  13. While they were hugging me, knowing what their intention was, inject them with a poison which knocks (but not kills) them out, then while they were out drop them into shark infested waters, wakes them up and shouts "good luck!" then kick the engine into gear to make my escape, but not realizing by kicking my engine into gear the engine falls off my boat leaving me stranded with them, so I reach out and pull them into the boat, we argue for a few minutes because we've tuck this too far, so we agree we need to find a way to get out of this situation. okay... that was one way too long response
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