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Zen Wistaria

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Everything posted by Zen Wistaria

  1. Wow I remember when I use to google images of mistake text messages, so I've just done it again and I'm laughing so hard tears are streaming down my face One silly example...
  2. Awesome! Would you by any chance have a three items and a way out for me, please?
  3. "Made in the USA"" and "Made in the UK", I like it Goes on a quest to sell our products to the world.
  4. Hug them, while telling them we can replace all the 1's and 0's with just 0's, maybe that'll work?
  5. gives them an army of floppy disk drives setup to play a song
  6. Writes a book to document the history of the event.
  7. *Bribes all those inactive members with one million monopoly dollars*
  8. Builds a secret room of doom onto their house and installs an arcade inside
  9. Brings an endless supply of medical supplies for the trip.
  10. Reads this statement while drinking a cup of tea and chokes on the word "decrepit"
  11. You're not alone with that one, it's a common thing for new YouTubers, but the more videos you post the more comfortable you will become, it'll likely take time though. Good luck!
  12. Using not the Apple trademark, but a new trademark and gain the reward. *hands them patient rights*
  13. I would, wondering if we should do an mass @mention alert to every member,
  14. Hug them, after we plan to go after everyone the evil one have brainwashed
  15. That could be an interesting experience I'll take this opportunity to bring @IkkleGemz with us, I'm sure she will enjoy it I'd source the rare Apple 1 computer for them.
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