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Posts posted by Myouya

  1. 47 minutes ago, Clayton said:

    What do you mean by "mimic"? If they can think, they can think, right? Human babies learn by copying, but it's all the same in the end. 

    Human intelligence is not exactly "copied", it's partly learned by experimentation I think? I'm not an expert on the subject to really explain it in depth, but it's totally not comparable

  2. 41 minutes ago, Clayton said:

    Yeah, there's a lot of that in LOTR. I mean Gandalf knows eagles. They couldn't have just flown the ring to the volcano?




    They could've, but Gandalf didn't own the eagles, they were their own players in the world and weren't necessarily willing to go into evil land for an old man they get along with

  3. 42 minutes ago, Clayton said:

    So when AIs are as smart as people you, personally, will treat them as such?


    Funnily enough if you ask Google if telling humans when/if it becomes sentient is a good idea, it admits that it is not. 

    They can mimic human intelligence, but whether they get "human treatment" will depend entirely on how much free will they hold on their programming

  4. I think most people who are anti-AI are not inherently against the concept of AI, but against the unethical uses that we are observing all around us. Stealing people's artworks to generate images and then claim them as their own? the way it's causing negative effects on the environment due to how much energy it takes to train and maintain? which, if it was being used for practical things like menial or demanding tasks, sure, but when you see it being used for pointless filters, generating dangerous fake videos, writing essays for medicine students (you know, instead of actually learning how to save lives), of course it's pretty upsetting, In an ideal world, AI would be taking care of dangerous jobs, like at factories and fisheries, but as it is now, it's really accomplishing nothing of note despite it being painted as so "revolutionary"

    • Agree 1
  5. 16 hours ago, Clayton said:

    Details please (you can always hide them in a spoiler tag). Was it actually based on a book or is this something they made new? 

    It was based on events told in one of the books (I think the Silmarillion?), although it was a bit too long in my opinion, some scenes could've been shorter since they felt artificially extended, the parts that were cool were absolutely a blast. I'd rate it a 7.7/10

  6. @Kirika_Madeleine Greetings and welcome to Anime Forums! I hope you enjoy your stay.
    The reason you saw it as red is because we have to manually approve the first couple of posts from new accounts, it's one of our measures to prevent spam and unwanted content from flooding the site, by a couple of days it should be removed from your limitations :)

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Desert Punkd said:

    it's undeniable that a lot more women like anime than did 10+ years ago. is that good? bad? why do you think that is? lets talk about it.

    I think women enjoyed anime all along! but now they are definitely more comfortable to share their hobbies, just like it happened with videogames.

    • Like 2
  8. 23 hours ago, Forlorn said:

    Thanks ^^ 

    Not much of a new take on the sig/avy set with 17 and 18, but I did change up the font. @Myouya is the dimension limit for Sig pics still the same? I don't see it stated in the Signature page of My Account anymore. If not, then I'll leave the sig as is, but if it is still in effect, then I'll change the size.

    Avy: mMMFyN3.gif

    Sig: l4jsRNY.png

    @Sakura How's this one? ^^

    To me, it's perfectly fine! I think a restriction should only be applied if it ever becomes a problem, but otherwise, I'm fine with people expressing their signature however they please

    • Friendly 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Zeref said:

    Was there a new size requirement for display pictures or display signatures? 
    Will you add all the projects from your previous showcase to this one?

    The last discussion about resolutions was quite a few years ago, for now I'm okay with anything that's reasonable for the display

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Infernal said:

    This is where I'll display my GFX projects since I rarely draw and am far too self-conscious about what I draw to actually take a picture of them and show them. Anyways~ here are my first projects in accordance with the new image size requirements in a Signature. ^^

    Since I've picked up Final Fantasy VIII on Switch again I thought I'd make a new set in accordance with the new Signature limits. Seifer x Ultimecia which are my favorite Sorceress and Knight. @Myouya, does the avatar have to be a certain size or is anything under 1.49MB ok? I only ask now because of the new maximum image size limit in Signatures. Good choice, btw.



    I don't recall anything specific about the weight of your profile picture, I believe it is automatically rejected if it's too large, so don't worry about it

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