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Posts posted by Myouya

  1. Hello hello, I think it's appropriate that I make a short statement on what exactly this change means:

    As Optic mentioned, we will review the forums' state and make some changes accordingly to try and accomodate equally both old members, and the newer members to make it easier and more comfortable to stay and navigate. Some of the bigger changes that are coming for now are:

    • Rewriting the Rules and Guidelines of Anime Forums to better fit today's standards and new potential concerns
    • Main page forum and subforums layout rearrangement to fit current activity levels

    This said, every user is invited to speak up their thoughts on changes, and could possibly even make polls occasionally to receive feedback from you. My DMs are equally open for any type of concerns.

    I wish you a lovely day!

    • Like 4
  2. 5 hours ago, animechat said:

    How long take to be approved by a moderator?

    It's currently me alone moderating posts, I login everyday so for new members it might take up to one day or less if I'm not too busy. Thank you for your patience (>.o)

    • Like 1
  3. This post will contain spoilers for the anime Madoka Magica, the 12 episode anime.


    I just recently finished watching the anime episodes of Madoka Magica, which gives a take on many philosophical questions, one of them being related to physics and I really thought it was worth exploring.

    The problem is as follows:
    In this universe, there's a civilisation of seemingly advanced magical creatures that are described as feeling no emotion (or those that do are considered mentally ill), and they wish to make 'progress'. They have sought means to harvest energy to make up for the rise of entropy for a long time, and their answer was to harvest the emotions of the human race. Their sadness, rage, happiness, their whole souls, basically. They do this by providing each person who makes a contract with them magical powers, turning them into a magical girl. Once they give up their soul, the human is subject to harvest energy from distorsions in reality that corrupt and cause the suffering and death of people. It doesn't sound too bad... does it?

    Later, it is revealed that the humans are eventually destined to return the good they've done for the world, in the opposite way. Because of giving up their soul, they are prone to losing themselves and becoming the very distorsions they used to destroy, only this time causing all the pain back that they once thought they avoided. The advanced civilisation creatures don't care, for their lack of emotions, and they've been thriving off of humanity's suffering for as long as history knows.

    My personal belief is that when the question comes up, 'what's the price of an eternal civilisation?', my firm answer is that there is none that are worth the exploitation of other beings. The exploitation of other planets, living creatures. I believe the universe should die at one point. Entropy does its thing, and that will be the end of it.
    If you were given the choice, would you accept to extend the life of the universe? If so, what's your purpose and reasons?

  4. @The History Kid @What the Fuck. I am somehow just learning about some of this now, I just want to address that I've been present here checking in everyday for the last couple of years too. I had no clue about these inner quarrels, nor did I ever hear about this transphobic ciscussion, but I will root out wherevere it comes from right now.

    Probably not much use to it since the Forums aren't very active, but heck, I'll do it anyways.

    To any others, I am still an active moderator around, so please don't hesitate to come to me if any trouble arises.

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