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Posts posted by Xyro
What would y'all say are the most meaningful/memorable or pretty names you've seen or heard of?
One of my all-time favourite a is Dagonheart, although I am a big sucker for any complex, formal or intriguing names, such as Elizabeth, Celestia, Jessica, exedra
An animation I just made. Took around an hour of sniffling and really sore throat coughing, but was worth it!!! XD
Meh, slowly getting over the oll cold and whatnot, so hopefully should be up and out of bed soon XD
Anyhow, tried to at least keep up with stuff, so made a pixel art piece of Kiskuna trekking through the snow. Hope its alright! ^^Oh, and sucy for good measure (Not overly great, but I tried!)
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spent a lot of time doing writing over the last day or so, and been a little head-coldy, so haven't really had the time to do anything decent. but instead, I did try and make a little sketchy-sketch, so made this;
I kinda get animation, but don't at the same time. still learning though ;-;
Alrighty, after a whole load of stressing out over details, I made a little chibi version of Kiskuna (EV26), one of my OC Enforcers for "Memetically Me" (Which is ironic to me, since she is pretty much a chibi anyway, to an extent). Initially built to act as a mobile fire-warden, after the Omer cataclysm, she followed her dream of, and I quote "Being a bad-ass". She may look a bit intimidating (Which she is) as well as a hothead (Which she is) but she has a soft spot for helping those in need... sometimes.
...Oh, and shes also the youngest of the enforcers in regard to her mental age and also her height, standing at 3' 9.... But her size has never prevented her from hacking at all that appose her with her fire axe.
7 minutes ago, Seshi said:
This one of your characters? She's really cool
Yee, but she's just a concept art for an overall species, so not a specific character per say (Known as Myci, mushroom people. They tend to be carnivores, but prefer picking off carrion)
....I usually hate drawing cute little things...... but here's Kanna sitting on ploosh cushions....
44 minutes ago, Illusion of Terra said:
Great stuff as before!
So, I'm wondering, when do you plan on 'releasing' your story, if you plan to at all?
thank you :3
Well, MMaM has the first 8 books shells done, so I'm currently working on finalising the first book to then find a publisher that would want to take me on
Then after the first book, I want to then start writing up the "Memetically me" series, so that should maybe take 3 years or so before I could officially get it released and out there (Considering that MMaM is my main passion, so it will be taking priority for a bit :3)
But that's all estimates really. will likely take longer, what with my second year of uni coming up soon and loads of art and games design Ill be starting ;-;
long story short, its a lot to be doing! XD-
Fran bow (My favourite game) meets dead-space!
"I is bell!"
XD sorry, this is what happens when you mix silent hill with animal crossinghaven't played AC, but I know Isabelle is popular, and I couldn't resist the pun. ^^
58 minutes ago, Lelouch said:
*offers xyro some beer * welcome friend have a sit and enjoy
Ahh! why thank you! *Takes the beer, which seems to disapear within the blink of an eye* .....Ahh! lovely!
Just now, Seshi said:Seems like someone started the party early.
Party? early? awh damn, is it someones birthday or somet.... *Trails off in a drunken slur*
13 minutes ago, The History Kid said:
Woah there, buddy. That's the concoction for moon speaking. How many fingers am I holding up?
Errrrrr.... lets see here.... 1,2, 14, 7....
....damn, you have a lot of fingers....
1 minute ago, Nova said:
Seshi did say it
I'll take 10.... and, errr, three for everyone else? -
*Bursts in with a look of pure, joyful intent plastered on his face*
Did somebody mention Beer?-
11 minutes ago, Illusion of Terra said:
You've got yourself a fan
Curious to know, what's behind the word 'Memetically'?
Yay! XD thank you
Well, "Memetically" is Refered to memetics, meaning "The study of information and culture based on an analogy with Darwinian evolution. Proponents describe memetics as an approach to evolutionary models of cultural information transfer. Memetics describes how an idea can propagate successfully, but doesn't necessarily imply a concept is factual." In the stories point of view, it follows suit after a catastrophe ends the "Omer sector" (Previously known as the Milky way before it was unionised) creating it into a vast wasteland of nothingness. those who still live within the deadly landscape of the Omer universe are unable to leave, but over the thousands of years of being there have learned through fragmented knowledge of the past, based mostly on the remnants of the internet that has still stuck around in stored data-banks or "On the cloud"so "Memetically Me" tells the story from the point of view of three individuals, including an "Enforcer" (EV11) trying to understand her surroundings through the point of view of her companions, their emotional response to the wasteland around them, as well as many of those shattered stories from the old world.
I would go into more detail, but I havent fleshed out the exact world of the Omer system, so I need a lot more time to give a detailed and solid answer (Sorry ;-;)
But, at least it will be set in the MMaM universe, which I have already written out and have a concept of how it works for the MMaM story (A different thing entirely) so at least I dont have to write out the physics and the universe and whatnotjust gotta get the Omer galaxy written up and crafted ^^
Made a little pixel art version of M, one of my characters from "Memetically Me". Unfortunately, the smaller of the images is of higher quality, so the larger version is a little more pixelated and stretched then I would like, but oh well. still happy with them ^^
I mean, is there any anime that has a pure focuse on insects? So kinda like how cells at work gives you a fairly good insight into human cells, but the show instead would be focused around the insect world and it's happenstances?
Aka, a more factual summery into the insect world, utalising anime-esk characters from an insect point of veiw.
May already be a thing though ;-;
25 minutes ago, Illusion of Terra said:
those are fantastic dude!
Thank you kindly ^^ trying out a new method of shading pixels, so hopefully I can get the hang of it all soon and make something pretty awesome
as its coming up to October, (We are in fall, and to me that's simply October-time! XD) I'm going to be doing a whole load of pixel-art based around creepy themes.
So here's a corrupted version of hollow Knight (Nicknamed the completed vessel) and that one creepy-pasta jigglypuff thing (Made because I have a bud who hates it)-
27 minutes ago, Seshi said:
@Xyro I enjoy the fall atmosphere the most for writing too. I hope you get to enjoy the Halloween party this year, I'd love to get an invite to one of those!
Indeedy! Fall is my favourite time of the year, what with my birthday in October :3
and thsnk you! Should be pretty fun
Sadly, we don't celebrate Halloween much over where I live. It's Increadibly rare to get anyone out trick-or-treating, as well as anyone really putting up decorations or anything.
(We have freinds of the family that usually hold a giant Halloween party each year though, so at least that's something to always look forward too!)
I just mostly enjoy fall itself. Beautiful season after all :3 good time for writing too! ^^
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