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Everything posted by brycec

  1. Hug them, after we successfully erase the EU from existence.
  2. I see. I am pretty much impartial, except for the dislike of XBox, due to how unfriendly it’s controller is, but I have grown to like the PlayStation since the 2 era, because the controller is easy for me, and, unlike Nintendo, Sony does not drastically change their controllers each generation.
  3. Expose corruption in the club, and enact a hostile takeover.
  4. Beach. Cinema can be nice, but I tend to feel lost, if I have to leave for the restroom and come back. What would you do if you had the ability to walk on water?
  5. I never got a new PlayStation console because Sony decided it would no longer be backwards compatible, so I am excited to see what the PS5 would be like, as I would still be able to play my PS2 games, supposing the discs did not deteriorate over the years.
  6. Join them, as a stowaway, on trip to California, so we can pillage Silicon Valley for not making good innovations anymore.
  7. Hug them, after hunting down and eliminating parent trolls.
  8. @The History Kid Why even consider a PS4? I will admit there are some games on it I would like to play, but it will be on its last legs quite soon, with the PS5 announcement, which is rumored to see a return of backwards compatibility. It will be a wait, since PS5 is expected for 2020, but if things work out, you may be able to play quite a few more games.
  9. I’m game. Let us know how you like it.
  10. Have you tried dipping yourself in the hot sauce made completely from ghost chili peppers? That might be something try when you turn yourself into fries.
  11. Depends. Does that include eating yourself?
  12. Might need to baked them twice to get the juices flowing.
  13. It depends on what you are trying to do and what language you are trying to learn. I can kind of help you out, but I do not generally have the patience for teaching, nor do I always say things in the kindest way possible. For general learning, a user has recommended Solo Learn for most languages out there and he enjoys it, but if you are trying to learn Swift, I recommend the books from Apple, specifically “App Development with Swift”. Apple’s books are geared towards Apple platforms (and even requires you to look through the books on their hardware), but much of the code works on Linux too and the book I recommended does a great job of giving you a fundamental basis for learning programming in general.
  14. There are some games I feel like that too. Sadly, I do not have the skills or resources to do that, though I have the time now, if you have heard the news. I hope somebody can do that too. Thanks. It is a happy day of truly tranquil relaxation, as the near achievement of it that has usually been. You think so? I think we are quite normal, especially since many of us have not given up on our imaginations. Feel free to join in whenever.
  15. Another survival game, huh? You seem to enjoy those. Is it as fun or better than the other one you told me about?
  16. Me too. I am always down for one as well. Thanks for the recommendation. I will certainly keep it in mind.
  17. I would like to try them, so I am down, even though I am not obsessed about any sweets, honestly. The big problem is getting anywhere, since I can only do bus or walk.
  18. Never heard of Hurts, and, sadly, from the site, I will not be able to, even though the site claims I can in a little ad at the top.
  19. I prefer the term group myself. When I think of a club, I think of a place or a site, as opposed to a little sanctuary on a site.
  20. People are all different, otherwise, it would be boring. Plus, they are bagels and donuts both pretty similar, though bagels are a bit closer to bread.
  21. Could be wrong, but he might mean club. That is what came to my mind,
  22. Don’t worry @The History Kid, I’ll let you count the bagel.
  23. It is 17:18 here, so not quite night time. I do not usually have problems with sleeping, but when I do, it is mainly because of noises too, such as snoring.
  24. Did not have donuts in the past couple of days, but I mostly like glazed donuts. I will live with any kind, though they must not have filling.
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