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Status Updates posted by Kit

  1. Anyone dealing with depression? I was embarrassed of talking about it besides a few ppl that know online and were helping me get through winter when it's the worst. 

    I've had it all my life but now that I'm older it's a pain in the ass to get under control. I honestly would be worse off without the support from everyone in my life. Online and off :)

    Throwing a random post up to see who is getting treatment and how it's working out for you? 

    Yesterday my dr prescribed lexapro and I'm scared taking it because of all the side effects. What do you think is medication the answer? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hällregn


      If you die I'll avenge you. xD 


    3. Kit


      Thanks for taking the time to share Ohayotaku. It's always been said that we're not alone but hearing it from others makes it a true reminder. Thank you friend and hang in there we're all here for each other. 

    4. Kit


      You better El i'ma be heated if i go out like this! XD ah laughter never fails. 

      Two days on lexapro and I'm trying to have faith. My dr. explained to me it's a low dose with not many reasons for concern on side effects and he'll adjust it as needed but never go past a harsher dose. Let's see what happens.. I'm ready to start feeling better with more control. 

  2. Going into business with a coworker. What can go wrong. Should be interesting and I'm looking for the experience in business anyway. 

    1. Hällregn


      Stay safe but I hope the investment flourishes! I'm so proud of everything you have been working towards and setting out to do. 💕 Best wishes, always. :) 

    2. Kit


      Thanks 😌

  3. If Beethoven ascended onto earth with plans to destroy it do you think this would be his theme song?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hällregn


      Saving this to my channel and the comments are killing me. 🤣

      "Beethoven: This isn't even my final symphony!" 

      "Beethoven was so op God had to nerf his hearing in order to balance things out."


    3. Kit


      Does that make Bach the Cap of the classical music assembly? XD

    4. Hällregn


      I would actually pay good money to see this as an epic film series. xD I think Bach would be more aligned with Iron Man in the sense that he was a little bit of a rebel. 

  4. Is it just me or is replying to a status post not working? It says saving but I need to leave the page and come back to see if it posted.

  5. Is your profile cover pic from Wolf's Rain? :)

    1. EnviousEnvy


      Yes it is! One of my favorite anime series!

    2. Kit


      I watched it not that long ago and agree it's one of my favorites too. Cool to know that we can put gif's for our cover I didn't know that was something we could do.

  6. What's up af? 

    My last time logging in? Maybe, we'll see. I'm transitioning to Anilist after a friend showed me how to upload my mal ratings to it. It's like putting mal and af together and it makes me feel that I'm getting the most out of my time online. If you want we can trade and follow to keep in touch but I honestly don't really know anyone here besides three ppl. XD

    Later and thnx for having me. Keep it real. 

    1. Hällregn


      Aww, well I'm glad you finally found a preference so you won't have to keep jumping from one place to another. :)

      Love you Little Boss. 💕💕💕

    2. Kit


      Thanks for tolerating multiple messages and forum hop ramblings. #☝️
      Love you forever. See you on Ani soon? XD rol

    3. Hällregn


      Wouldn't pass on the verbal adventuring. xD 

      Yeah, yeah. 😝 I'll think about it. Not a big fan of joining a whole bunch of sites. Too much to keep up with! I'll stick with email and Insta Chat if you don't mind. 🙃

  7. Why I feel called out. XD


  8. Yo how are the kids? XD

    1. Hällregn


      We were supposed to go to the aquarium but there was a change of plans. I've been to Star Wars Lego prison three times today and apparently have been playing battleship wrong all my life. 😆


    2. Kit


      How were you playing battleship before? XD

      And I forgot to ask but how are the fuzz nuggets doing? Lol

      Happy Easter btw :) hope your day is going good. Welcome back to af.

    3. Hällregn


      "You're not really sinking my ship, you're marooning me until I can be saved." xD 

      They're good, the little brats. 💜

      Same! Had a nice dinner with family and friends and an extra plate from the neighbors. 😵 I am absolutely tired right now. Will probably go to bed early. How was your day? Thanks for the warm welcome. 🤗

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