speech quirks:
-i tend to switch the way that i talk depending on who im speaking to. this happens in text too, but theyre usually small things like saying 'im laughing' vs 'haha' and using less exclamations than normal. when im talking, i talk with a bigger vocabulary with people who also do it, and ill even mess up my words more often around someone who does the same.
- i kind off constantly overthink, so sometimes when im talking to someone ill say the word that i was thinking instead of what i was trying to say.
i do this a lot too, but instead of drawing out the word, ill say 'uuuuuuuuuum.....' until i completely forgot what i was saying.
typing quirks
- i almost never use capitalization unless im writing something really important or im using it to emphasize
- i use! exclamation points! way too much!!
- with closer friends, ill typo on purpose to show im excited? which is a weird thing to do, but for some reason we've all evolved to do that. we also talk in caps lock very often, but i never know when the appropriate time to use it is with anyone else because of it haha