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Black Butler themed tour survey (o.O)?


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Hello everyone, especially Black Butler fans! I need your help in filling out the questionnaire for a research that is part of my graduation project titled 'Black Butler themed tours for fans as a tourism product', which I'm currently working on. This questionnaire is surely aimed at people, who are at least a little familiar with the manga/anime, but I appreciate the help of others no less (just imagine that this themed tour is based on your favourite anime/film/series/manga/book, etc. and it should be fine :3). This survey shouldn't take much of your time (around 7-10 minutes) but by completing it, you’ll make a great investment in a possible creation of such a tour in the future, which will be more suitable for each of you, if you’ll share your preferences with me in this survey, ofc ;) Thank you for your engagement in advance \(≧∇≦)/!

Link to questionnaire: https://forms.gle/Cpj5nhzWXkooAh9e9

*If you have any questions or suggestions, you can text me either here (I’ll try to check this page regularly) or directly on my Instagram, which I use pretty often, so I definitely won’t miss any of your messages.*


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I'm a pretty huge fan of Black Butler, I filled out your survey for you :3 
That would be something that would be interesting to me if there was such a tour that visited sites featured in the films/show/manga. 

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6 hours ago, Sakura said:

I'm a pretty huge fan of Black Butler, I filled out your survey for you :3 
That would be something that would be interesting to me if there was such a tour that visited sites featured in the films/show/manga. 

Yaay! Thank you soo much for your answers! I'll definitely continue this topic during a magistracy graduation project, so I'll creat the program for such tour. Hopefully I'll get more responses to have a basis to work with😅

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11 hours ago, ifeelikeridinslow said:

Thank you for your time! I'm so happy that there are people who have such a will to help😭✨

No probs, completed, BB is the best 😎

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