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Hello everyone. Found this site while browsing through a forum directory. I always wanted to be a member when a forum was still young and it would grow into a vibrant and spectacular community, so I hope that's the future for Animeforums. I'll try to suggest whatever I can if that's okay.


As for myself, I'm 21-years old, male, living in Canada and I joined so I could find some new anime series to be a fan of. I prefer the more lighter or shoujo series compared to the action ones that men my age tend to like, so Sailor Moon, Fairy Tail, Madoka Magica are series that I enjoy watching/reading. Other things I like to do include playing Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering, meeting new people and travelling. I've worked in customer service and inventory and I'm going to hopefully volunteer at my aunt's kindergarten class as I enjoy working with kids. Finally, I'm a huge collector of plushies, including various Sailor Senshi, Pokemon and Link and Zelda.

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Welcome to Anime Forums, Dimir! Hope you enjoy your stay :)


I could probably suggest a lot of series for you, but since you like Madoka Magica, you might want to try out Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru. Its a show that I watched during the Fall season which just finished. Although, I have yet to watch Madoka Magica, I hear the two are very similar.

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Howdy. So lighthearted or silly? How about the series Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai or any of the Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nocchi Guu series? They're lighthearted and silly and not action heavy.


If you like spoofy stuff, then Abenobashi should be okay for you.


Edit: Never mind. You said "new". Sorry, can't help there. Um....if you like monster anime stuff okay, the kids always talk about Youkai Watch, although I've never seen it myself, or for shoujo, maybe the most recent Precure series.

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Found this site while browsing through a forum directory.

Great to hear. If you don't mind me asking, which directory?


I always wanted to be a member when a forum was still young and it would grow into a vibrant and spectacular community, so I hope that's the future for Animeforums. I'll try to suggest whatever I can if that's okay.

That's the dream. Thanks for your kind words. Of course that is okay, I welcome all feedback and implement as much feedback as possible. :)


As for myself, I'm 21-years old, male, living in Canada and I joined so I could find some new anime series to be a fan of.

As you probably noticed on the front page slider there are some new titles airing soon. I will endeavor to start watching as many as possible and post my impressions. I imagine @drill will probably beat me to it though. xD In any case I'm sure there will be something you'll like.

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