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Status Updates posted by Hällregn

  1. So I can't post appreciation for THK and Wedgy on all the crap they've been through? Nor how this appalling site has treated people who chose their dignity over keeping this place alive. Thanks Optic, truly. For sponging my previous account when a fellow member was stealing my creative works and reuploading them elsewhere. Always grateful but I don't understand why I can't even post a screenshot asking why my public replies to THK and Wedgy are restricted, on my own Activity Status? I can't even simply mention that I'm disappointed in AF and express regret in re-joining. 

    Feeling terrible for the lingering members on the site, there's so much going on behind the curtain and you all deserve better. Huge thank you to everyone that kept spreading awareness, I'll take a note from those that were wise enough to leave this place sooner. 

    I'll treasure the times I did manage to have fun here and it was wonderful meeting some earnestly good people along the way. Thankful to the friends I made above all else. Stay safe.

    1. Myouya


      Is this about the "Huge thank you." post that is hidden just before this one? Did you not do that yourself? I can un-hide it if you want

    2. Hällregn


      It's okay, you don't need to un-hide the Status post, it generally says the same as my comment posted on THK's thread. Whenever I tried tagging their usernames or tried uploading the screenshot of the content being hidden or simply asked if talking about this situation was filtered through certain words, my activity was being hidden. Thought it was weird.

      Thank you for everything you do here, Myouya. This place would literally not have any new active members without you. Stay true and good luck here. 💚 Don't let anyone take advantage of your time and efforts. 💚💚 Many hugs!!

  2. Eeeeee!!! 😍😍😍

    Anyone a RE fan? 

    RE4 is also getting a remake and it looks good! 

    1. Hällregn



      It's a good game, unfortunately it has a great deal to do with previous RE titles. One of the main reveals of Village connects to various other games. Sorry. :(

  3. ~~Excited squeaking noises.~~ 😍


  4. What did you think of the Black Adam trailer? 

    Looking forward, hopefully it will be good. 

    The Sandman finally has a release date. Can't wait to see what they've done with it!

  5. Was doing some online shopping and:


    Makes sense to me, I guess. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hällregn


      @Kit I found a video of you trying to join the Avengers. 😆

    3. Kit


      The situation is uncanny but do I have the confidence to be this sassy? XD 

      My summer work has officially started and I'm already tired. Lol

    4. Hällregn


      If you had the confidence, Lord have mercy on us all. 🤣 

      Don't overwork yourself, just try to hang in there. 😔🤗 You can do it!! 🥳

  6. Hope any fans of Stranger Things is having a good time with this season. 😄 Made it to episode 5 with the family but we'll have to continue where we left off tomorrow. Just got back in, shower next and quality time with my best friend- a really comfy sofa! 🥱😴 Sleep well. 👋

    1. Kit


      thicc hopper hopes you feel better soon. 


    2. Hällregn


      How dare you. xD 

  7. Hoping it turns out as fun as it looks! 😯

    My late grandmother met Elvis. She was a massive fan. I wonder if she'd have gone to see this. 🌻

    1. Metro


      It honestly looks so good, would love to go see it!

  8. When the van Gogh Con has been postpone for two years in my area.


    1. Kit


      That guy got some pipes. Rol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kit


      What do you prefer the sub or dub? Does sub stay true to the songs?

    3. Hällregn


      I prefer the dub because on the sub, they have the Japanese voice actors trying to speak English. They even sing a lot of the songs in English. It's certainly not the actors fault but this decision was terrible. The anime is great dubbed! A lot of the actors sound natural and can sing wonderfully! The only problem is that the dub had licensing issues and the song that gave an emotional conclusion to the anime was replaced. Still a good number but not nearly as impactful.

      Additionally, the animation is a little dated. Despite all of this, it's personally one of the best anime out there and one of my favorites. The characters act and function like people would, giving it a nice realistic flow. Something I really appreciate in a coming-of-age. 

      I would say that the manga is even better but you'll need quite the imagination to discern what the bands/artists in it sound like. I think Harold Sakuishi does an excellent job of translating music genres through the expression and energy the crowds are illustrated in. Calming, cool tones with a generally relaxed visage for Jazz. More energetic scenes and styles for Rock and Metal. The audience makes up a large part of genre setting and reacting to the artists and performances, it's an inclusive experience. One with the general point of being part of the audience. You should definitely give it a read! 

    4. Kit


      You are right the english dub is superior. XD cracking up over the engrish version  rol

    1. Ohayotaku


      And here I thought I’d seen every episode 😆

    2. Hällregn


      A crossover I'd love to see. 🤣 Like how Columbo's entire confrontation is about how he knows Light is Kira. The "just call me Detective" and "who's that gangly fella" gets me every time. 😂

  9. Wishing everyone a happy Mother's Day! Sending lots of love to all the Moms out there. From new, young and to the wise—to pet Mums too. In our hearts and thoughts, the lovely and brilliant Mothers that are always with us. 💕 To Motherly figures and the Heroines that have been the pillars in our lives. 



    1. Kit


      Same to you. give your mom a hello and best wishes for me. 


  10. If anyone has nothing else to do. :)


  11. Here's to a beautiful, hopeful, exciting May. Wishing everyone love and purpose and strength to do what you need to and to grow and experience new chapters. 

    Heart breaks for Ukraine and China. Perils that are unfathomable.

    Take nothing for granted and keep your happiness close! 🌻

    1. Kit



      Thankful to have love in my life to help me traverse the unknown. 

      Prayers to the less fortunate. Health, home, food and water are silver and gold. Love what you got and get what you need. Sunshine smile on all.

    2. Hällregn
    3. Kit
  12. Still working hard as a Mod I see. Thanks for putting my comments through Myouya! You're the best. 👍

    1. Myouya


      Count with me! 🌈

    2. Hällregn


      AF needs a Mod awards system. 😁🏆

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