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  1. If I was to go back before Kuroko's Basketball and to my childhood, I'd have to give most of the credit for anime to Zoids: Chaotic Century. I also of course watched Pokemon, but Zoids fit the typical anime mold more and following that show was a blast a kid. Also used to make my own Zoids out of Kinex toys which was fun.
  2. They'll have to figure out where your consciousness comes from first, and then you'd need to be in the top 1% of financial prosperity.
  3. No I just wanted to watch people argue about the origins of christmas.
  4. It's too bad this thread never took off. (honestly, not sarcasm here)
  5. I've been rewatching the first two seasons of Fire Force (back when seasons were 24 episodes instead of 12 split into two and three parts) and I've enjoyed it just as much the second time around. I forgot that the story was surprisingly involved and there were many things along the way that I had forgotten about. Highly recommend as a binge watch before season 3 comes out in April.
  6. I've actually been curious about this show. Racing isn't even really my thing but it looked like it could be a decent watch. Would you recommend overall?
  7. A side interest of mine for years now has been clothing. I really enjoy wearing nice clothes when money allows it and over the years I have gone after certain pieces because I liked it on an actor or anime character, so I thought it might be cool to make a thread for everyone to post pictures of what they believe to be great outfits worn by all their favorite anime heroes. Post as many as you like and don't spare any details on why you think the outfit is cool and deserving of recognition. I'll kick it off with three, the first being pretty obvious considering it's me we're talking about. Kogami Shinya's newest outfit in Psycho Pass: An extremely practical look and can easily be worn out day to day, dressing down a black dress shirt but still sharp especially if the jacket is removed. The jacket is a vinyl outer shell which makes it better suited for light rain and has two large pockets that snap shut. It's easy, relatively affordable, and each piece can be styled with a plethora of other clothes, greatly expanding your wardrobe. Ichigo Kurosaki's second Bankai outfit: His first Bankai appearance was a classic look that in some ways could never be topped, but there is something that is just so beautifully balanced about the Bankai appearance he gained at the end of the Fullbringer arc, leading into about halfway through the TYBW arc. It leaned in more heavily on the popped collar look, revealed more of the white layering underneath, and added two extremely cool gauntlets on each arm. Typical sleekness you'd expect for his Bankai, but several new tidbits that made the whole thing pop. Eren Yeager in season 4: Again we have simple, another outfit that can be worn casually out and about. A long dark gray hoodie over a white shirt and black pants (either jeans or chinos). It's slick and versatile, and to modernize it I'd recommend simply getting a short or long sleeve white henley. Look forward to seeing what everyone may post.
  8. We went from MAPPA over doing it and never giving their team a break, to announcing a second season of a well-received anime that will likely only contain 12 episodes again 13 months in advance. A release window of January 2026, which in my opinion is borderline unacceptable for fans of this series.
  9. Another angle to this topic in my opinion is the simple lack of variety that people acquire over time. The English language can be absolutely beautiful when spoken or written well. When the same word or few words are used to describe every noun in the book it loses what little meaning it may have had in the beginning and is now nothing more than drivel. To find the right words means to find the right meaning, and when the correct meaning is being presented it begins to paint a unique picture. The way that most people speak today is boring. The standard has degenerated greatly, and I don't advocate for more proper speaking because I want to sound better than everyone else, I want people to be better and what they say to carry more weight. Correct. If words had randomly assigned meanings we would be better off to stay silent. The origin of the F word for example was in the late 1500s, Old German, and used to describe a puncture, strike, or to penetrate. It takes very little thought and imagination to realize that ever since its recording as being a word uttered it has come along with a very specific connotation and therefore has precise meaning and several hundred years of history to point to, so if a small child in school says this word because he hears parents at home or TV shows constantly saying it and passing it down to those who grow up to be our future, then we have the problem on our hands that a word with powerful meaning of something he's too young to even understand is being spread around to others his age.
  10. Not even in the slightest. Thinking and computing are two entirely different realms. Computing is processing data given, thinking is the processing of ideas originating within your mind. Babies develop both by genetics and their environment. They also do not mimic mannerisms to learn, but rather emulate. A good example of this is when a young girl plays kitchen with her toys. She isn't copying her mother and doing exactly what she saw her do in the real kitchen, she's acting out what it would be like if it were her cooking in the kitchen. There's a personal touch that emerges as a consequence of our mind determining on its own things to change or improve on what we've seen. And at those younger ages we can generally know that it isn't from ten other outside influences that she may have, it's her own creativity.
  11. AI isn't as much the issue as what people will do with AI, which will be anything and everything that can be dreamed. All throughout history it was never the tool, but the use of the tool. Some AI, most notably the AGI (artificial general intelligence), will fall either way at random when it comes to whether they produce positive or negative results, meaning they will always have to be moderated by people to some degree. I also believe that in many ways we will look back on the "advancement" of AI as more of a hassle to manage than a time saver. I agree with the overall sentiment here as well. It's much less revolutionary as it is another way to make money, and as usual, to the grave with the consequences. A machine with the programmed thoughts and commands of one or more people with the possible addition of mathematically deducing new outcomes based on pre-programmed data is not free will or a psyche. I also do not believe it would be a good thing to do at all to elevate them and treat them on the same level as humans. This does not mean, however, that I would intentionally be rude if an AI machine talked to me. I wouldn't consider it a good idea to act in such a way on a regular basis about anything.
  12. It was fair, but that's about it. If there's a second season I'll get around to watching it but I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up getting too weird to finish. Also this.
  13. Fire Force Season 3 returning in April of next year.
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