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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Haha your ok not upsetting good movie actually. I don't love it but I don't hate it I suppose, it's fifty fifty. I'm a little lonely because it's only yourself on the shift no one else so it kinda sucks in that regard in not interacting with other coworkers.
  2. Now that's a tough choice I suppose currently at the moment it's overwatch on my favorite however also love the Halo and Final Fantasy franchises as well.
  3. Right excatly, honestly tattooing any significant others name on you is kinda a hinder on the person because not everyone lives happily ever after nor do they stay together I tell people the only time I think it's acceptable if your getting someone's name is if its a family member or one of your kids names, in my opinion at least.
  4. Well I noticed OP said you'll with essentials of good supply of water and food unless I read it wrong. Otherwise I pretty much grabbed three entertaining things that won't get me bored. Haha.
  5. Sassy

    Manga vs Anime

    Right excatly it's a comparison that is easily arguable but also easily combined in agreement.
  6. Right it's understandable I tell people allot that if it's not for you then don't fell shamed or bad sometimes certain things aren't for everyone or for everyone to do.
  7. That's definitely true didn't think about it on the grab and go haha lol
  8. Right and definietly agree. *nods head*
  9. I totally agree, 100% *nods head* I could name more honestly in series that are rewatchable but for the life of me I'm having a brain fart today haha typical Friday lol.
  10. Sassy


    Thank you much appreciated of course. Love the name.
  11. Truthfully all depends on your background of growing up in and the situations and hardships within your life. One hand you've got individuals who are older living with their parents but not mooching off of them they contribute to help out regardless or they are helping their parents because the parents can't take care of themselves, and on the other hand you've got individuals who take advantage of their parents by mooching off them or simply downright total taking advantage of and not helping out at all. It's like a fifty fifty toss up, I lived with my mom still until I recently moved not only to help her out financially but also cause I couldn't afford my own place so I think it truly depends on the situations.
  12. Sassy


    Haha understandable such is life these days for an adult. Haha yah I feel ya I use to read manga all the time but stopped due to being so damn busy lol
  13. Sassy


    Haha your fine use to binge watch all the time but since I got older I got busier so haven't watched as much as I use to back in the day. In those days it use to be 6 or 8 animes I watch at a time now it's a solid two and three if I'm lucky enough. Haha. True and quite understandable lol
  14. Guilty as charged for that yes. The one's I usually can watch over and over and never get bored are these five (well technically six if you count both FMA series): Samurai Champloo FMA (Brotherhood and original) Dragon Ball Z Gundam Wing Sailor Moon
  15. Sassy


    It's definitely understandable I'll have to look into it and check it out sounds like an interesting anime. Ah true not everyone watches the currently airing anime some wait till their done airing to watch haha. Also just because your a guy doesn't mean you can't vent to anyone you've got this if you need to vent you need to vent its not good to keep things bottled up. You don't know me much but if you ever need someone to vent to I'm here as a listening ear for ya.
  16. To be honest I'm so accustomed to both and genuinely don't mind watching anime in both viewpoints. However I'll admit sub is quite better in dub in most cases but sometimes theirs anime that the dub is simply better then sub so it all really depends personally.
  17. Oh gosh love allot haha food is gloriously delicious if made right. Drinks: Moutain dew, sometimes teas and coffee, sprite on a cold day and sometimes Gatorade as well. Food: Gotta love comfort and soul food of course, but also enjoy sushi, steak, pasta, certain types of rice, sometimes sandwiches and chips or Chinese takeout from time to time, pizza is another good one. So many haha. Snacks: Chips of course, crackers of different brands here and there, chocolate, um personally love a good sweet and salty spicy mix within snacks. In general I suppose it all truthfully depends on my mood on eating food haha.
  18. Personally love them, escpeially tattoos (of course I would though since I've got 7 tattoos in total haha), as the saying goes "Once you get one you never go back." Sure tattoos lose the appeal once you've grown way older in old age but honestly that's to be expected when you get older the disadvantages of being older follows suit with it. But honestly tattoos are beautiful when drawn and done correctly, and one of the biggest forms of self expression for many people.
  19. Sassy

    Manga vs Anime

    If you would have asked me 5 years ago I would have easily said manga is better in appeals that it's more detailed and more interesting within the characters dynamics but now I couldn't honestly choose between the two I personally love both now and apperciate both equally in their appeal and platform of unique artwork and animation.
  20. Originally I'm born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. However recently moved to Pittsburgh to be with the boyfriend back in September (couple months ago) I'm hella surprised it's been two months times flying these days.
  21. Sassy


    Haha it's understandable and hey having fellow colleagues worry about you and befriend you is always truthfully nice. And hey sometimes you gotta do what you need to in eating healthy or eating different things to a better diet least tort trying and making it work. Haha it's understandable, and I don't think I've heard that one yet is it currently airing at the moment? The ones I'm currently trying to watch is Tsrume and Run into the wild both sports ones that are currently airing so far their not to bad. Sometimes you gotta vent you gotta vent no matter who it may be so long as you have a listening ear. Tehehe. Haha understandable thank you. Much appreciated
  22. XBOX lover at heart always hands down, N64 I use to have but still apperciate that old classic, I have played PlayStation never owned one though (hopefully I'll find the time to get a ps4 but who knows when that'll be).
  23. I do like to travel I've been to Denver, Texas, Pittsburgh (before I recently moved here), and some of Kansas. I'd love to travel more in the foreseeable future hopefully but atlas traveling cost money.
  24. The last option I want all 3 however I wouldn't murder you I would distract you in stealing them away. Hue hue hue ~
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