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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. Phantasm is a good movie Have you ever checked into the 90s groups on Facebook? One of the only reasons I read posts on FB is because they are alwaysssss posting 80s-90s nostalgic shows and movies and items that I totally forgot about it and I love the reminders.
  2. He's sexyyyyy XD I am going to have to look him up now lolz. What other anime guys do you like the most?
  3. I love thinking back to old movies, and watching all the movies from my childhood ^^ I forgot about - The Matrix, Titantic, The Sixth Sense, And the Blair Witch Project. I remember when everyone thought the Blair Witch Project was real
  4. The worst experience I think I have ever had with food was when I was visiting my friend overseas. Her family was going out for a birthday party at a really upscale French Italian restuarant and the menu was mostly not in English and I didn't understand anything that I could read for that matter so I just said I would have what my friend was having. So I get my salad and it;s really good but I can't figure out what in the heck I'm eating so I lean over to ask my friend what's in this to which she informs me it's a snail salad. It has snails in it. I am eating snails. I threw up all over the table into my plate and ran to the bathroom and didn't want to leave lmfao. I kind of single-handedly ruined that birthday dinner...At least my friend thought it was hilarious I guess? X-X Never again have I ordered something that I don't know what's in it.
  5. Omgosh you just listed so many good ones here I loved Free Willy, Home Alone, Blank Check, Homeward Bound and Jumanji I watched the new Jumanji movie and it just wasn't as good as that first one ;C Free Willy was one of those movies I watched on repeat as a kid lol.
  6. Nooo it was very real. Just don't open your closet I am not in here ;c
  7. So I decided to make some icons for everyone that you can feel free to upload and use on the forum. If anyone has any suggestions for characters I could make in the next batch, suggestions would be very welcome since I'm not really sure what all everyone would like to see. Another problem I have is that I have noticed on Chrome icons show up on the forum as 170x170 whereas on Firefox, they show up as 110x110. So if you use a browser with a different size setting these may look a bit off since they are 170x170 but if you have that problem let me know and I can resize it so it does not lose its quality :3 ! If you use, crediting me in your sig as the maker would be appreciated, but not 100% necessary. Just please don't claim as your own :3 Yu-Gi-Oh FMA and Fairy Tail Misc.
  8. Thanks Graphics are part of what I do at work lol.
  9. Your hair tastes like strawberries.
  10. Water probably. Comedy movies or horror movies?
  11. Oh! I loved some of the Arnie movies too, like Terminator which I think most people have seen that one lol. I remember watching that as a kid though and getting scared for some reason So that like brings back the scary feels of childhood lolz.
  12. Vacation. Chinese or Japanese food?
  13. I like home cooking better but I eat fast food way too much :C Big parties or small gatherings?
  14. Okay, here are my two. I tried to make sure they kept to a size that would fit nicely on a post. and #2.
  15. This is one of those movies I could watch all the time ^^
  16. Chase the dang bird. Cats or dogs?
  17. Hi! @Blue Dragon and welcome ^^ I hope you have a great time here and you should be able to catch up on anime here lol. I'm Sofi~ nice to meet you ;D
  18. I forgot about these two! I remember watching these 2 as a kid and these were great too. That also reminds me of the movie The Road to El Dorado, the 2000 cartoon movie. I loved watching that and makes me feel nostalgic and gives me that feel-good vibe after watching it every time :3
  19. Yep I do, there isn't one far from me either lol. Do you think flamingos taste good?
  20. Nah I don't really like hot drinks keep your devil tea away from me pls XD
  21. I sleep on one but I have like eight in my bed lol Do you like ice skating?
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