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Everything posted by Lelouch

  1. I'm good working ATM pretty busy today
  2. Good morning everyone hope you guys and gals have a good day
  3. Well yea otherwise we have a massive river of bodies floating through out space
  4. Yea Sagittarius shooting them through target practice
  5. Yea sadly dead bodies everywhere "walking dead " type thing
  6. Yes sir would be a scary thing to even think about
  7. exactly massive fires everywhere
  8. Everything is dangerous driving a car or motorcycle in my opinion if u want to get one go for it just be safe cause there are too many people that don't know how to drive I'm not trying to discourage you just stating my opinion on the subject matter
  9. Currently watching the Final season of fairy tail really good
  10. atleast not yet depending on the virus though
  11. If then we would have a zombie apocalypse
  12. We're all going to die the bug apocalypse is here
  13. Favorite beverages * Dr pepper vanilla *Rock star (energy drink) * Pepsi * coca-cola orange vanilla
  14. I see everyone has their prefence
  15. Finally!!! Another work day done time to head home and relax but first go buy something to drink
  16. Get some sleep when u can and be safe out there
  17. less then three hours of sleep yikes I couldn't do that unless I'm playing black opse 2 or call of duty 4
  18. ATM nothing lol we'll see after work what comes up hbu?
  19. Lol it's almost lunch time for me soon dk what I'm in the mood to eat today though we'll see and good to hear form u brycec
  20. Mexican food is good always especially when made over there everything is fresh and natural
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