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Open World Mega Man Game


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What do you guys think a 3D Open world Mega Man game would look like? Just imagine you're in the year 20XX, the X series hasn't been created yet(though that doesn't mean that and the powers inthat game can't be refered to in some way) and the world is essentially an Ecumenopolis, a planet wide city. You still have robot masters to defeat and a whole world to explore. What would the game play be like? I wanna stay away from the whole amnesia trope that BOTW has to elicit a feeling of discovery but I still want discovery to be a huge aspect of the game.

My thoughts are that Mega Man has the ability to take on 3-4 job classes at once. And by job classes I mean the powers bestowed onto Rock by either defeating robot masters or scanning their data. Rock would essentially work as a hands on Civil Servant. He takes on jobs like Kitty Wrangler, Volunteer Firefighter(Aqua Man Abilities), Mover/ Construction worker(Guts Man abilities). Each power has 3-4 different types of uses and allows him to either traverse the world around him in interesting ways or let him deal with obstacles in the way like with Gutsman's carrying powers. He was just created in this world and is the "first" of his kind that can have multiple abilities like this, not knowing Proto Man was already created. but Rock and Roll are the two parts of Proto Man that needed to be separated in order to not have insubordination. Essentially Rock would have the powers and the more obedient mind to carry our orders while Roll would have the super intelligence to coordinate Rock externally much like you see in The Oracle from the Batman series/comics or Futaba in Persona 5.

Whats the mystery though? I could just have it be character driven like why both programs in Proto Man couldn't run simultaneously and ended up corrupting him but it can also maybe refer to the world illustrate how the sigma virus started? I also want the world to have a bit of discovery elements to it and maybe through the different aspects of the world, you realize that combinations in programming cause the robots to malfunction and it's your job to fix it or make sure it doesn't happen again. Maybe there's a scrap pile for all of the thrown out robots and you can get weirdly "cronenberg-y" with it with Robots tryin to assemble and create deformed looking versions of themselves. Maybe in a less horror note, the robots have found a sanctuary that allows them to be away from the busy bustling life of humans and have learned to live amongst nature like the so called murder robots in Laputa Castle in the Sky. How would Rock deal with that and is that enough for the sense of discovery? How would one in this type of setting get the BOTW sense of discovery though? I'm curious about your thoughts.


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