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is it wrong to get overly obsessed over one specific anime?

Guest Jupiter

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Guest Jupiter

What the title says.


Not literally. I don't have posters or collectibles or a shrine, nor do I worship the characters from this anime. No, nothing like that. God no.


I'm not even sure to call it an obsession. As I don't watch anime every day or think about it. But lately as I visit this forum, it acts as a reminder.


Honestly. I try to explore a bit. But I always end up going back to my one and only primary favorite anime, that being Rahxephon. To be honest, other than Dragon Ball Z and Guyver:Bioboosted Armor.


I have been obsessed with other shows before. Just not as severe as Rahxephon. Its not the best one I will admit but its like my first love. You never get over your first love and Rahxephon wasn't the first anime I ever watched. But unlike all the anime out there, I became emotionally attached to the show. I have no idea why.


When I think of anime. I don't think of Dragon Ball Z or Bleach...or Naruto. I think of characters like Ayato Kamina or Reika Mishima from Rahxephon. Its crazy.


But hoenstly when I first watched it. It attracted me, the characters.. the story and honestly its hard for me to move with the newer stuff now.


When I'm in the mood for anime. What I do? I watch all 26 episodes of Rahxephon. Which is maybe a few times a year.


Kind of like I've hit a brick wall. Have any of you had this kind of experience?

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I obsess over quite a few anime and over anime in general but it's important to find a way to not ruin the anime by obsessing over it so much that you end up getting sick of it. constantly re-watching an anime gives you time to rethink the plot and analyse a lot of the scenes so you can see some things that can potentially break the anime and cause you to dislike it so you have to be careful.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In my opinion it's okay to get OBSESSED with one specific anime but overly obsessed? Now that's a different story. There are lots of anime out there, why not try and take them on for some time. Itt's okay to be obsessed but sometimes being overly obsessed means closing your doors for other things. :)

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What you describe sounds more like nostalgia. I think I feel something similar when it comes to video games, a lot of newer ones I don't enjoy as much as I just keep comparing them to the ones that really touched me with their plot or gameplay.


And every now and then I'll play an old video game I really enjoyed in the past.


From that perspective I don't think it's wrong at all, but as others have mentioned getting too nostalgic can prevent you from discovering newer titles that could be what you perceive to be "just as good".

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As long as it's an anime with a good story, I get addicted to it. I kinda over obsess on some of them. It's just.....they are sooooo wonderful and I wish they were real life.

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