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Everything posted by Optic

  1. It would be tough publishing 3 times a day on a specific Facebook page, I personally would run out of fresh content so quickly... once a day would be about right. Though as you suggested before, scheduling posts in advance could work! I think it's natural the more groups you're a part of, the less time you'll be able to share across all of them. Of course that depends how active each group/page is... regardless even if they're that strict about being active they should have at least poked you with a message before doing that. Don't worry, you'll always be welcome here! Our community is nice and friendly
  2. Clowns are a common villain in many game and movies, is that a mood killer for you or can you generally tolerate it? I must admit when I was younger I did get a little paranoid thinking something might drop out of the window. You remember when I had my Europe trip in Sep 2012? I remember reading an article in the newspaper whilst commuting on the underground tube, where a window frame fell out of a window, crushing someone walking along the pathway. Apparantly it weighed half a ton... Just dug out the story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-19421257 Really unlucky. x__x
  3. My 3DS and PS Vita is gathering dust due to time constraints. :'( will need to dig it out again someday...
  4. Oh? It's pretty new isn't it? Time for a warranty claim? I know the feeling. Back when I used to do volunteer work with the Ambulance Service one of our members passed away, I didn't know him very well but did attend his funeral along with the rest of the unit in uniform. It is a sombre feeling... his wife also was at the same unit, so it took several months before his wife would return back to service. I think just being there more often for those around you is the best way you can help out, time permitting of course..
  5. Ah Soul Calibur... admittedly I stopped after Soul Calibur IV. Mainly because my favourite character/fighter Casandra didn't appear anymore after that. Random Cassandra screenshot from SC4: You much of a fan of Soul Calibur, Katy? Any particular favourite characters?
  6. Interesting success story. ^^ Would that forum happen to still be around? If not, maybe it's in the Internet wayback archive?
  7. Test quoting your spoiler.
  8. Cheap lasagne from the supermarket... the ingredients list doesn't inspire confidence. 54% "meat sauce", 18% "meat flavouring" uhhh but it didn't taste too bad...
  9. I would love to see it, if she doesn't mind.
  10. Oh gosh that's a tough one... I think I know how you guys felt when you gave me grief for making you have to narrow down your two most favourite anime Opening/Ending themes for that AN Compilation #01 soundtrack. I have a few candidates in mind from Neon Genesis Evangelion, Gundam SEED/Destiny or even Code Geass... will get back to you after I finish watching the first season of it. In the meantime, what is yours?
  11. I haven't seen Mirrai Nikki... what's the basic storyline about?
  12. Plushies are good too! You should show us a photo of your plushie collection, from memory I believe it was astronomical. Ooh which Gundam kits do you have? Pics pics pics!!
  13. These are the anime figures we have on our shelf, only a few are mine Miku Hatsune, Asuna Yuuki, the rest are someone else's The Good Smile (make) are probably the most expensive out of those (Tenshi with the wings, Yuri), but they have nice attention to detail - the hair for example has several shades compared to the other ones. Do you have any anime figures? Post your collection here!
  14. Would have to say heights, if there are safety rails and a platform then I'm OK with it. But if not then I tend to hesitate. I'm sure there are others out there that don't hesitate with heights.
  15. Continuing work on writing Gundam SEED episode guide.

  16. Nice profile cover image! If you like, you can reposition it (move it up/down) by hovering over the image and clicking "Reposition" on the dropdown menu.

    1. katyC


      ha ha thank you for telling me.

  17. Ah yes there should be an option in the App settings to disable the device signature.
  18. Just testing the spoiler tag, recent forum update added a native version of it.
  19. I'm watching Code Geass for the first time and also watching Gundam SEED Destiny (HD Remaster Blu-rays). Both are by Sunrise and the number of similarities between the two are surreal despite being in completely different settings.
  20. I imagine it's a safeguard in case your account is hijacked...? Or probably because they know with a high degree of certainty you'll change your mind and be back.
  21. Pretty good! I particularly like the weapons: definitely above average. During the last anime convention I attended, I noticed Attack on Titan was a pretty popular cosplay. All those brown jackets and green capes. I'm just waiting for someone to take it to the next level by propelling around with those jump packs (I can dream)..
  22. Optic


    Oooh RPG Maker. Well what engine you use isn't important, just getting a finished project that you're proud of is the end goal really. I've played with it before many years ago just for fun using the stock sprites, music and battle scripts. The stock battles are very old school but I have seen some really unique battle interfaces through different scripts. Would be curious to see your test project or some work in progress screenshots in future. Flash.. reminds me of my old basic tweening and keyframing at school, as I'm not an artist my projects were terrible but it was good fun. How are your graphic skills?
  23. Hello Katy, welcome to the AN Community forums.
  24. No doubt you've all seen the news regarding Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. Hoping they'll find traces of the plane soon.
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