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Status Updates posted by efaardvark

  1. The plan for today was fixing the toilet and putting up shelves.  Fortunately both objectives were completed successfully.

    1. rlly_riah


      I hate building shelves. When I moved into my place here I had no furniture forever because I didn't feeeeeel like building itttt. Lol!! I procrastinated so hard. I now have shelves for all my books and such though...

    2. Beocat


      Erm...I still need to fix the toilet at home. Was too depressed this weekend to do it. My car's engine, which I went out of my way to properly maintain with all the recommended maintenance (even the optional crap) has somehow rusted out from the inside (essentially, someone didn't tighten up on the oil filter last time and a bunch of salt slush from the road got sucked up into it lubricating my engine, pretty sure my car insurance is going to laugh in my face with this one and the mechanics aren't admitting responsibility either). Guess I'll do it Saturday night.  At least my husband doesn't actually use that bathroom anymore. 

  2. For all you people thinking they'd like a Nerve Gear headset, this is current, state of the art reality.  It does appear that we're headed in that general direction.  OTOH, we're about as far from SAO as 10x6 pixels is from 4k UHD..




  3. Wasted a bunch of time today going through the MAL catalog and updating my list.  Final count: 536.  😮   There were also a bunch more that I didn't remember well enough to rate and/or that I dropped mid-watch.  I didn't bother to add those so that's just the "completed" count.  There's another couple dozen in my crunchy queue that I could put in the "plan to watch" category too.  (And another handful that could be "on hold" due to them disappearing from crunchy in the recent crunchy/funi breakup.)

    Now ask me how many books I've read.  :D  Actually, don't.  I wouldn't even know where to start.  I've got over 200 just on the bookshelves in my immediate vicinity as I type this, and even those are just the ones I felt were worthy enough and that I have the shelf space to keep.

  4. Well, they didn't get the bill passed.  Again.  Bosses are saying the furloughs start "next month", which is now only a few days away.  At this point it isn't D vs R, Congress vs Prez, or any of that.  The Ds have said they're willing to pass one of the old R bills that they wouldn't pass before, but the Rs won't go for it now simply because the Ds suggest it.  Spiteful b'tards.  The Senate won't even allow a re-vote on one of their own bills!  As for the Prez, he could simply not veto one of the R's old $200B spending bills if he wanted to end this.  Even if he keeps vetoing, the Congress could override his veto if they wanted.  Lots of ways to end this if anyone at the top was really interested in making it happen.  This is just a bunch of entitled asshats - I refuse to call them "leaders" - playing games with the little peoples' lives and running the country into the ground in the process.

    MAGA?  Drain the swamp?  HA!  This is worse than it's ever been.  Even Hillary would have been better.  New meaning for an old acronym: MAGA => my lawyer got arrested.

  5. Upgrading from Bionic Beaver to Cosmic Cuttlefish.  Should be a simple update but if things go horribly awry and you don't hear from me for a while you'll know what happened.

  6. From the same people who brought us New Horizons' mission to Pluto and Ultima Thule comes the Dragonfly mission to Titan...


  7. Any 賭ケグルイ fans in the audience?   So is Elon Musk apparently...





      I love Kakegurui, one of my fave manga series! 

    Obscure and nerdy. I like it. :D
  9. Today a co-worker pointed out a 2-second pan-shot in the Cassini episode of the Netflix show "7 days out" that contained him, me, and another guy in the control room where we work.  Now I need to track down my brother so I can borrow his netflix account & see if I can snag a screen shot or something.  :D 

    1. efaardvark


      Turns out I'm actually in there in a few different places.  One place you can barely see the back of my head, but @ 33:33 you can actually see my face, and @ 34:25 there's even a few seconds with a full-body shot of me talking to one of the other guys I work with.  (I'm the guy in the green shirt.)  I might as well be one of those animatronic Disneyland dolls, but I'm in there.  :) Kinda cool..

  10. Meanwhile, closer to home, はやぶさ2 prepares for a landing on another small body....
    There's also Osiris-REX that just went into orbit around Bennu..
    .. and the Chinese just landed a rover on the far side of the Moon...
    Just in case anyone was thinking space news was getting boring.  :) 
    1. efaardvark


      Nice summary of the above from Scott Manley...


  11. "New Horizons performed as planned today, conducting the farthest exploration of any world in history — 4 billion miles from the Sun," said Principal Investigator Alan Stern, of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. "The data we have look fantastic and we're already learning about Ultima from up close. From here out the data will just get better and better!"

    It is going to take a while to play all the data collected during the flyby down to Earth however.  Ultima Thule is as far from Pluto as Saturn is from Earth, and the data rates possible from that far away are in the low kilobits per second.  The many gigabits of data that were recorded on the spacecraft during it's flyby are going to take 20 months - nearly 2 years! - to all be pulled down.  The first low-res pictures are already coming down, with more (and higher-res) scheduled to finish downloading on January 2nd and over the next few weeks and months.


    1. Beocat


      I watched the flyby countdown last night and was on my phone this morning watching for the signal acquisition. Healthy spacecraft ^_^ The New Horizons team is truly an amazing group :)

  12. Just getting home from a swing shift.  Worked a mid shift Friday->Saturday.  I don't know if I want coffee or bed.  Guess I'll watch some anime while I decide.  :)

  13. Looks like another busy space year coming up!  Not all NASA-related either, which is cool because it means even Trump's Repugs can't screw it all up.


  14. OMG.. osiris-rex @ bennu, tree on car, thanksgiving, insight (and marco) @ mars, and はやぶさ2 @リュウグウ all in a row.  Then new horizons' fly-by coming up in a couple weeks.  Happy New Year from Ultima Thule!  Love that name btw.  And of course the Christ mass-shopping experience that I (still!) have to work in sometime between now and xmas!  (Making sure I get the gifts that go to my brother's family in Wisconsin out in time.  Gift cards to all!  jk?  I hope.)  I haven't had a chance to watch any anime for weeks!  Next week or two doesn't look promising either.  AAAAAAAaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggthpt!  What would Itami do?  If I'm still sane when next year gets here I'm going to count that a win.  (Might already be too late.  :)  )

  15. What a week.  Went by like it was a couple hours.  Never enough time and always too much to do.  Looking back, it is hard to believe only a week has gone by.

  16. 1st picture of a new place on Mars..


  17. Mission briefing on Monday's InSight Mars landing...



  18. Finally getting around to updating my (Synology DS713+) NAS.  Got a lot of catching up to do, including the NAS s/w itself, perl, mariadb server, plex server, and email server, among others.  Updating always makes me nervous.

    1. brycec


      Did you back up the data that is on the NAS? I need to check plex myself, though that always seems to be screaming that an update is needed.

    2. efaardvark


      The data is backed up. 3 drives.. 2 online mirroring each other and one off-line that's periodically plugged in and synced to the online volume.  I'm just being paranoid.  Never had a problem with Synology.

  19. Discord says that one of my friend is "Playing CKAN".  :D

  20. Looks like Southern California is on fire again.  Not quite in my area this time, fortunately.  The closest blaze to me personally is the "Hill" fire in Thousand Oaks, which is about 35-40 miles away from me as the crow flies.  However, I have a cousin and aunt in the Camarillo/Oxnard area maybe 5 miles from the flames that have already been evacuated.  (Safely, fortunately.)  Always pretty dicey when our high winds start pushing the fire around.  Weather people said to expects gusts up to 40-50MPH in the valleys today, and up to 70 in the hills.  There's even been sightings of fire tornados reported.. kind of flaming dust-devils created when winds in and around the fire pick up flaming debris and carry it along, lighting new fires as they go.

    Very not-fun.  And yes, the "Hill" fire is only a couple miles away from the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks where the shooting took place yesterday.  Tell me again why people keep moving to California?


    1. efaardvark


      Been watching the satellite feed (via https://firemap.sdsc.edu/ )  Looks pretty scary south and west of me.  Hopefully the winds will stay down overnight. A bit of moisture would be nice too, but probably not going to happen.  At least we're not in the middle of a summer heat wave.


  21. Got official word today, DAWN is history as far as NASA's deep space network is concerned.  Another one bites the dust...


    ACTION: CDSCC / GDSCC-Documentation / MDSCC-Documentation / DSN-OPS-CHIEFS /

    SUBJECT: NAD-DAWN-080 Dawn Decommissioned


     To inform the Network of the decommissioning of the Dawn Spacecraft


     Dawn launched 11 years ago, a highly successful mission to explore
     the two largest bodies in the main asteroid belt namely Vesta and Ceres,
     the Dawn spacecraft exhausted all the hydrazine on onboard, reached
     end of mission and will remain in orbit around the dwarf planet Ceres for
     decades. Dawn was decommissioned on DOY 305 YR 2018 (Nov 1, 2018).

     The DSN is officially released from supporting Dawn spacecraft.

     The NOPE/NOA team thank the Network for the excellent support. If you have
     any questions and/or concerns, please contact the Dawn NOA/NOPE Team at:


    ( also https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2018/11/1/18053366/nasa-dawn-spacecraft-dead )

  22. Got my EDL shirt!  24 days to go!


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