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Kikyou last won the day on January 17 2024

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  • Occupation
    Mulitmedia Artist & Homemaker
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  1. Hello, I'm Kikyou and been here before sometime ago as a member of AF. I talked to a few of you that were very kind and nice to me. For that I still thank you so much for it. I wanted to say im back full time and will be on here a lot more. I left due to personal life reasons and my mental health as well. I'm doing so better and hope to chat more with all your lovely people and of coarse contribute to AF. See you around~
  2. I don't really like to share too many personal stuff about me though I wanted to let everyone know I have to go away for a while.  An opportunity happned to me im going start doing and I don't have time to really be on here or make graphics. I apologize though this is life changing for me and need to focus on things IRL right now for a while.

    I know no one really in depth knew me on AF. I appreciate everyone who was kind, nice and helpful towards me. You are all wonderful people I hope this place grows more popular. Thank you for the short time making me feel welcomed and matter. Till next time we met please take care people of AF~

    Kikyou 💛🌿

    1. Animedragon


      We'll miss you Kikyou, but when a good opportunity presents itself to you, you have to consider it carefully and if it seems right for you you should take it..

      I wish you all the best in the future and hope that one day you'll visit us again.  Until then take care of yourself.

  3. Kikyou


    @Sakura @Sasuke @Zeref Thank you guys for the information and your experience about what I asked I really appreciate it ~
  4. I feel really good right now, true I was nervous about tomorrow though my loved one helped me through it. He calmed me down and was being super supportive, I ♡ him so much ~
  5. I feel alright not too bad, however nervous and anxious about a meeting I have tomorrow. I really hope it gose well if not its not going be pretty bad for me from now on with my personal life.
  6. Thank you that really means a lot, I'd say over time im average by now as a graphic artist. Though I do other multimedia arts as well. No you're completely alright no intrusion at all. Would you like a signature gift as well? I dont mind I have a lot of time so not too busy atm but tomorrow I will be. All I need to know what anime character or random anime character art you want me to make you. Then I go from there or like I did Anime dragon I can do other things as well too if you wish. Let me know sometime please take care.
  7. Ah I see don't worry I did the same thing in school, lol. I made it smaller the other one felt too big. My phone is where I make my graphics on a app I found, and the sizing is always tricky for me. It will say its small the size I want then when I post it or look at the finishes project its big. I'm still figuring out the app. I really miss photoshop and I can do way better than I can now and make cool shapes too for the signature or icons I did in my past for years. Hopefully the smaller one looks just as cool for you as well.
  8. @Sarada Here is your signature gift, I hope you like it ❤ If its too big I can make it smaller 500x200
  9. @Sarada Thank you so much for your kind encouraging words, I really appreciate it a lot ❤ Your gift will be done soon Im making you also. ^,.,^ Really what you said meant a lot. @Animedragon That makes me very happy you like it. I had a lot of fun making it since I love fantasy / fantasy creatures like dragons. Other fantasy creatures and things I plan to make also sometime.
  10. @Forlorn DA? Wow im old.. I used to be on it a lot too. I want to be again however heard a lot of not great things about it. Love your work it has a unquic style, keep up the wonderful job ~ !
  11. I always watched AMVs back in the day growing up of Darker Than Black though still haven't had time or a way to watch the anime sadly. I heard its good though and I like Yin if thats her name. She's cool I can relate in some ways to her, what I read about her in the Wiki stuff.
  12. Sounds like a busy day also always a good thing to take breaks, especially from tech stuff I think in my opinion. Just please don't push yourself too hard Sakura dear. Healing takes time so stay out of trouble, hehe. ^,.,-
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