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Everything posted by Forlorn

  1. I'm sorry for the absence. It was NOT planned in any way, it was just something that had to happen because of circumstances beyond my control. I'm doing better now though, so I won't be dropping off of the planet unintentionally again as long as I've got some rational say about it. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ It's great to be back and see you all again. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

  2. Give her a big ol' bear hug! ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
  3. Thanks. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ I really did spend a lot of time on it. I tried to find a render of Sheele and Tatsumi smiling, but then again they did have a grim job to do as assassins in Akame ga Kill, so in the end I was ok with using the renders shown. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ I wanted to find a gif of the Shears of Creation's Trump Card, Extase, but it was difficult to find one that didn't have that psycho from Esdeath's Jaegers. who killed Sheele using her organic Imperial Arms which she named "Koro." I really hate saying the character's name who killed Sheele, but Seryu would've been in any gif of Sheele using the Shears of Creation's trump card: Extase. I didn't want anything showing Seryu in a gif I'd be using in an avatar. So, I did find a gif that shows Sheele's mastery of her Imperial Arms just before she severs Seryu's arms. lol I found that to be much better for several reasons. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ So, in the end I loved how both the avy and sig gif looked and was pretty excited to show the results of the Sheele and Tatsumi project. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ I've never actually heard someone call one of the combined gifs into one I've made top tier before. Thank you very much, Lillie. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Though I still wish there was a moment in the anime when Sheele used Extase's trump card other than the last episode she would be on in (outside of flashbacks of her in later episodes). Seriously though I think Seryu is one of those employed by Esdeath who I hate the most. She was a frickin lunatic she was practically the epitome of psychotic. >< >< >< >< ;.; I love AF because of the good people I've befriended on here, including you of course. Despite the chaos happening with my perception and paranoia at home, I can always confide in you and the others. For that, I thank every friend who's willing to have the patience to put up with me and my episodes of instability. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ < 3 I don't think I could ever get used to things like that though. It sucks for anyone that has to get used to things like that though. Thank you, Sereyuki~~~~~ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ < 3
  4. I went ahead and finished my Sheele and Tatsumi project. Here's the avatar and Sig gif. I still need to take a few days' break though, but I really wanted to finish that project. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
  5. Common sense needing to be called something else these days since it isn't as common as it used to be. Or at least what I'm told it used to be.
  6. Nice project. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
  7. I'm not really sure if I'm in a position to talk or not, but the project looks good. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
  8. Nice projects. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
  9. @Sarada, @Sakura, @Sasuke, @Zeref Thank you all for coming to my defense. < 3 I apologize for this being late. I hope it didn't come across as ungrateful. I'm not used to friends caring as much as you do because of I don't remember having friends that would do that so fast. I'm sorry about being late for thanking you all. >< >< >< ;.; ;.;
  10. I'm still typing up replies to messages. I'm sorry it's taking so long. I'm still sore and I ache everywhere, so I've been sleeping a lot more than usual. I'm sorry, @Sakura and the rest of my friends for taking so long. I've had little energy to do much with. I'm still type replies to messages though, so I'm not ghosting anyone. I swear that on my soul. Which may be too serious or grim, but that's how serious I am. I'm trying to get a lot of sleep and rest until my body feels better, but my mind is much worse than my body. So, all I'm doing is resting up and adding more to the replies I've got in a Notepad (.txt) file since my Chromebook restarts when it overheats for some reason and can happen at any moment I'm logged in on this thing. I've lost a number of long messages because of it, so, that's what I'm talking about when I say still typing up replies. I hope you're all doing better than I am right now. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ < 3

  11. Thanks. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ I still need to type up replies to everyone's message since I wasn't able to do anything yesterday, but for some reason I can't understand my whole body feels sore and aches. I feel like I've been on some kind of workout or something. So, at least it isn't Covid. But I need to go back to sleep because I am so worn down that I honestly don't even feel like I have much energy today to do much after what happened in this house I'm supposed to call "home." I'll type the replies to all of the messages I've got in my Inbox. I think that's what it's called. Unless I'm thinking of e-mail anyway. To all of my friends, thanks for putting up with me for so long. Thank you for letting me be so important to you all. You're just as important to me, too. ^^
  12. I woke up a lot later than I meant to, but before I went to sleep I did mention to Serenity that I'm going to start a Sheele and Tatsumi GFX project. I think I got infatuated with Esdeath since I've had a thing for really strong women, especially ones that can destroy so much in such a short time. Sheele reminds me a lot of me, and also reminds me of what big sis' would probably do if I felt like crying, but didn't want to or want anyone to see. I can't remember which episode that was where she hugged Tatsumi at the end of the episode, but he was crying for his 2 friends from his village who... met a very unfortunate end that nobody deserves. I'm not even going to say what happened to Tatsumi's friends because I can remember the horrific setting and story behind his 2 friends' deaths, but the way Sheele comforted Tatsumi so that he could feel like it was ok to cry made me think of big sis' and the kind of person she was as well. So, the inspiration for this new project is a little bit complicated, but I'll be working on it as my next project. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
  13. Saturday was an extremely bad day for me mentally. I won't go into details because... just because... but this is more of a belated post for Saturday night since I woke up and it was 1am in the morning on Sunday morning. I had no idea I'd sleep such a long time. Oh, sorry. I feel really bad because what I thought was going on was clearly not going on. Maybe... just maybe... I shouldn't try to agitate the mental things I hear. That might've been what made it worse today. Due to growing up around Mom and my step-father, I've learned the unfortunate trait of being stubborn to a fault, especially when I'm being defiant. However... I literally went a little too close to actual crazy this time... so, how I'm feeling is in relation to Saturday since I woke up way later than I wanted to. Or earlier, depending on how you look at it. I mean, I'm the type of guy that would rather die being defiant than submit to anyone who tries to break me down, but I have other people I have to live for, so I have to swallow my pride and just... keep from agitating what I hear with my mental illness. Up until Saturday it hasn't been able to drive me so close to the brink of insanity in the number of years those who I've told the specific number to (I forgot if I said it on the forum or not). To all of my friends, and anyone who tolerates my... episodes of mental instability... thank you, and I apologize from the bottom of my heart for ever making any of you worry. I think, as @Sakura suggested not too long ago (sorry, li'l sis', I can't actually remember when you suggested this ^^; ^^; ^^; ^^; ^^; ) if I start to feel that way from now on, I'll have to take a break for a few days sometimes if I start to feel that way again, but I'll always come back after my mind settles back down. So, if I don't post for a few days then that will be why, but it won't be permanent because I don't have any reason to leave the forum now nor do I plan on leaving. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ After I woke up though, I remembered what li'l sis' said about seeing if it would help if I did take a break before it gets worse to kind of reset myself. If you want to call though, I'll be home most of the time as usual~~~ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Like Saturday night (or was it afternoon...? ^^; ^^; ^^; ^^; ^^; ) The occasions where it gets really bad aren't frequent, so I won't sound like a total lunatic on a regular basis. >< >< ^^; ^^; ;.; And hey, @Sakura, it was like big sis' wanted you to call me because I was really close to a tipping point when you called. As and after we talked on the phone it helped immensely to calm me down and it was reassuring to an extent I don't think even my vocabulary can accurately describe. You were a major factor in helping me chill out. Thank you, li'l sis'~ < 3 So, even if I'm taking one of those 2-or-3-day-long breaks, should you feel up to it and if you have time to, you can still call, but if you feel like you want to call. I'd feel so horrible if you felt obligated or compelled to call in any way. >< >< ;.; ;.; ;.; Though I don't think you'd call if you didn't want to, but just in case I'm wrong (which is happening a lot lately). ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ You really are like a little sister to me, y'know. < 3
  14. Icon for Hire - The Grey (Akame ga Kill AMV - (Not mine btw, and none of the others were either. So, I really need to include this last part) ) Monster - Skillet (Broly AMV)
  15. I feel... I'm not actually sure if it would be wise to say on this forum given what's putting me in a laid back, chilled out mood... I don't want someone to sue me for saying what it is. lol ^^; ^^; ^^; ^^; ^^; I don't know anything about what I could be sued or not over. XD Even if I wanted to learn all of it I wouldn't be able to since I'd be spending most of my attention span on what to do next to get further in the game(s) I'm playing. lmao Oh, but I do feel like a meat popsicle. XD XD
  16. Bear hug her then start swinging in circles, happy and extremely fortunate to be her friend. Seriously I think I could cry from it, but they'd be tears of joy. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ < 3
  17. A game with two brothers trapped in a seemingly endless brotherly feud. One embraces his darkness, the other embraces his humanity. I don't know if that's vague or not. ^^;
  18. Best Of Times - Godsmack (Official Audio)
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