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Everything posted by RyePotatoes

  1. Since when ďid you become his twin?! Looking good Nuh. I loved ze eyes. Givr em to me. Lol.
  2. Seems pretty noticeable actually. Haha.
  3. Still warm at my place with a cloudy chance of MEATBALLS.
  4. Not really a fan tho but I did have one statue before. It was an Inuyasha figurine which was given by my cousin cause she thinks I love figurine. The poor figurine is sadly now disabled without an arm because of my evil imouto. Poor Inuyasha.
  5. The funny thing is that Tomorrow is not promised for us. Predetermined or Not I would do everything I haven't tried yet. Especially sky diving and screaming like there is no tomorrow. Just live life to the extent of my capacity.
  6. End of the world is waaaaaayyyy too long to change your opinion in some cases. Lol. But for me I usually stick up to what I believe in and don't usually change my opinions easily. But the clear thing is I always think and weigh things out before giving my opinion. Sometimes your opinions and the cases can vary too. You have to study the case before giving an opinion. An example is that you can't easily give your opinion to a person you just met right? That is stupidity.
  7. RyePotatoes

    Pet Peeves

    My room is well not kind of the room typical girls have. Let's just say it's between a garbage dump or a trash can. Joke. But it is kinda messy. Now the thing is I find it annoying when someone would try to clean it up or arrange it. It just hit on my nerves. I want to arrange it on my own without anyone other than me touching it. Another is that when for example in that day I've decided to do nothibg and just derp arounf then a friend would come by to hang out is TOTALLY annoying.
  8. Welcome to our community! I hope you'll like it here. And please do enjoy your stay and feel free to join our discussions! Cool name btw. ^^

    1. Raibase


      Thank you! I mainly used this cause Raiden sounded too generic. :)

    2. RyePotatoes


      I see I see. :) Nice meeting you!! And please don't be TOO shy. :p

  9. Hello there! ^^ I am sooo fashionably late but either way, Welcome to the forums! Please do enjoy your time here and feel free to join the discussions ^^

  10. Hello there!!! Welcome to the forums!!!! Hope you feel free to join the discussions and welcome aboard!!! :)

  11. [COLOR=#ff0080]Welcome to the forums!! Hope you'll like it here!! Feel free to join the discussions![/COLOR]

  12. Oooops! Last one to post. I win.
  13. Fairytail is a good anime and one of the best there is. I love the anime especially Erza Scarlet. The plot is good and the characters are admirable.
  14. [COLOR=#ff0080]Hi There!!! I'm late but I still wanna welcome you!! Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here and feel free to join the discussions!! ^^[/COLOR]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RyePotatoes


      @[638:VanillaGFX] , I am friendly to everyone here. And I am sure the others are friendly too. We just wanna welcome you. Just like my brother Suki who also commented in this post. So don't be suspicious about it. Hahaha :)

    3. Ryuji


      Suspicion of me might be good xP I can be pretty crazy xP

    4. RyePotatoes


      I am not as crazy as ypu, Suki. :p

  15. Moe characters wins this one. I find them really cute and at the same time too careless and such a klutz resulting to a very funny scene just like in K-On.
  16. Definitely Mirrai Nikki!! [spoiler=A little Spoiler]
  17. I actually don't care. Isn't anime and cartoon both animated? And even if it's a cartoon what difference does it make anyway? Anime will remain as an anime. Even if someone would call it a cartoon. I don't see anything offensive about it.
  18. This is my favorite ED From Ano Hana. Brings back memories on my childhood and the lyrics sounds kind of cliche which I love the most. [spoiler=Secret Base]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndH6UqA0QSo
  19. I personally prefer a royal Blue kind of uniform with a black blazer with a matching knee-high socks just like in Date A Live. It is really pleasing to the eyes and kind of majestic. Talk about Fabulous. [spoiler=Uniform]
  20. [COLOR=#ff0080]Psssst. I'm lazy. =__=[/COLOR]

    1. Ryuji


      I'm lazy too.

  21. [COLOR=#ff0080]Hi There! Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here! Procastination Queen Btw. Nice to meet you![/COLOR]

  22. [COLOR=#ff0080]Too lazy to Care. Too much of a Procastination Queen to even think of Caring.[/COLOR]

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