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Everything posted by RyePotatoes

  1. A lot of my anime friends from a lot of different forums told me it's an anime that I should really watch. Just waiting for the series to be complete tho before DOWNLOADING it..
  2. Another one is this: "When people realize how lonely it is on their own they will become kind." ---- Mirajane Strauss from Fairytail
  3. Emotionally Stunted huh? :p

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RyePotatoes


      lels XD How can you say so?

    3. Nuh1000


      Just the way I am xD, I rarely feel bad for things I should xD

    4. RyePotatoes


      Eh? That's something.

  4. Ryuuujji! Where are you? It's already Tuesday! =___= I-it's not tha-that I-I miss you or An-anything, it's just that it's been boring without you. >.> Come back here fast or I'll slice you with my scythe!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RyePotatoes


      You're welcome Nii-san. :P That heart eyes is making me puke tho.

    3. Ryuji


      I love using emoticons :p It doesn't mean anything.

    4. RyePotatoes


      Good. :P Hahaha.

  5. Are you a sadist by any sort?
  6. Rant for the day: ALL of my friends have something to do while I'm here bored. =___=
  7. I tend to collect black things. Everything in my room is black. Even the color of the walls. And what I find it very interesting is that I stick glow stuffs on the walls and on the ceilings which makes it very pretty to look at at night.
  8. So it was your Birthday when I wasn't around? :meh: Bummer. =___= But even so BELATED happy Birthday Optic. I know right I'm so fashionably Late. Gomenasai!! There's a saying tho, " An Ecchi Queen is never late. Everyone is simply just early. ":P

    1. Optic


      Thank you MM. :) That's an interesting saying, is that a real one or did you just make it up? ;)

    2. RyePotatoes


      No, it's definitely a saying as I stated above O. :P HAHAHA. I just added the Ecchi part. :P And you're welcome! :D

    3. Ryuji


      My mind went straight to: A wizard is never late. Nor is he early. He arrives exactly when he intends to. ~ Gandalf. I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan :p

  9. Ecchi Queen On the Move :hot:

  10. Yep. They've also made nightcores from anime Openings.
  11. [FLOAT_RIGHT] [/FLOAT_RIGHT] The anime was really good. The story's plot was quite interesting and great as well. One of my favorite animes that everyone should watch. Action and Comedy can be clearly seen throughout the anime. Thumbs up for this one!
  12. HAHAAHHA, I wonder what do you mean? Lels
  13. Anime was Marvelous. Character Development were greatly portrayed and the ending was more than satisfactory. Lots of action, Comedy and ecchi from all the corners of the animes.
  14. [FLOAT_RIGHT] [/FLOAT_RIGHT] Another Anime from the Romance Genre. It's really a heart splitting decision. Who would you pick? The new girl or your Childhood sweetheart? Wanna know Raku's answer? Watch this anime. Romance and comedy all throughout. Enjoy the Tsundere of the Characters and their development. Another must watch anime for the Romantic Anime Lovers.
  15. Special A and Kaichou Wa Maid-sama have lots of similarities, I agree. But I would preferably pick Kaichou Wa Maid-sama for Takumi. Lels . This anime is good. Romance and comedy came flying out of the windows from this anime. It's a must be watch anime for Romance Anime Lovers.
  16. This is one of my most favorite sports anime.The anime itself is excellent in the Development of the story. The plot is still there and it didn't get confusing through out the 3 seasons. It is really thrilling tho I'm already at the edge of my seat everytime I watch this anime. Although it gets a unrealistic at times.
  17. Just as the title implies. My guilty pleasures are the following: 1.) I drink too much of coffee. I could finish three large cups of Latte in a day. I drink a lot of coffee and they say that too much caffeine is bad. 2.) Second one are Chocolates. <3
  18. Latte with lots of Caramel. <3
  19. I usually just stay in bed and watch some animes or just sleep a lot covered with my blankie.
  20. I'm a terrible cooker but also an eater. So when I failed my dishes which is mostly happens a lot I would always to try again and toss the failed dish away. Sometimes they wouldn't even let me in the kitchen to try cooking since I'd be wasting money for all the spoiled dish I'm going to make.
  21. I agree. Some would be too much of a drag to travel with. =__=
  22. My younger sister and I have been joining a lot of anime forums recently and then one of those forums I joined in were partners with this forum so I tried to check it out and lucky me I found my fancy here. So I invited my sister to tag along with me too. Oh and the forums which I joined in that is partnered with this forum is Otaku Region.
  23. Haven't gone out of my turf yet since I'm just too young to go alone and my parents are always busy with work. Although they are planning on us going to Malaysia or Thailand this December tho.
  24. I wanted to travel alone but I'm a big scaredy cat so I'd prefer tours and such with family.
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