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Posts posted by EnviousEnvy

  1. On 4/12/2019 at 2:54 PM, Ohiotaku said:

    CrunchyRoll has the subtitled version listed as airing on Friday afternoons    https://www.crunchyroll.com/fruits-basket

    I usually don’t see it available until a couple hours afterwards despite living in the eastern time zone.  Not sure about other sites or the dub.

    I have a FUNimation Premium account. But I think they air it on Fridays as well.

    Been late watching episode 2 but I watched it tonight. I forgot just how lonely and miserable Kio really was. Honestly it makes me super depressed because no matter how hard he tries he's still treated as an outcast. I'm glad though that Tohru wants to be his friend no matter the circumstance. She always wants the help him.

    Shigure is still my favorite though, lol.

    • Like 1
  2. W2K19 (PS4)

    Created a Male wrestler and did a few matches with my fiance when he got home from work.

    Skyrim (PS4)

    Came back to this game for awhile for lulz. Did some hunting since I haven't reached 100 in smithing yet and completed some minor missions as well.

  3. 3 hours ago, Ohiotaku said:

    After watching the first episode of the new series I went back & watched the same episode of the original series (subtitled in both cases). I don't intend to do this going forward, but since I really didn't clearly remember the original series I was a bit curious how they compared. While it covered the same events, the newer one is more polished. While this is expected artistically, I also thought the story flowed better. And the new version has a male VA for Yuki which seemed to fit better to me anyway. However, the new version seems to be taking things more somberly. There's the foreshadowing in the opening scene, plus when Yuki's fan club confronts Tohru, they pretty much just brow beat her (in the original they did a sort of cheerleading routine first which was kinda funny And when Shigure welcomes Tohru as their housekeeper, the new version just has him speaking the words, but in the original he actually sings it :lol:

    Overall it seems like the new version has much higher production values & will take things more seriously.

    The cheerleading part of the first series got annoying after awhile, lol. It actually got to the point I cringed whenever I heard it. 


    • Like 2
    • Funny 1
    • Cool (Kakkoii) 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, ArchieKun said:

    I may be gushing a bit, and certainly slightly bios though I love it ok. I have been waiting to long.

    Hey nothing wrong with that. I loved the first episode. I didn't get to see it in theaters so I have to wait til FUNimation airs episode 2. Shigure is still my favorite (even though he is slightly more laid back than the old version. I'm hoping he breaks out of his shell soon). Kyo is still funny as ever of course, lol! I'm so hyped!!

  5. W2K19 (PS4)

    Just got this game over the weekend to help pass the time until MK11 is released. Been busy creating superstars, move sets, entrances, etc. So I haven't really gotten a chance to do any matches at the moment. I like it though.

  6. Devil May Cry 5 (PS4)

    Discovered Dante sleeping on a statue-like thing while playing as Nero. Jumped to playing as Dante for the first time and I think I failed, lol. Found Lady and Trish on the ground and went up against Urizen again.

  7. 24 minutes ago, ArchieKun said:

    When you click on the clubs tab at the top of the page, and create a club it is for the sake of things more, or less a forum acting as a social group kinda like a Facebook group. Also like a Facebook group when setting up your club you can chose to make it private aka invite only. Invite only clubs are not searchable. Those therefore can contain r-x rated content as they are not readily available for viewing for any members under age 18, or someone who wishes not to view such content.

    Ooh didn't know about the whole clubs forum. Learn new things every day 😆😆 Is there a specific club for this kind of "talk"? Lol.

    • Silly 1
  8. I find Hentai a little too overboard and a lot of it looks like it revolves around minors and adults so I'm not too keen on it. I don't mind intimacy in romance anime or seeing nudity in general. I like fan service for sure. 

    There isn't much intimacy in anime except for maybe some minor affection nowadays. I think this why I like yaoi because it's the closest to romance and intimacy I'll get with an anime. 

    Like I said, hentai is just a little too overboard and I either find it extremely hilarious or really disturbing. 

    3 hours ago, NastiaTan said:

    Then I have a question. Can I give links to, for example, a porn hub with videos and discuss their use? or are any links banned?

    Not only that but it can cause malware and other viruses. I'm pretty sure 99% of us know what hentai is otherwise there is Google for those who really don't know. 

  9. I used to read comics like DC & Marvel back when I was a kid (my dad grew up on them so he encouraged me to read them too). Now? I don't really have much time to read anything, not even manga. I really want to get back into reading though, I enjoyed it so much. 

  10. Devil May Cry 5 (PS4)

    Got to play as V for a bit and I have to be honest I think I like his fighting style over Nero's.

    Am I the only one who thinks Nero's voice sounds like the Dante from the other DmC game that released a few years ago??

    The Sims 4 (PC)

    Aged up Vivian and now she's on her way to becoming famous. I have her learning how to sing and might start her on an instrument as well. She's currently doing small gigs and singing in local parks as well as uploading vids to help get a jump on her career.

  11. Devil May Cry 5 (PS4)

    Beat the first boss in the game, talked more with V.

    The Sims 4 (PS4)

    My teen Sim, Vivian is finally starting to get noticed in the celebrity world. Still getting A in school and in the Acting Club. Might age her up soon I think.

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