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Posts posted by EnviousEnvy

  1. Farming Simulator 19 (PS4)

    Was waiting for another game to install so I killed time by farming for an hour or two while listening to Spotfy. 

    Need For Speed: Payback (PS4)

    Wanted to race and it's pretty much the only racing game that I have for the PS4.


  2. On 3/6/2019 at 6:06 PM, Beocat said:

    Whoa...very dark! Been playing it a lot lately myself and haven't had a death on me yet. Been actually just playing around in build mode this week making giant stores and new starter homes. Lilsimsie (youtuber) got me inspired with her trailer in the trailer park starter home this week in Strangerville so I went and made my own trailer starter next door in my Sims neighborhood and hopefully will do another soon (aiming for a tiny 2 story next with all my tiny house/tiny nation knowledge from all the shows I've watched).

    This is the first young sim to die on me and I'm super annoyed because I worked so hard on her and no way to get her back without having to have another sim work on skills I don't particularly care about so I'm screwed, ugh.

    I need to get the strangerville gamepack. Maybe next week sometime. Looks pretty interesting. I'm still new to the Get Famous since I got back into Sims 4. I have a habit of being into a game for a long time then quit for a few weeks before getting back into it, lmao.

  3. Any movies you like that may be considered weird, strange, messed up to others? Which movies?

    (Please no judging other people's likes)

    One movie in particular that I recently watched and now consider a favorite of mine is The Danish Girl. A movie loosely based on Einar Wegener's determination on transitioning into a full woman named Lili Elbe after his/her wife asked him/her to pose for her latest artwork when the actress whom was intended to pose had canceled. Sometime afterward, as the days passed by Einar began to see himself/herself more and more as a woman than man; eventually after years of stress and doctors claiming Einar/Lili was mentally ill, he/she found a doctor to help Einar to officially transition to Lili with the help of Einar's wife.

    I can't help it, not only is the story very interesting but I was always intrigued by men and women transitioning as well as their life before, during and after. Now I'm not saying I'm interested in seeing the procedure done, no thank you (I have a weak stomach when it comes to any kind of surgery). Just the person and their life itself. I guess you could say, taking a walk in their shoes. Why does this interest me? I have no clear idea, just that I want to understand other things.

    • Like 2
  4. Sims 4 (PC)

    The sim character that I've been working on becoming a actress while she was a teen died today, on her birthday... 😥

    Persona 5 (PS4)

    Took a timeout to play some more of this. Still stuck on Kaneshiro's palace, ugh.

  5. Devil May Cry 5 (PS4)

    Started and beat the demo version of this game. Have to say it looks pretty wicked but the fighting is the same, or at least very little has been changed. I am hoping they speed up some of the characters during battle mode. The characters you play seem to be a little slow when throwing hits. Otherwise it looks to be a decent game. 

  6. On 2/23/2019 at 12:58 AM, ArchieKun said:

    I feel the pain right along with you up till the last couple days in my area been having them nearly daily for 2 weeks straight.

    They declared an emergency for us. They stopped all plowing until tomorrow sometime. They announced that there are 10 foot snow drifts and those who decided to travel and get stuck will remain so until tomorrow sometime.

  7. Expecting another snowstorm (had a snow storm each week for almost a month now) with total snowfall around 14 inches maybe more. We already have almost 3 feet of snow. Already talks of huge flooding that will occur once this all melts.

  8. **SPOILERS; Don't read below this line if you don't want anything ruined**


    Call Of Duty - Repetive, same Zombies and same tactics just a different theme.

    Assassin's Creed - This series used to be good and honestly the series should of ended after Desmond Mile's death. After that the franchise became repetitive as hell.

    • Agree 2
  9. So those who play Sims 4 on PC should have a Origins account. After the software update (which I haven't been playing Sims 4 since then) it won't let me update games on there because for some unknown reason it says that the file for that game does not exist...

    Anyone else have this issue?

  10. I have a fiance; depending on what day it falls on we're probably working otherwise gonna veg on out the couch and either watch Netflix/Hulu/etc. or play video games... The day we mostly look forward to is the day after, or better known as Cheap Chocolate Day!!!



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  11. On 2/6/2019 at 6:19 PM, Ryan Dave Jimenez said:

    I use a free mobile app called Series Guide. 

    It's made my life so much easier. It also works for TV shows not just anime.

    Here's a screenshot:


    It keeps track of my progress in watching. So for Haikyuu!! I'm at season 2 episode 17

    For Clannad I'm at season 2 episode 1 and so on.

    Before I used to just memorize my progress. Well that didn't work out too well. haha

    I usually just write mine down and leave it next to my TV... 

    Now I'm going to have to check out this app, lol.

    • Funny 1
  12. Resident Evil 2 (PS4)

    Finally reached the final boss of Leon's campaign (maybe?? Lol) Ended up rage quitting because the dang thing keeps killing me off, grr...

    Kingdom Hearts III (PS4)

    Half way finished with the Toybox world. Been livestreaming every time I play it thus, I have been going slow with it, lol.

  13. I mainly watch video game streamers and makeup gurus, however I do have a few miscellaneous channels that I watch. A few of my favs are: 

    RadBrad (gamer)

    Kelly Strack (makeup Guru)

    Laura Lee (makeup guru)

    Markiplier (gamer)

    Nicol Concillo (makeup guru)

    Deligracy (gamer; Sims 4 gaming mostly)

    The King Of DIY (aquarium owner and builder)

    emmymadeinjapan (tries weird and gross food)

    Rae's Aquaria (Aquarium owner and fish breeder)

    Steff J (pet keeper and rescuer)



    • Like 2
  14. Resident Evil 2 (PS4)

    Finally got my hands on the parking permit thus made it outside of the police department (thank God because Mr. X was seriously getting on my nerves). Also doing so I ran into Ada again. Why is she always so crabby? Wonder if she is PMSing in this game. 😂

  15. Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4)

    Not very far in the game. Finally got to the mansion on the second world, lol.

    Resident Evil 2 (PS4)

    Just ran into my first Tyrant in the game and let me tell you,  he makes finding things and completing puzzles a pain in the rear. Grr... 

  16. 2 hours ago, efaardvark said:

    Spice and Wolf.  Best to date IMHO, though Holo admittedly spends most of the show in human/kemonomimi form.

    Wolf's Rain.  (Maybe?  Not really anthropomorphic though.. more shape changers.)

    Shirokuma Cafe was fun.

    The movie Neko no Onegaeshi (The Cat Returns) was also fun.

    What about Kemono Friends?

    Shinsekai Yori?   (For the mole-people, especially Kiroumaru.)

    Even stuff like Totoro, or the bear cook in Knights of Sedonia.  (If you want to count that sort of thing.  Just kinda throwing out random stuff at this point.)

    Hope that gets you started.  Lots of stuff out there.  You could also take a look at this MAL forum thread.  (We should probably have one around here too.)

    Actually I wouldn't call the wolves in Wolf's Rain shape changers (makes me think of the wolves in Twilight, ew). In the book of Red Moon (which the detective and old man talk quite a bit about) the wolves never changed forms at all. I can't quite find the words to explain it accurately but it was pretty much a disguise created by magic to prevent humans from actually seeing them. Kind of like a costume in a way. If you looked hard enough or believed wolves actually existed you could see what their true appearance was or if they somehow physically touched you you could see them that way as well. 


     For example, in one of the first episodes Tsume tries to help a young boy in his gang from plummeting to his death by grabbing him. At first it shows Tsume grabbing the boy with his arm but then the boy starts screaming in pain and terror, then Tsume is shown as a wolf grabbing the boy's shoulder with his mouth which was tearing into the boy's muscle. Shocked, Tsume lets go of the boy and he's shown back as a human. So once the boy was actually physically touched by Tsume he discovered what Tsume truly was. 


    I apologize if I seemed like a know-it-all; Wolf's Rain just happens to be my number one favorite anime series and I've probably watched it 30 or 40 times. When I was a kid I thought they were shifters too until I actually looked into it more back when I was 18 or 19 then figured it out because it didn't make sense for them to be shifters, lol.


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