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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. Fill their house with letters about my love.
  2. Cover him in honey and leave him in the woods for the bears to eat ^^
  3. Sakura


    I haven't ever actually tried it because I think I would last around an hour before I had a migraine and was throwing my computer straight out the window XD Group though would be fun I somewhat talked about doing that with Orion at some point, dunno if he would still want to.
  4. Yeah I'm also glad to know we would have a warning at least ~ even a couple hours is enough hopefully to prepare. I wonder if they would inform the people it was going to happen though or if we would all just be kinda in the dark about what was going on. However a bit disturbing to know we haven't taken any lessons from past events to help prevent further major events from happening >_> Hmm I guess that is why I have also read a lot of newer cars will shut down and be unable to run in the event of a solar flare hitting the Earth. Of course I figured GPS wouldn't work but I'm glad I know an ancient skill called "reading a map" We are pretty much dependent on electronic things today though so I can see how all of that becoming non-operational would pretty much devastate us for however long it would take for it to all get repaired and come back up. I feel like "some level of basic function could be restored relatively quickly" probably means to plants or businesses that need it and not to the normal every day person which likely means most of us would be living in the dark ages again for a while lol ~ I guess I imagine something like "The Purge" movies happening and everyone just taking to the streets after a couple of days and doing whatever they wanted. I don't really have any faith in the competency of the government to be able to handle any such situation.. I don't even have any faith in them handling current situations let alone something like that x.x
  5. Hello ~ welcome to AF! Hope you have a great time here and if you ever feel like chatting feel free to send me a message
  6. HI & welcome to the forum. Hope you have a great time here and meet some people to chat with on the forums ^^
  7. Ahh okay I thought it would be a long time ~ "The size of 15 Earths" Geez that kinda really puts into perspective how large the Sun is. I often forget since it's not something I think about much after high school. So I have read these can cause problems with radio/satellites/GPS all kinds of things, what are the odds of one ever doing major damage? I have been reading some people chatting in a Discord this past week about how a large enough one could shut down the internet and every thing else for weeks or months and send the world into chaos but I have to wonder how likely that is to happen. I usually check NOAA a lot when I want to know things like this as I presumed they are pretty reliable but I won't even pretend to know or understand all the Science behind it though I do find it fascinating once someone explains it all to me "The historic geomagnetic storm of May 10-11, 2024, produced auroras across Europe, Asia, Japan, Mexico, and all 50 US stetes--even Hawaii. Hundreds of millions of people saw the colored lights for the first time in their lives." ^ I think this is pretty cool that it was able to be seen in all of these places. I heard this on TV as well that people saw it as far away as the Bahamas and down into Mexico and things. It seems like there was a lot of activity for this lately too, more than I have ever heard about in my life.
  8. A chicken salad with dressing and some iced tea.
  9. Break into his house and wallpaper the floors, walls, and ceiling with pictures of my face.
  10. There is probably a lot of things that are considered animal abuse that weren't back then lol Things are a lot different but I also think it's good there are animal rights groups advocating for animals these days.. at least the ones that don't get too carried away and weird about it.
  11. Sakura


    Honestly, HCIM was one of my fave characters lol ~ I actually enjoyed playing the game again and just wandering around having to do literally everything without trading other people and collecting all resources for myself. And I got my HCIM to like total level 1575 before I kinda got bored and went back to main character. UIM I think is the craziest mode but most people do UIM. Seems the hardest though since you can't trade or use banks to store items.
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