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Status Updates posted by Metro

  1. The Chosen Season 4 (first episode releases today)

    If you haven't watched/heard of it before, I highly recommend watching it! (also it's completely free to watch :D) 

  2. Just back from a weekend or so in London, was so nice being somewhere familiar but also meant I've come back to Prague with loads of work to do.... 

  3. Got approved to have my final year thesis supervised by the geologist/earth science lecturer at my university! just gotta pick between two research topics that both sound incredible!

  4. When you think something can't get worse... 

    Having major difficulties communicating with Charles university, subject issues and then also sprained my ankle last night and got told this morning while standing there in crutches that I have until Monday to move out of my dorm into a different dorm...

  5. Little life update: 

    Was hit with my first ever dose of homesickness after being abroad on off for the last year and a half.

    Wasn't a great feeling to be honest, just missed everything about Ireland which I never thought I would say but sure here we are. I joined a GAA club to give myself a bit of purpose, bit of fun and pretty good to be playing something I played throughout my childhood/teen years.

    In other notes, struggling with exams and sorting out my timetable for next year, in Ireland I'm so used to not picking what I do and just being told by the university but here you pick your own modules and it's crazy.

    Anxiety has gotten incredibly bad as well, I find myself avoiding social activities and struggling to even go shopping because the thought of interacting makes me feel like I'll cry.

    So yep, rough start to the year. 

  6. Exam in the morning which I am very confident that I will fail miserably so I have spent the day emailing both my host and home university about what happens if I fail a module. Honestly so stressed that I might be kicked out and sent back to my home University. ;-; 

    1. Animedragon


      This doesn't sound good. Hopefully your confidence in failure will be misplaced, but if it isn't I hope your host university will be lenient and not send you back to your home university.

  7. Yesterday night was one of the most fantastic moments and a core memory. With my partner visiting me here in Czechia. I decided to propose! And she said yes!!

    1. Myouya


      Congratulations on the engagement!

    2. Animedragon



    3. Sakura


      Congrats! That's so sweet I'm happy for you ^^! 

  8. No better way to start the year, we got that Rose Bowl game live! 

  9. Yesterday was a heartbreaking day, seeing the news pop up on my phone of what occurred at the Faculty of Philosophy UK in Prague was shocking. What is crazy was I was about to go for a walk there but ended up having to take a phone call before I left the dorm. My heart goes out to all the families and victims of the attack.

  10. Unfortunately due to the stressful joys of exams and just trying to find my feet in this country, I haven't been as active as I hoped. I'm hoping that with the new year and being more comfortable here I can contribute more! 

    1. Myouya


      Best of luck with the exams, I'll cover for you without problem!

  11. 8 years and 3 days since I joined this beautiful community!!!

    1. merulox


      it doesn't feel like 2015 was 8 years ago o_o

  12. Just back from a trip with the Faculty of Science into the woods and mines of rural Czech Republic, super fun but excited to get started with lectures! 

    1. Myouya


      Ooooh, are the lectures on any specific domain or a bit of everything?

    2. Metro


      So my studies over here are focused on geology with a bit in biology which is what I'm really interested in so I'm so glad to have the opportunity to finally focus on topics I love! 

    3. Myouya


      Really lucky, I wish you the best! Biology is super fascinating

  13. Prague has been overwhelming, with falling in love with the city and then accommodation horrors and shocks, hopefully, soon it will be routine and I'll have my classes sorted and will know if I have the pleasure to complete a full academic year and then I can focus back on here!

  14. I have officially moved to the Czech Republic!!! Was a long day of travelling but wow is it beautiful. Staying with family atm until my student accommodation opens for international students!

    1. Digimon_Sommelier


      Congrats! Have a blast!

  15. Finally back in Ireland, was really an incredible journey and I cant wait to write a proper blog post about it all, unfortunately got a pretty bad sunburn all over my back so painfully suffering with that but heyo, only two weeks before I'm back on a plane to start another adventure! 

    1. Animedragon


      I look forward to reading the blog post. Sorry to hear about the sunburn, I've only had it a couple of times and it's really nasty.

    2. Otaking66lives


      Glad to hear you made it back pretty much unscathed. Sunburns can be rough, though. I've had my fair share. Can't wait to read about your adventure!! 

  16. one of the hardest things in my life but yesterday morning at around 7am we reached the summit of the mighty Kilimanjaro, now time to relax 

    1. Animedragon


      Congratulations on a magnificent achievement. 

  17. A few hours until my flight! Security was a breeze, lets go conquer the 17th highest summit!!

    1. Animedragon


      I wish you all the very best in your endeavour.

  18. Visa accepted for Tanzania woop woop, 2 weeks! 

  19. Really procrasniating my Spanish work placement report which I'll need done before my trip to Kili or I'll be fined 100 euro per month by the University and fail the year.... so many pages so little motivation. 

    1. Animedragon


      That sounds dire. I didn't know you could get fined for not turning in a report. It's a pretty steep fine too.

      Sometimes I'm really glad I didn't go to Uni, there were no such things as personal computers and word processors back then and my handwriting is so bad it would be a challenge for GCHQ to decipher!

    2. Metro


      The Uni I attend tends to be questioned a lot for its methods of money making compared to other ones in Ireland, it's one of the only ones here that charges students for resits (I believe it's 250 per exam luckily I've never had to experience that) 

  20. Got my accomdation for Prague!!! unfortunely I seem to have been given the one furthest away from the department I'm studying with and also the most run down one but oh well

    1. Animedragon


      That doesn't sound good, but at least you have got somewhere to stay.

  21. Yesterday I was planning on what my Sunday would look like in Spain, but before I knew it, I had to pack 4 months of my life into a bag within 30 minutes and make the last flight back to Ireland. Life is so unfair and I am so angry and upset I didn't get to say goodbye. RIP Dad 

  22. Living in Spain has really messed me up when it comes to anything other then working and living in Spain, I've lost all ability to multi-task and have absolutely no idea whats going on back home. Even here I barely have the time to check back here!

  23. Officially in Spain for 4 months now, really loving the atmosphere and enjoying the 2 minute walk to the beach, really good mind and body detox and keeping the diet strictly healthy atm 

    1. Lone Lancer

      Lone Lancer

      I've honestly never been to Iberia but I hear that Catalonia is really nice.

  24. Sometimes we just need a little help

    1. Lone Lancer

      Lone Lancer

      ....unless it's the type of help that we don't need.

  25. "but now we’re at 100 my hands aren't on the wheel and i don’t wanna lose this moment"

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