^-^ ah my sweet zinnie bear.
You bring up some excellent points! Here is my rather blunt reasoning behind it all (besides what I already stated):
Why wouldn't I be first to vote so quickly when no one else is stepping in to make the votes? I could just wait it out. But inevitably this game must move forward. With everyone waiting around so cautiously to point accusations since there have been little clues as to whom is the killer, I figured why not take it upon myself to get the ball rolling. Nectar may have been a rather haste choice, but one that I don't regret making. Would much rather go with my gut since there aren't a whole lot of clues. And as I stated above, his behavior has been a lot different this game based on previous actions. I may be off totally. But I would rather go with my guts.
Also, I would much rather spare my lovely ladies. Call me biased. But I wouldn't mind dying by your hand if you are the killer.
If I'm completely wrong about Nectar, one step closer to dying in the name of love.