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Artful Freak",


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So I would't lengthen my words lol any questions are welcome😅 critiques are welcome as well😊

Here goes nothin'

As a Starter made from photoscape, 




The days I figured out how to use photoshop, 



The days I mixed an animation from different forgotten apps🤣 png format.




The days I started to use apng formats, 











Background made from c4d app, I really like that Explosion FX option😊



Latest made from android phone, 



I believe we have different styles when it comes to graphics😊




  • Awesome (Sugoi) 1
  • Love it! (Daisuki) 2
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Thanks bro☺️ true & also i quit if we have the same styles🤣 speaking of learning, your topic/thread must open for critiques! Bad or not bad(negative or positive) the better if negative! Why? Depends on how you take it! But me i dont give negative critiques because some people are sensitive. 

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Criticism is nice but the question is if this forum is still active? I only see few people online🤔 Im new here so i dont know😅 tbh, im not good in criticism, it feels like im hurting! Maybe a friendly advice will do,, i like being criticized but i dont criticize🤣 i dont make tutorial either because im so lazy to write🤣 im no writer hehe

Edit: ill try to add some later👍


Edited by ReverzerO
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2 hours ago, Wild Emotion said:

The forum is still active, just not as much as it apparently used to be. I'm still relatively new here myself, so I came to the party a little late too. It's still fun to post in the various places with the regulars that now make repeat appearances on the forum though. ^^

Maybe you came from nowhere like myself! Those old timer graphics artists are gone where i came from so i decided to wander around. I added anime forum and i chose this website, others doent have mobile version. 

Btw, I made 1 today", 



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On 11/9/2023 at 6:38 AM, Digimon_Sommelier said:

Cool! How'd you make these?!

The 1st one was made in photoshop cs3. I used wire frame brushes for the background. This piece have a lot of animation so dramaticaly this is really a long story if I will explain every movement so I think youtube will help you how to animate from the basic to advance. I strongly suggest start from 2 different animation in one piece. 

The 2nd one was made using android phone. Just search in google play store an app that makes animation with a video output then you can convert it into gif apng webp in this site, 


This is a lot easier than the 1st one because you need to do it manually😵

  • Awesome (Sugoi) 1
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On 8/27/2024 at 3:37 AM, ReverzerO said:

Another update'', this thread is so outdated due to gaming😆 
These two are my favorite drawings colored using Photoshop'',




That looks amazing on both of them but I really love the 1st one.

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On 8/27/2024 at 3:37 AM, ReverzerO said:

Another update'', this thread is so outdated due to gaming😆 
These two are my favorite drawings colored using Photoshop'',




You are definitely a really great artist~ I always love looking at people's art when they can draw/paint. My drawing skills are meh at best and I always think it's so amazing when people have that skill. 

  • Aww 1
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