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how do you introductions?


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moshi moshi~, i actually, am 100% unsure how to do this even though i lurk threads/forums~


i used to be a member of Animeultima, but im not sure if anyone else here was in it, but now AU is kill/dead so i didnt join any forums due to the fact that i didnt find any fun ones


and ya, hello everyone ;o

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5 hours ago, Kohloo said:

It can be pretty fun here, welcome to the site!

thank you : D

7 minutes ago, Beocat said:

Welcome to the soft glow of the forums, Ryu.  No more lurking in shadows for you :)


Did you draw that yourself?

the light still somewhat bothers me, im glad the layout/theme is dark on the forums : D

and ya i drew them o.o, it was kind of hard, im planning on drawing for my profile cover photo, once i get the feeling : D

im not that good tho

3 minutes ago, Sasazaki Chan said:

I'm thinking you did the introduction correctly. I didn't even do one Lmaooo

I'm going to wait like a year until I have like a thousand posts then I'm going to do my introduction Lol

wouldn't you be known to the forums then? o.o

wait will that even apply as a "hi guys im new post" or will it be a "re"torn" post?!?


...ill show myself out <.<


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