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Everything posted by efaardvark

  1. I like games but never have time to play them. I tend to like the complicated empire-builder games like Civilization or SimCity that take a lot of time to play too, which doesn't help. I had a huge Minecraft addiction for a while. I've been trying to find time to get into Space Engineers. Lately though all my time game time-budget has been taken up with a space physics/engineering sandbox game called Kerbal Space Program where you build your own rockets to put satellites in orbit or fly "kerbals" (little green astronauts - see my avatar) to other moons/planets. Kind of a NASA-sim. Don't know if you would be into any of that.
  2. Yokai apartment life is the only current one I'm following. Was kind of hoping it would be something like a cross between Pet Girl of Sakurasou and Natsume Yujin-cho . Not nearly as good as either one of those IMHO, but it is keeping my interest so far. I also have The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya in my crunchy queue. I usually binge-watch and I don't start until the last episode for the season is done. I've finished everything I wanted to watch from last season so I'm actually kind of in-between at the moment, waiting for this season to end & pondering what to queue up first once it does. What's good this season? Kind of have my eye on Magus Bride & Black Clover to start. Maybe MMO Junkie & Kino's Journey after that if I have time. Also been trying to find someplace streaming Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou so I can check that out.. Any other suggestions? Edit: Dies Irae is also on my ToDo list.
  3. We have solar (+batteries) here so.. same as always. All our power, DSL, and cable TV around here is on poles though, so we often lose everything when we lose power. This includes access to TV/cable and streaming services. Once we even lost utility power, DSL, *and* then the next day we lost cell service as well! The neighborhood was eerily quiet for about two days.. and DARK at night! In desperation I had to switch to my DVD collection on my NAS. IIRC that last day we mostly did Wii sports though.
  4. I just joined so I thought I'd say "hi". Hope this is the place. I've been watching anime since high school however, which is a very long time indeed seeing as I'm 3868 years old. (In Minecraft years. ) I enjoy "hard" science fiction themes mostly, subs > dubs - I can usually understand spoken Japanese, though I'm not conversational - and I prefer the 12/24-episode-and-done format. Totally not into Naruto or Inuyasha. Probably not fighting robots either, even though playing with robots IRL makes me happy. My favorite series ever was definitely "Ghost in the Shell". On the other hand I'm not afraid of cute or goofy either. I've enjoyed oddball stuff like "Hyouka" or "Usagi Drop", I'm looking forward to the next season of FLCL, and I've even been known to like the rare romcom like "Clannad: After Story" or "Toradora". I have a friend from HS who's a voice actress so if she's had a part in something I'll usually give it a watch, even if it is just that silly squid thing in "Hand Maid Mei". As I type this I've got a re-watch of "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" queued up in Crunchyroll while waiting for the current season to finish up. I tend to binge-watch so I usually wait until the season ends to start watching a series. No spoilers please! I also read books, program computers, build arduino (microcontroller/electronics) projects, and play video games. My current obsession regarding the latter being Kerbal Space Program. I'm usually something of a lurker, but if you do see me around the forum(s) don't be afraid to say "hi"!
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