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  1. Kinda sounds like a scene in mob psycho lol..its probably not that though
  2. Ok I know this isn't anime related but like I haven't been on here for a little bit and all of a sudden its overrun with ads! It might be because I'm using a phone but I'm not just seeing things right!?! If there have always been ads consider me shocked..or blind cos I havent been seeing em lol.
  3. There is a new show coming up that takes place in the american west so I guess your wish came true @Big Boar. I forgot the name but it like a race which the winner wins a huge sum of money
  4. @Ohiotaku that was my gut reaction at first...that this was a spoiler. But as a manga reader this theory is just that. A theory. So it isnt a spoiler thank goodness cos I hate those lol
  5. Ohh if you meant they should make an anime version of Battle Royale (the book) then yeah that'd be fun to see lol
  6. @Big Boar Aren't there already a couple of those? Like Danganrompa?
  7. @Xyro yeah I've heard what a sh!t show it is lol...didn't expect that cute baby to be in that.
  8. Yes! I am definitely ready to join the hype train!!!
  9. @Seshi thanks for the info!
  10. Try Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! KonoSuba for short...comedy..main character is male and an overall great cast
  11. I was actually gonna start reading the manga but wanted to hold off incase an anime was made. I kinda don't like watching anime after a manga cos I always end up disappointed . When do the episodes come out?
  12. @Seshi so true! Though I think in recent memory Haikyuu seems to be the one that made me try for literally months to find a similar series . Oh well "all good things come to an end"
  13. Have you ever watched an anime that just made you appreciate life and when it's over it's kinda like life gets crappier? Like your day might be going to sh!t but just the thought of watching that anime or even remembering some scenes makes you smile? Mine is Haikyuu. I was on a topic one time and I said I didnt like it but I swear I've watched it 20 times now..all seasons lol. And after I finished it and the manga I went through like a period of time where I tried to find similar anime but none of them measured up and still dont. Anyway I've decided to go though life knowing that I'm just gonna have to stay dissatisfied.
  14. Sometimes when we're younger we can mix up memories of different things. On that note are you sure you're not mixing up the anime with a different one? The 1st part does sound like Howl but I dunno about that 2nd part about hanging lol
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