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Status Replies posted by XII360

  1. Thunderstorms are beautiful. It's the perfect weather for me and I am content right now~

  2. image.thumb.png.3d96c6e60b2ecdcc0a1c9271c42ab9c1.png

    welp; thats when i know im bored, when i do this >.>


    low key tho; designing a sci-fi-ish clothing is hard as hell,

    feels like i drew feathers than mechanical stuff

    sooo hard; ima take a break for now and either games or eroge <.>


    edit: huh so it seems we got no classes tomorrow too, class suspended again

    yaaay..?, i mean tomorrow is an easy schedule, but man i need to do my library hour's, wtf weather >.>

  3. Thunderstorms are beautiful. It's the perfect weather for me and I am content right now~

  4. image.thumb.png.3d96c6e60b2ecdcc0a1c9271c42ab9c1.png

    welp; thats when i know im bored, when i do this >.>


    low key tho; designing a sci-fi-ish clothing is hard as hell,

    feels like i drew feathers than mechanical stuff

    sooo hard; ima take a break for now and either games or eroge <.>


    edit: huh so it seems we got no classes tomorrow too, class suspended again

    yaaay..?, i mean tomorrow is an easy schedule, but man i need to do my library hour's, wtf weather >.>

  5. Thunderstorms are beautiful. It's the perfect weather for me and I am content right now~

  6. image.thumb.png.3d96c6e60b2ecdcc0a1c9271c42ab9c1.png

    welp; thats when i know im bored, when i do this >.>


    low key tho; designing a sci-fi-ish clothing is hard as hell,

    feels like i drew feathers than mechanical stuff

    sooo hard; ima take a break for now and either games or eroge <.>


    edit: huh so it seems we got no classes tomorrow too, class suspended again

    yaaay..?, i mean tomorrow is an easy schedule, but man i need to do my library hour's, wtf weather >.>

  7. finally finished lining my comic page for my game of pokemon blue rescue team.  Just got to word bubble and add tones.


  8. finally finished lining my comic page for my game of pokemon blue rescue team.  Just got to word bubble and add tones.


  9. finally finished lining my comic page for my game of pokemon blue rescue team.  Just got to word bubble and add tones.


  10. finally finished lining my comic page for my game of pokemon blue rescue team.  Just got to word bubble and add tones.


  11. finally finished lining my comic page for my game of pokemon blue rescue team.  Just got to word bubble and add tones.


  12. finally finished lining my comic page for my game of pokemon blue rescue team.  Just got to word bubble and add tones.


  13. finally finished lining my comic page for my game of pokemon blue rescue team.  Just got to word bubble and add tones.


  14. finally finished lining my comic page for my game of pokemon blue rescue team.  Just got to word bubble and add tones.


  15. finally finished lining my comic page for my game of pokemon blue rescue team.  Just got to word bubble and add tones.


  16. finally finished lining my comic page for my game of pokemon blue rescue team.  Just got to word bubble and add tones.


  17. Man, depression has me by the balls today.  It's hard to motivate in order to do anything.  I'm struggling and unfortunately my times coming to end quickly on my Clip Studio.  Guess I'm just using this to bitch.  Don't really have a place to do that I guess.  Oh well,  we all have problems.  

  18. finally finished lining my comic page for my game of pokemon blue rescue team.  Just got to word bubble and add tones.


  19. Man, depression has me by the balls today.  It's hard to motivate in order to do anything.  I'm struggling and unfortunately my times coming to end quickly on my Clip Studio.  Guess I'm just using this to bitch.  Don't really have a place to do that I guess.  Oh well,  we all have problems.  

  20. anddddd break time~

    gonna play some rhythm game ;o


  21. Man, depression has me by the balls today.  It's hard to motivate in order to do anything.  I'm struggling and unfortunately my times coming to end quickly on my Clip Studio.  Guess I'm just using this to bitch.  Don't really have a place to do that I guess.  Oh well,  we all have problems.  

  22. Man, depression has me by the balls today.  It's hard to motivate in order to do anything.  I'm struggling and unfortunately my times coming to end quickly on my Clip Studio.  Guess I'm just using this to bitch.  Don't really have a place to do that I guess.  Oh well,  we all have problems.  

  23. so if you had to choose, the letter B or letter C ?

    edit: ...or A ?

  24. me in today's quizzes:

    quiz: omae wa mou shindeiru

    me: NANI ?!


    that pretty much sums it up

    last quiz on hema tho' feels good to get a almost perfect score for once in my miserable petty life

    i can die happy now

  25. @XII360 Was aiming for Summer Linde and Genny, but you know what I got?  +Def/-Spd Summer Takumi.... At least he has Fury 3 or Odd Res Wave 3 that can be passed on.

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