Not a fan of Studio Ghibli films. (I'd probably get chastised for saying that)
A lot of their movies just bore me, but it's probably the Slice of Life atmosphere. And that atmosphere never clicked with me. Except maybe K-On!
A ton of MMORPG these days are just following quests and grinding, although Mabinogi is very extensive and fun. Be warned though it's also very money hungry.
I was a homestay student there for a while and I can kind of understand why Japanese kids would rather live in U.S. You have to work like a horse there because cost of living there was ridiculously high. Not to mention the differences in culture and language was another headache. I wouldn't judge Japan based on anime because it's a lot easier to draw fictional things that you wish you had than to get them for real.
Samsung, although I did used to have an iPhone 5s. I'm not a fan of Apple products anymore because I can agree when they say "it's the brand you're buying, not the phone." To top it off Apple products are crazy expensive.
Math classes are actually very important. Yeah you probably won't use most of the stuff in the future but the reason for those stuff is not to know but to exercise your intelligence.
You also up your electric bill by having to repeatedly use electronic devices when a non-electronic device is available. Yeah you use your iPad/laptop for other stuff too but only to display pages for hours? I'd rather have a book.