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Belgrade_assassin last won the day on February 12 2017

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    Nutella Fortress
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    Learning to code. :)
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Community Answers

  1. Saw you visiting on my profile. Still hiding in the nutella fort? XD 

  2. Hey, you. Where have you been?

  3. Clannad, because it hits all of my soft spots. ^^'' Probably best tear-jerker I've ever watched.
  4. I believe that that's fan art for anime called shinigami no testament
  5. Yay, I'm 22! :O I can already feel the changes coming... *-*

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Belgrade_assassin


      Hmmm, I didn't really care about turning 20 tbh.

    3. Belgrade_assassin


      Hahahaha, it happens @[1735:SoullessMarshmallow] :D

  6. I've actually posted a dare long time ago and no one has replied since, you could check it out @Wodahs It's actually a dare game, since truth one is hard to pull of properly online.
  7. Well whaddya know, hello there fellow @filip I have no clue who you are though, but welcome back to AF!
  8. I've been waiting for someone to revive T or D thread for a while now.
  9. So are we talking about this forum or public interest in general? I believe that manga already gets enough recognition outside of AF so I don't really see any problem there. Comparison to books was a appropriate one and same could be said for pretty much any type of media. I don't think that books or manga are good or bad for anyone, you can't just sit through and read a book in order to understand it and gain something from it and same goes for manga. Personally, I lean towards source material since I like authentic stories but that's just my personal preference. That isn't always the case though and that's the thing, books/manga aren't always better than movie/anime. Sometimes they go their separate ways like in Shaman King where anime series at one point surpassed manga and eventually had a completely different story development and ending. The weird thing is that I've liked anime ending way more than one manga had. Anime had a more simplistic approach and a straightforward story, while manga branched off in many different directions and it way too complex for its own good. Obviously I'm not saying that Shaman King anime is better than Shaman King manga since it's matter of personal preference, but I don't think that I would've liked series as much if I've only read manga. Sometimes this can also happen with movies, Lovely Bones for example. Just a quick disclaimer: I didn't read the book with this one! So why am I taking this movie as an example then? I didn't like Lovely Bones for its amazing plot or characters or whatnot since I'm simply not a fan of the genre, only reason why I've watched Lovely Bones and liked it in the end was amazing scenery. That could've been accomplished in a book, I'm not saying that that's not the case, but during the whole run time it felt as if it was screaming 'THIS WAS MADE/WRITTEN TO EVENTUALLY BECOME A MOVIE!' since it was always supposed to be a CGI spectacle. I own the book and might read it one day so there might be an update later on. When you think of Harry, Ron and Hermione you think of Daniel, Rupert and Emma. Emma in particular was the problematic one out of the bunch since she was way too good looking to play Hermione, which became more apparent in later movies when her character had confidence issues regarding her looks which didn't really came through in movies. Still, pretty much everyone fondly remembers these 3 as big parts of our childhoods even if they didn't remain faithful to the source. With each new adaptations existing stories gain and lose certain aspects they've previously had and eventually become a stand-alone pieces of work. Books and movies won't ever be identical, or necessarily better than one another, they're different types of media with different challenges and complications to work around. Same goes for audiences since simply reading a book or watching a supposedly good movie won't necessarily guarantee that YOU'll personally have a good time or same experience as others. Being versatile and adopting best of both worlds (as Hannah would say) is indeed the best way to truly study any work, and the more mediums you have access to (affinity towards reading books, watching movies, listening to the music, etc.), the richer you are as a person. Finally I'd like to see manga related threads under anime subforum rather than hobbies since two are closely connected and pretty much on equal footing, even on Anime Forums.
  10. Do you guys have like favorite YouTubers you like to watch? (anime or non-anime)

    1. Histoire


      Hmm... Most of the things I watch in Youtube are all about games. There are three Youtubers that I always watch tho. - Lost Pause (I love his gameplay videos. It makes finding games much easier) - Kubz Scouts (Same as above, but with a much better sense of humor imo) - Nightblue3 (A League of Legends player who is an anime lover)

    2. Belgrade_assassin


      Oh I like Pewds as well, he gets a lot of hate because he's number one but he has been constantly evolving and IMO he really earned his 50kk subs.

  11. ^ Well technically only Davis and I did. @Davis, I get what you're trying to say although I guess that the novelty of it didn't last as long with me.
  12. That's the difference, I'd like to travel with some sort of purpose (like a job) and yet not be a suit, so being a mushishi would do. They're quite independent and they have something to offer to people in exchange for hospitality.
  13. Actually if you were a harem anime protagonist (living in Clannad let's say) it'd mean that all the girls from that universe would suddenly become attracted to you.. That's of course if you were a protagonist, not a Sunohara... I'd like to live in Mushishi universe and become a mushishi myself. I guess that'd still be very similar to ''real world'' (except for the mushi part). It'd enable me to travel thorough the lands without looking like a homeless person or a hippie.
  14. I don't know what's so special about it to be honest. It starts like something new and fresh but it quickly became stale to me. I liked the whole idea of Saitama having this unusual struggle of trying to find an actual rival but after a while you realize that he's simply wasting his time and in a way you're wasting yours for watching him waste his (if that makes any sense).
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