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Homo Optimus.. coming soon to a planet near you


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Whatever could go wrong 😂

I kinda always figured that much of future combats will be fought by robots (and reduce the actual casualties). They only mentioned a few things that are at least technically possible (although who knows when you are given a 30 year time frame). The eye, ear and muscle thing doesn't seem too unrealistic. The "direct neural enhancement of the human brain for two-way data transfer" is a bit vague though 😂 

I can see this on the battlefield, but among regular society, I don't know. Kinda weird if you think about it, I wouldn't do it. Then again, these things do secure a job for people like me 😂 What I can see them using stuff like this for is for treatment of symptoms of diseases though.

I'll have to check out the full report when I get the chance. I'm a bit skeptical about US 'councils' when it comes to academic stuff ever since I had to go through what was called the President's Council on Bioethics work (which was just subpar) on some memory enhancement stuff for my thesis. But the US military has a lot of money, so the DoD Biotechnologies for Health and Human Performance Council could be a whole lot better.

(just on a sidenote, "armytimes.com" 😂 what the heck 😂)

Edited by Illusion of Terra
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