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Yo, I'm new here, as you can probably tell. I'm pretty sure I'm making this forum in the right format and if not, I'm sorry I guess? Anyways, as I'm new here, I hope I can get to know everyone here and have entertaining discussions on anime! I've watched anime for quite some time and hope I can keep up with as many discussions as I can!


Thanks for having me!

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Hello and welcome to Anime Forums! I hope you enjoy your time here!


Now, time for the usual interrogation.


Favorite anime?

Favorite manga?

Favorite video game?

Favorite anime guy?

Favorite anime girl?

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Hello and welcome to Anime Forums! I hope you enjoy your time here!


Now, time for the usual interrogation.


Favorite anime?

Favorite manga?

Favorite video game?

Favorite anime guy?

Favorite anime girl?


Oh boy, I feel like I'm a criminal now!~


1) For my favorite anime, it'd probably have to go to Clannad ~After Story~. I know it has it's flaws and there are other anime that are closely competing with it for my top spot, but After Story was what really got me into anime. Sure I watched a few shows on the side when I had the free time like FMA and Naruto, but Clannad and the Clannad ~After Story~ were really the two (though I don't appreciate the original season as much) anime that made me a patron of the genre. Because of that, they both hold a special place in my heart, especially ~After Sotry~, which still holds a special place in my heart.


2) This is a little tougher. I don't really read manga unless it's heavily recommended and/or I loved the anime that went with it. Because of this, most of the manga I read are pretty enjoyable to me, but if I had to pick one, it'd probably be Koe no Katachi. I'd probably pick this one over Haganai, because, I don't believe it's movie has aired and because this was one of the first manga (and one of the only manga) that I've ever read. It related a lot to me too as a close friend of mine is actually deaf (though he wears cochlear implants that give him the ability to hear). I thought it was a heart wrenching story the art pleased me, so I'd probably have to pick it.


3) Probably Civilization V at this point. I don't really play any video games (though I'd like too I spend most of my time watching anime). It's really the only game I play on occasion these days, though there are others I'd play if I feel the need. I'm also saving up (but will probably never buy) for the ~After Story~ VN, though I've "been saving" for years now.


4) These next two are going to be the hardest so far since I don't really pick favorite characters when compared to the vast amounts of them that I've seen. I'd probably have to say that Satoru from Erased (I'm too lazy to put the entire Japanese name) is my favorite male character right now.


5) Female wise it'd probably have to be Yozora from Haganai (again, too lazy to put the entire Japanese name). I find her attractive and if anything you could probably call her my waifu.


Thanks for the warm welcome! It's really appreciated!~



1) Clannad ~After Story~

2) Koe no Katachi

3) Civ V

4) Satoru (from Erased)

5) Yozora (from Haganai)

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