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10 Tropes in anime that need to die (ASAP)


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Excuse the double post, but I'm adding one in for the childhood friend who's in love with the main protagonist but has no chance with them because a new character shows up, or if you prefer, the "childhood friend" cliche. We already know how these characters are going to play out because it's always the same, and it's always boring and uninteresting because it's been done of often. Unless it ever ends in an unexpected way, there's no point to these characters existing anymore.

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9. Overly sexual high school students. This one kind of plays into the last one, and the argument against it only makes so much sense. That being that because Japan has different laws about the age of consent than a lot of the world, they can sexualize teens because they are of age. The problem with that, is the reminder that a lot of Japan's market for anime isn't living in Japan, and that not every anime is going to bring in new kids at an age where that would be appropriate. Not to mention that it also stands as a reminder that Japan seems to forget that it's audience has aged and they could be seen as perverse for liking an anime that has this problem, even if they aren't meant to. With anime out there like Full Metal Alchemist and Free! This is a two way road, that needs to meet it's end.


I don't think it should matter whether or not they're considered adults, as even though going to high school is optional in japan (look it up), a lot of people still do it. It seems a lot of anime and manga nowadays tend to have fan service in it, and you better believe it has a negative effect on society.

Women are so overly sexualized in media and such these days, but they shouldn't be defined by their looks. And people being denied jobs and higher pay because they're female? ...Can this whole world just burn down...?

But in all actuality, I would like to see more unattractive characters in anime, particularly female characters because every girl is cute in anime, but that needs to stop.

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I don't think it should matter whether or not they're considered adults, as even though going to high school is optional in japan (look it up), a lot of people still do it. It seems a lot of anime and manga nowadays tend to have fan service in it, and you better believe it has a negative effect on society.

Women are so overly sexualized in media and such these days, but they shouldn't be defined by their looks. And people being denied jobs and higher pay because they're female? ...Can this whole world just burn down...?

But in all actuality, I would like to see more unattractive characters in anime, particularly female characters because every girl is cute in anime, but that needs to stop.


I can't help but feel like you only read part of that post, so I'm going along with that assumption, but please do correct me if I'm wrong, I am certainly open to it. With that in mind, we aren't talking about whether or not high school is required or optional so I see no point in bringing it up, and am going to ignore for now, as it's a subject for a different kind of thread entirely. Sticking to the topic, the reason I feel like you didn't read the entire part of that entry, is that I called it out both ways, because it happens with males as well. I'm talking about over sexualizing either gender so I don't really get half of the issue I brought up being ignored. To be clear as well, because maybe I failed to do on some level, I have no issue with characters looking attractive, because that's going to bring people in to watch anime. However, beach episodes, hot spring episodes, any excuse in general to show young under-aged people in anything that can be over sexulaized is an issue.

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I can't help but feel like you only read part of that post, so I'm going along with that assumption, but please do correct me if I'm wrong, I am certainly open to it. With that in mind, we aren't talking about whether or not high school is required or optional so I see no point in bringing it up, and am going to ignore for now, as it's a subject for a different kind of thread entirely. Sticking to the topic, the reason I feel like you didn't read the entire part of that entry, is that I called it out both ways, because it happens with males as well. I'm talking about over sexualizing either gender so I don't really get half of the issue I brought up being ignored. To be clear as well, because maybe I failed to do on some level, I have no issue with characters looking attractive, because that's going to bring people in to watch anime. However, beach episodes, hot spring episodes, any excuse in general to show young under-aged people in anything that can be over sexulaized is an issue.


I did read through your post and what I was trying to say was that a high schooler being considered a adult, as you briefly mentioned, added to the fact that they are sexualized constantly in anime and manga, might give some people the idea that sexual harassment or things far worse is okay. I decided to focus on women because I felt it was a bigger issue, as I do fell they are overly sexualized in general.

It was not my intention to disregard your agrument, you're right in that it is a issue for both genders and I should not have focused on just one or the other, but I failed to get across what I was saying in either case.


You're right that a lot of what I said was unrelated to the topic.I should of posted those things in another topic, but really, in another place altogether, as it doesn't really have any impact if do it here. I apologize for that.

I was also careless with my words, I deeply apologize for that as well.

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I find the whole nosebleed thing pretty ridiculous. I've never understood why they did it, aside from trying to make a joke. To me, it just seems like a cliche that needs to be erased. I've never found it funny, and always thought it to be cringe worthy. I'd like to hear some opinions on it though! I loved the list btw. < 3

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I did read through your post and what I was trying to say was that a high schooler being considered a adult, as you briefly mentioned, added to the fact that they are sexualized constantly in anime and manga, might give some people the idea that sexual harassment or things far worse is okay. I decided to focus on women because I felt it was a bigger issue, as I do fell they are overly sexualized in general.

It was not my intention to disregard your agrument, you're right in that it is a issue for both genders and I should not have focused on just one or the other, but I failed to get across what I was saying in either case.


You're right that a lot of what I said was unrelated to the topic.I should of posted those things in another topic, but really, in another place altogether, as it doesn't really have any impact if do it here. I apologize for that.

I was also careless with my words, I deeply apologize for that as well.


No worries, as long as I understand where you're coming from, I can better understand what you meant, and now I can see that clearly. Your points are more valid than I first saw them, so my apologizes for that.


I find the whole nosebleed thing pretty ridiculous. I've never understood why they did it, aside from trying to make a joke. To me, it just seems like a cliche that needs to be erased. I've never found it funny, and always thought it to be cringe worthy. I'd like to hear some opinions on it though! I loved the list btw. < 3


Thank you first of all. I spent a decent amount of time on it so any feedback is appreciated, be it positive or negative. As for the idea of nosebleeds, I agree. I think it's just a little less important than what I had on my list, but is a rather tired joke that I wouldn't mind seeing go away. It wasn't funny when Master Roshi popularized it, and it isn't funny now.

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Boob Physics. It needs to die. (Any harem anime)


Characters being weaklings but then taking maasive beatings and not dieing or being overly strong and getting hurt from the tiniest thing (as in bleach)


Rushed endings that pass themselves off as "ART"


The OMG your so cute older womam character that always harasses everyone thats younger (Log Horizon)


Parent's hardly ever existing


The "I can't do anything so I'll hide in a corner till i realize I'm worth something character"


Episode 10 beach adventures


Episode 11 being a filler episode in 13 episode series


I could go on

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Boob Physics. It needs to die. (Any harem anime)


Characters being weaklings but then taking maasive beatings and not dieing or being overly strong and getting hurt from the tiniest thing (as in bleach)


Rushed endings that pass themselves off as "ART"


The OMG your so cute older womam character that always harasses everyone thats younger (Log Horizon)


Parent's hardly ever existing


The "I can't do anything so I'll hide in a corner till i realize I'm worth something character"


Episode 10 beach adventures


Episode 11 being a filler episode in 13 episode series


I could go on


Would you care to elaborate on these if that's alright? I think beach episodes and a lack of parents are kind of already covered in my initial post in a way because beaches plays into the over sexualized high school students, and parent wouldn't be an issue if we had more anime in them with older characters necessarily. If there's something I'm missing that can add to those points you made, I'd like to hear it. Also what about episode 11 fillers? That's a general statement that doesn't always apply, but if we're talking about episodes that don't fit the exact plot, or add anything to the characters, then that's not really something that can be fit into that one box. Also, it's a little bit harder to just be rid of those sorts of things depending on when an anime is commissioned for release, so they be a necessary evil of sorts, again, unless there's something I'm not understanding. I'd like to hear some examples of what you think are rushed endings as well, or why you'd pick out specific anime without giving examples of that trope being used elsewhere. I feel like your perhaps you might be pointing those ones out because they bothered you the most, but I can only assume so some clarification would be helpful for me and possibly others to get a better grasp of what you mean to say. Most of these just need some more information to be fully understood I think. If you don't want to, I understand, and that's fine, but I'd love to hear more about them if you don't mind.

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Would you care to elaborate on these if that's alright? I think beach episodes and a lack of parents are kind of already covered in my initial post in a way because beaches plays into the over sexualized high school students, and parent wouldn't be an issue if we had more anime in them with older characters necessarily. If there's something I'm missing that can add to those points you made, I'd like to hear it. Also what about episode 11 fillers? That's a general statement that doesn't always apply, but if we're talking about episodes that don't fit the exact plot, or add anything to the characters, then that's not really something that can be fit into that one box. Also, it's a little bit harder to just be rid of those sorts of things depending on when an anime is commissioned for release, so they be a necessary evil of sorts, again, unless there's something I'm not understanding. I'd like to hear some examples of what you think are rushed endings as well, or why you'd pick out specific anime without giving examples of that trope being used elsewhere. I feel like your perhaps you might be pointing those ones out because they bothered you the most, but I can only assume so some clarification would be helpful for me and possibly others to get a better grasp of what you mean to say. Most of these just need some more information to be fully understood I think. If you don't want to, I understand, and that's fine, but I'd love to hear more about them if you don't mind.


Rushed endings would be most 13Ep series, but not always. ultimately they don't adapt the whole source material and very little of them get a second season, thus leaving the anime Open ended or just not having a good or canon ending




Sankarea (Also has the EP11 trope I mentioned)

Mayo Chiki

Absolute Duo


The type of anime that start good but then fall apart near the end when the studios realize they need to wrap things up. For example and spoiler alert. Absolute Duo starts with his flashbacks about a horror in his life and yulie turning against him. It's even mentioned in episodes. But we never find out what happened. It's never explained. It's forgotten about in the rush to finish the show and cram more fan service in.


That kinda thing


(Even though two of them are harems which we complained about already)

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Ah, I see, now that I can get behind. In fact that might be a trope that needs to die on it's own. The whole adapting an anime that clearly needs more than one short season to be completed trope, or the "Incomplete Anime Trope." An anime that is made without the assurance that all it's plot lines will be resolved should stop. It seems like an excuse to make a quick buck off of fans and it not well liked or received.

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No worries, as long as I understand where you're coming from, I can better understand what you meant, and now I can see that clearly. Your points are more valid than I first saw them, so my apologizes for that.


No, it's alright, it's my fault for not structuring my post properly to begin.


Fan service is very prominent in anime, I think there needs to be less anime with it in it, because of the issue it creates socially. But beyond that, it doesn't really do otakus justice if the majority of anime have that kind of stuff in it, since we're already shunned upon by society, perhaps to varying degrees depending on where you live. And even if not, there ARE those of us that would simply prefer not to have this stuff in our anime, so they need to stop assuming that everyone who watches anime wants to have fanservice, as it seems the anime industry has been doing.

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Ah sweet anime... you forgot the male protagonist being perceived as a pervert for being seen in the worst possible moment..


Oh I fell and my hand landed on your boob damn and another girl walks in the vary moment or I landed between your legs even tho I was like 5 feet away oh my...


Thats anime it will never end

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Ah sweet anime... you forgot the male protagonist being perceived as a pervert for being seen in the worst possible moment..


Oh I fell and my hand landed on your boob damn and another girl walks in the vary moment or I landed between your legs even tho I was like 5 feet away oh my...


Thats anime it will never end


I kind of feel like that falls into the oversexulaization of high school aged students, but it does elaborate on it, so yeah, fair enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nudity in opening and ending animation, it's been really ticking me off lately. Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica is guilty of this, even though this show is fairly low in fan service, this still persists. Madoka is a 14-year old girl, so this is wrong no matter how you slice it. Momokuri also does this, and while Kurihara is probably 16 and therefore would be considered a adult in japan, Momokuri is a incredibly cute anime with essentially no fan service otherwise, so this seems misplaced.


Why do OP and ED animation teams feel the need to include this kind of stuff into anime that wouldn't have it other wise?

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Nudity in opening and ending animation, it's been really ticking me off lately. Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica is guilty of this, even though this show is fairly low in fan service, this still persists. Madoka is a 14-year old girl, so this is wrong no matter how you slice it. Momokuri also does this, and while Kurihara is probably 16 and therefore would be considered a adult in japan, Momokuri is a incredibly cute anime with essentially no fan service otherwise, so this seems misplaced.


Why do OP and ED animation teams feel the need to include this kind of stuff into anime that wouldn't have it other wise?


My last post, kind of the same thing here. But, I get where you're coming from, it does seem odd to have fan service in a show's opening or ending where it is otherwise completely nonexistent.


Let me actually add a new one and say, filler episodes where a has to make something from point A to B and a whole bunch of shenanigans ensue to make a simple task take a whole episode. These are annoying for a couple reasons, namely that these kind of things were often the tropes of short cartoon plots probably from the 1930's or so onwards, so they were already pretty old by the time they were being used in fillers, but the way they are done is a poor attempt at being manipulative because whatever item is important to either a one-off character, or it's for a major character and you never see it again, accept maybe in the background. Also, these episodes have an odd habit of "person getting thing has something person trying to get it to them does not" and somehow by the end, the person giving it to them learns a lesson about this and such. It's not a big deal, but it's really annoying and lazy, and can sometimes lead to the character totally breaking character just for that episode, only to act like they never learned the lesson they were supposed to, meaning the whole episode has no point, even as a filler.

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My last post, kind of the same thing here. But, I get where you're coming from, it does seem odd to have fan service in a show's opening or ending where it is otherwise completely nonexistent.


I don't like seeing Madoka used in this way, or any innocent character for that matter. I don't even want to read the other Puella Magi series anymore, because they might have fan service in them, in which I've zero tolerance for when it comes to this franchise. There's enough to deal with as is, why should I have to put up with this as well? If it's necessary for the story I would be more open to the idea, but that is almost never the case.


Let me actually add a new one and say, filler episodes where a has to make something from point A to B and a whole bunch of shenanigans ensue to make a simple task take a whole episode. These are annoying for a couple reasons, namely that these kind of things were often the tropes of short cartoon plots probably from the 1930's or so onwards, so they were already pretty old by the time they were being used in fillers, but the way they are done is a poor attempt at being manipulative because whatever item is important to either a one-off character, or it's for a major character and you never see it again, accept maybe in the background. Also, these episodes have an odd habit of "person getting thing has something person trying to get it to them does not" and somehow by the end, the person giving it to them learns a lesson about this and such. It's not a big deal, but it's really annoying and lazy, and can sometimes lead to the character totally breaking character just for that episode, only to act like they never learned the lesson they were supposed to, meaning the whole episode has no point, even as a filler.


It's a little unfair to say to be picky about filler, since they have to quickly come up with a idea for a episode or arc that did not exist before. Yet, do anime really need filler? Boku No Hero Academia doesn't use it and it's incredibly popular, if they could of had anime be seasonal before, ah but there's a reason they couldn't isn't there?

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I don't like seeing Madoka used in this way, or any innocent character for that matter. I don't even want to read the other Puella Magi series anymore, because they might have fan service in them, in which I've zero tolerance for when it comes to this franchise. There's enough to deal with as is, why should I have to put up with this as well? If it's necessary for the story I would be more open to the idea, but that is almost never the case.




It's a little unfair to say to be picky about filler, since they have to quickly come up with a idea for a episode or arc that did not exist before. Yet, do anime really need filler? Boku No Hero Academia doesn't use it and it's incredibly popular, if they could of had anime be seasonal before, ah but there's a reason they couldn't isn't there?


I think it's fine to be picky about filler. Naruto and Bleach both had good stories in their fillers so to see other anime fail to do that is disappointing, even more if it's connected to an already good anime. As for if anime need filler, as long as the medium continues to follow the same path of anime not being allowed to surpass a manga, and anime coming out at such a time where it will catch up, then yes. Stupid as it can be, the current way things are handled often leads to filler being needed.

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Can I add another one? I kept forgetting to mention it. But it's the trend of adding one symbol to the end of a anime title and that's season 2.

Like K-On! to K-on!! or Is The Order A Rabbit? to Is The Order A Rabbit?? (Can't wait for itOaR??? where things get really confusing, apparantly) or New Game! to New Game!! (This is annoying because it should of been called New Game! Plus or something)

Besides that there is Nisekoi; and Ore No Imouto Ga Konnani Kawaii Wake Ga Nai. and I don't know how this all started but didn't they stop to consider how confusing this might be?

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Can I add another one? I kept forgetting to mention it. But it's the trend of adding one symbol to the end of a anime title and that's season 2.

Like K-On! to K-on!! or Is The Order A Rabbit? to Is The Order A Rabbit?? (Can't wait for itOaR??? where things get really confusing, apparantly) or New Game! to New Game!! (This is annoying because it should of been called New Game! Plus or something)

Besides that there is Nisekoi; and Ore No Imouto Ga Konnani Kawaii Wake Ga Nai. and I don't know how this all started but didn't they stop to consider how confusing this might be?


I'll give you that one easy. I mean really, having to know which season is which by a simple "!" or "?" is both lazy and confusing.

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5. Stop the Harems, all of them. This is a trope that at a time was once compelling, used to make anime romantic drama's more enticing for fans, but as of late, both Japanese anime and anime style games have used it as a way to simply push one note characters who is a Mary Sue sort of protagonist who acts all flustered about the situation to show they have a good or innocent side, and they are often treated as though that's the best way to get that across which is foolish. They had ways to do it before the Harem idea was used, and a lot of people weren't tired of those. But hey, gotta get that sexy in there for all those lonely anime fans on prom night right?


This probably has little to do with what you're talking about here, but the problem lies in the other male characters--which are sometimes non-existent--where the secondary hero is usually a pervert, which wouldn't be so bad, if that weren't the only personality trait they had and they're usually so open about it too.

There still be more heroes with likeable personalities--but honestly I just want more relatable male characters in shonen/seinen anime, I'm sure you can agree?

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  • 2 weeks later...

10. I partially agree to this point. But, fact of the matter is, most readers of Shounen Jump are of that age, so, it makes it easier for them to connect to the characters. Heck, most anime I like are probably set in high school and involve characters who are young. But, I agree, it's becoming a cliche at this point. However, if done right, there's no harm. A great example would be My Hero Academia.

9. I completely agree.

8. I didn't get your point here.

7. To add to this, I end up getting disappointed when anime do have unique settings and they fail to capitalise on it, and instead focus on the wrong things. Examples include Akame ga Kill, which could have been a Full Metal Alchemist, but, became a joke(at least in my opinion) for what happened in each episode. Also, Blue Exorcist. I really liked the first 12 episodes. After that, you get boring high school stuff, beach episodes, and then suddenly, the final battle ensues.

6. To this I agree. That's one of the reasons why I wasn't invested in Clannad, and Elfen Lied.

5. To me, Harems are enjoyable when they are devoid of Ecchi. Or when they aren't the main focus of the series. A good example would be 'Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru'. Even if it is the focus, I don't mind it as long as the MC and one of the girls have equal footing, and the MC is not a punching bag. A good example would be Masamune-kun no Revenge. Not the best anime, I admit. But, it was pretty enjoyable.

4. I'm indifferent to it. If I want romance in anime, I specifically look for it, and I don't really mind whether it's straight or same sex.

3. I agree. This is one of the reasons why Fairy Tail wasn't appealing to me. It cuts right when the hit happens. The action is not visible. It's like a gif. I haven't really seen a lot of anime using this recent style, but, I can certainly see why it's a problem. I don't mind shaky cam when it's done like the Bourne series, but, when it's really bad like Taken 2, I get headaches. Even big budget movies like Doctor Strange suffer from quick cuts in close quarter combat sequences.

2. Again, this is something that depends on whether you know what you are getting into. If it's something like Hellsing Ultimate, it's warranted. But, I do agree, too much gore enters guilty pleasure realm for me. That's why Elfen Lied always seems like it was about to cross that line.

1. This is something I'm not able to understand either. Or maybe, I don't really mind it.


My qualms: Getting power-ups through shouting, misunderstandings.

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I've only seen a couple dozen shows or so, but quite a few of these have already shown up for me.


Overly sexual high school students.


Anime that get too sexual are boring to me. It's one thing to have a romance, but just extreme horniness or focus on tits ruins shows.


Stop assuming 99 percent of relationships are straight


As a gay guy I'd love to see more gay relationships, I've seen it in a few Anime with gay characters (Future Diary, one guy in Angel Beats kinda) but nothing ever happens with it other than them saying they're gay then the end.

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10. I partially agree to this point. But, fact of the matter is, most readers of Shounen Jump are of that age, so, it makes it easier for them to connect to the characters. Heck, most anime I like are probably set in high school and involve characters who are young. But, I agree, it's becoming a cliche at this point. However, if done right, there's no harm. A great example would be My Hero Academia.

9. I completely agree.

8. I didn't get your point here.

7. To add to this, I end up getting disappointed when anime do have unique settings and they fail to capitalise on it, and instead focus on the wrong things. Examples include Akame ga Kill, which could have been a Full Metal Alchemist, but, became a joke(at least in my opinion) for what happened in each episode. Also, Blue Exorcist. I really liked the first 12 episodes. After that, you get boring high school stuff, beach episodes, and then suddenly, the final battle ensues.

6. To this I agree. That's one of the reasons why I wasn't invested in Clannad, and Elfen Lied.

5. To me, Harems are enjoyable when they are devoid of Ecchi. Or when they aren't the main focus of the series. A good example would be 'Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru'. Even if it is the focus, I don't mind it as long as the MC and one of the girls have equal footing, and the MC is not a punching bag. A good example would be Masamune-kun no Revenge. Not the best anime, I admit. But, it was pretty enjoyable.

4. I'm indifferent to it. If I want romance in anime, I specifically look for it, and I don't really mind whether it's straight or same sex.

3. I agree. This is one of the reasons why Fairy Tail wasn't appealing to me. It cuts right when the hit happens. The action is not visible. It's like a gif. I haven't really seen a lot of anime using this recent style, but, I can certainly see why it's a problem. I don't mind shaky cam when it's done like the Bourne series, but, when it's really bad like Taken 2, I get headaches. Even big budget movies like Doctor Strange suffer from quick cuts in close quarter combat sequences.

2. Again, this is something that depends on whether you know what you are getting into. If it's something like Hellsing Ultimate, it's warranted. But, I do agree, too much gore enters guilty pleasure realm for me. That's why Elfen Lied always seems like it was about to cross that line.

1. This is something I'm not able to understand either. Or maybe, I don't really mind it.


My qualms: Getting power-ups through shouting, misunderstandings.


Number 8 I could have perhaps explained better, but think about it like this, we get tired of Hollywood using the same plot lines time in and time out, and anime has a habit of doing this as well. For example, we get introduced to a main character who has some huge character flaw but that ends up being their strength, so we hear the same lines about their character flaw at the start of the show, and the same ones once it ends up being their strength. Another example would be having the villain say that they plan to destroy the world or an enemy clan who is actually in the right using their own power or an Ex Machina item and they all say it the same way. Reusing lines and only adding in a little bit of dialogue that only works for whatever show is just lazy and tired to me.


Harems that do what you seem to enjoy are few and far between though, to the point where they could easily be handled in other anime without the harem. Unless or until that changes, I see no point in them. I do wish more would be done right, but I wouldn't expect it either.


Number 1 has a bit of history. When anime was first being brought to the West, voice acting for them was not taken very seriously. Lines were delivered poorly and were very cheesy. Meanwhile in Japan, who had been doing voice acting for a long time, was taking VA work as seriously then as they do know, but the problem was the voices sounded all the same. Over time in the west, voice actors like Steven Blum, Wendee Lee and several others were coming along who did take the acting seriously, and through them the quality changed, but Japan banked on the style of voice acting they used to hit nostalgia hard enough that they wouldn't have to change it. Given how so many people prefer subs over dubs, it's easy to say that they won that, but it also caused them to be complacent and never actually move the quality of voice acting forward, even though western voice acting was still improving in many ways. Japan it seems, has been teaching people how to sound the same for over 40 years now, and while occasionally you'll get a different sounding voice like Maka from Soul Eater and Natsu from Fairy Tail, for the most part, it all sounds the same, and I think it's gotten old. I also believe that letting different sounding voices into the genre will have a much more positive effect than leaving them be.

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We had a thread recently talking about tropes and have mentioned them elsewhere in other threads but I feel like making a list out of them might spark more conversation, more understanding, and might entice anyone else to make their own so here we go.








4. Stop assuming 99 percent of relationships are straight. To be fair, there is at least one anime I saw a trailer for recently that should be a part of the Summer 2017 anime season that clearly two men in a relationship, but then again, it looks like it's a typical high school drama in every other sense, and I already mentioned the problem with that. Plus, there's only one of these that I'm aware of and yet three anime out there trying to be Re:Zero? No thank you, that's not the kind of anime world I want to be a part of. It doesn't matter if it's Yuri, Yaoi, or hey, for the sake of being really compelling, a new anime genre where the main character is Bi and has a hard time choosing between someone of the opposite gender or of they same gender. A love triangle like that could make for some amazing story telling. It needs to happen more often, and in doing so, it might be a way to force anime as a medium to be taken more seriously by those who treat like it's still for kids.



This is the one that jumped out to me!


I love that I'm seeing more variety these days in this department. Its just so heart warming! And its truee , the same hetero plot/ relationship patterns and motifs become boring. you have to really be unique to stand out as a male/female character relationships from the countless fantastic character love stories that exist.


But Yuri!! on Ice was simply amazing, a beautiful , subtle yet so so adorable. Great male/ male love with of- age cast and a very unique story.

I also love when it is realistically portrayed, the questioning about which gender youre attracted to and subsequential love interests and dilemmas are explored. its just so much more relatable

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