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@Animedragon I would think so.

@Sakura It's not over yet though. There's still hope, right? No matter how small, you have to keep the flame of hope alive until you know for sure. ^^

@Zeref I didn't mean for what I said to have that effect. I wasn't thinking. ><

What was the first movie you ever saw in a theater(drive-in theaters count)?

Edited by Fenris XIII
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4 hours ago, Fenris XIII said:


@Sakura It's not over yet though. There's still hope, right? No matter how small, you have to keep the flame of hope alive until you know for sure. ^^


I pretty much do because I don't have a choice as there is clearly no moving on from it x.x So nothing more I can really do but hope.

5 hours ago, Animedragon said:

Oh dear, I hope she recovers. 🚑

I'm probably unique and some of my friends think I'm weird, does that count?

He's right I felt myself slipping into a heart attack about that statement 😱 lol

@Topic ~ I think the first movie I ever remember seeing in a theater.. Uhm that's actually a good question.. I think it was one of the Shrek movies when I was younger. I don't really remember but I remember being young and going to see Shrek.

Do you often eat dessert when going out to dinner or do you find that you are too full after dinner to even order dessert?

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I don't really order dessert anymore because of how much I devour at the entree(I think that's what entree means). lol

What anime character(s) do you resonate with the most?

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Hinata from Angel Beats and a little Shikamaru from Naruto too.

What is something that scared you the most in life?

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When mom crashed her car into a deer. I was just playing my Switch, so I wasn't paying attention as it was when all of a sudden we hear and felt a BANG that shook the whole car. Frankly I was shocked the car managed to make it home. Fortunately we crashed in front of the town though, so we didn't have to go far. Though the engine was smoking when we parked, and luckily it was a cold night so it cooled right off after she turned it off. Seems we've got some luck where it counts, but mostly we all just have rotten luck. She's since gotten the car fixed, but they fixed a few things wrong, so she needs to go back to them and try to find out about that. It was the most scared I've ever been in my entire life though. I'm someone who isn't afraid to die, but when something like that happens all at once it's still surprising in a scary way.

What's your favorite anime pet or animal-like companion?

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KIRARA from Inuyasha lol ~ Sooo cute, I always wanted a Kirara >< I used to have a stuffed plushie one but I don't have it anymore :c

Do you like to play with slime?

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Yes now again thanks to you with the slime ASMR, cracking clay ASMR, and soap ASMR feel very satisfying somehow you were right about it. 

Have you played any good games lately?

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Nop, you know me, just OSRS lol 

What's the weirdest thing you've ever ate or drank? 

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Does it count that I ate glue as a child? I guess this is the weirdest thing that I have ever ate 😅 I also ate octopus once which for me was very strange and I didn't enjoy it.

Are you doing something for this weekend that is fun? 

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Yes, hanging out with you bestie at my Dad's house 😌 Which was lots of fun since their was food & swimming. 

Are you more of a coffee or cocoa person? 

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Though I was an avid reader when I was younger, it seems in my adult life I like to watch TV more. ^^;

What's your favorite beverage?

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Sprite or lately I really like sweet tea a lot too. 

Do you like to take naps or do you find they mess up your whole day when you take one? 

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I don't like to take a nap in the middle of the day because than I have a difficult time to get up lol.

Are you going on vacation for this Summer? 

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Not really, just moving, but that is a vacation in itself I guess since I will be going to a new place.

Are you a fan of history? If so what parts of history fascinate you the most?

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Yes, I like to read about ancient Egypt, Vietnam War, and Japanese and Chinese history interest me the most. 

Do you have any good news about your life recently? 

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I'm finishing school/finishing my bachelor's degree in 3 more days, so that's pretty cool.

Do you have any bad habits? 

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I bite my nails sometime which I try to quit and have mostly succeeded. 

What is your current favorite music artist?

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Hard to say, I guess still TXT. 

How do you feel about the flat Earth idea?

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I can see why people used to think the world was flat because that's how everyone perceived it. I'm not fond of the idea, but it was a good stepping stone towards trying to learn more about Mother Earth. Although I can't remember when that was disproved or how.

Do you save room for dessert after dinner or are you too full to eat anything after it?

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I always say I am gonna eat dessert but then I'm always full after 😭 It's really such a tragedy ~

What are you planning to do over the coming weekend?

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5 hours ago, Sakura said:

I always say I am gonna eat dessert but then I'm always full after 😭 It's really such a tragedy ~

I always eat dessert when I'm at home, but I never have dessert when I go out to a restaurant because I object to paying more for the dessert than I paid for the main course.

5 hours ago, Sakura said:

What are you planning to do over the coming weekend?

Saturday would have been my late father's 100th birthday, so I'll be putting some flowers on his grave. Sunday I'll be going to church as usual, this Sunday it's my turn to run the sound and video projection desk.


What's your idea of a really great day out?

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