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Without a doubt my favorite season is Winter. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Even if I happen to slip and fall on a patch of ice when I take the trash can down our driveway. lmfao ^^; ^^; ^^; ^^; ^^;

Would you want to be a werewolf if you could retain some sense of yourself in wolf form?

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If I was a vampire I'd probably enjoy it, so probably 🧛‍♀️

What's the strangest thing you've ever witness happen and you couldn't believe it was real?

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  • 2 weeks later...

No i frequently go ghost hunting with @Sakura recently we toured the supposed most haunted place in America together called Waverly Hills Sanitarium on a private ghost hunting tour. Even went down in the death tunnel where they kept all the bodies stacked up :V 

Have you ever made contact with the paranormal before? 


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I can't say for sure, but I think so. I've had some weird experiences happen that can't really be explained with a logical approach. So yes, I would say so. 

Have you ever been to a concert? 

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On the weekends nocturnal on the weekdays forced to be diurnal.

Would you rather be able to solve any math problem by looking at it or be able to learn any language by looking at it?

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Zombie because at least I could probably fight them or outrun them and have a better chances. 

What was the highlight of the year 2024 for you?

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Getting to go to NYC twice and see 4 musicals on one trip and 3 on another. Plus getting to meet the performers and take pictures with them.

Do you have siblings and do you get along with them or fight and argue a lot? 

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On 6/2/2015 at 8:06 AM, Nuh1000 said:

Hm, someone asked me that question and I said theres too many xD, But I suppose if I had to choose one, I'd go with Abarat xD


Who's your favorite singeR?

Abarat sounds like an interesting pick! 😄 As for me, it’s hard to choose just one singer, but if I had to pick, I’d say Freddie Mercury—his voice was just legendary! What about you, who’s your all-time fave? 🎤🎶

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